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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just rolled out a hotfix which should fix this bug. Thanks both for reporting it.

This detail is great! Really appreciate it :D

Certainly is! Thanks for the find I will track down who is misbehaving.

I have patched the Save bug, let me know if it still misbehaves, still tracking the softlock.

(1 edit)

Interesting, do you know what day you hit this softlock?

I will try to get a patch out this weekend for you.

It should autosave each morning, then next time you open the game you should see a continue option. Let me know if it doesn't work how you expect it ;)

Thanks for playing!

This list is great! :)
I have done a first pass on the first 3 issues, the Tombola needs some more dedicated work anyway (I am sure you have noticed the placeholder upgrades) so will bundle that all together in a more significant update.

Thanks for playing,  glad you enjoyed it. Currently neck deep in a Jam at the moment but I will have a tweak this coming weekend and see if I can get them to behave better ;)

Both logic cubes need to be the same thing, for example two "gain cubes when powered on" logic cubes will combine into one. Giving you more space to fit more logic cubes in your machines.

I will make this clearer in a future update which will address a lot of bugs and fix the saving system so it properly saves everything you have earned.

Sorry about that, just released a hotfix which should solve that for you. Let me know if it doesn't!

Thanks for giving it a go, I have fixed the food and shop buttons, at the moment there is only one other type of food. If I get time I will see about doing a proper update to flesh the game out more into a proper experience.

You throw it into the machine with the wheel and it should attach to it. ;)

Dinosaur Games! Everything is clearly better with dinosaurs, having said that this game is super smooth, I love how fluid the animations and interactions are. It plays well and is so solid given it was made in a week! Impressive work!

This is such a charming game, I don't know why but your water graphic really appealed to me, that simple scrolling sea was surprisingly calm, then I wasn't expecting the shark. I struggled to control during the fight with the shark which made it feel a bit rough and pray for the best but honestly that might just be me being bad at the controls. All together a very charming game, Well done!

Getting such a big game done in a week is impressive! I ran into a few bugs but that is to be expected with the limited time frame and none of them needed a reset other than when I fell off the map ;) For such an ambitious project I am impressed by how well put together it is. Amazing work!

This game has one of the best uses of the theme I have played so far! I love the visuals you have for the storm, it feels both freezing but also a little cozy. Also you did well to making the calm before the storm feel the most panicked! Great Game!

The last crazy wave of this game was great! The way everything ramps up but you can ramp up your upgrades just as fast gives a great engaging end to a solid game. Well Done!

Nice little game! All the clues are consistent and finding out the details was quite fun to catch everyone. It would have been nice to be able to skip through some of the intro dialogue as I read it faster than it ticked through but that is a minor thing and doesn't detract from the solid game you have made, Great Work!

Really cool unique art! I also found the game play really engaging for an idle simulation style game. The difficultly really pushed you to refine your strategy to survive. Great Work!

I really like your take on the theme and there is clearly some strategy to balance in this game. I found the start initially a little slow and confusing, if you had more time added a little to the UI to show what the sugar and water income is would help with balancing out the values. But loved the strategy and feel of surviving the winter with careful placement. Great Work!

The polish on this game is insane. The visuals, and all the little effects really make this game pop in such a cool way, I love it! I did find it a bit difficult to figure out what to do at first, but then once I got to grips with it built a nice murder garden to be proud of. Incredible work!

The voice acting on this is great, and the game overall has a lot of polish for being made in a week so great work to the team for that! I did find the traps and defense portion to be a bit redundant as I would just end up fighting the enemies anyway, I think if you had towers which do damage or if the player had a weapon that had Area of Effect then it would give a purpose to bottlenecking the enemy. Then maybe you could add traps to refuel the AoE attack or something to charge it up. Either way for a week impressive work!

A nice little relaxing build game, your game looks really good, and the storm mechanic is so polishes and snappy it was a ton of fun just pushing the storms around. I initially got confused about the building so built 10 lumber mills thinking they just passively made lumber, but that may have just been me misreading the tutorial ;)

I love your calm mechanic, the way you have slowed down the music in rhythm as well felt super satisfying to pull off. I also loved your procedural animations on the feet, made me laugh watching the figures hot step everywhere. Really cool and enjoyable game!

Cool Game! As others have said being able to organically choose your difficult but accepting or rejecting people is a really cool idea. The action section of the game I feel would feel better if the players attack had better range and move speed for both the player and the enemies was increased a little, to give a more responsive but more frantic feel. But you definitely have a really cool idea here if you want to take it further after the Jam!

Thank you, appreciate you playing! :)

Nice job on getting the Dinos out! Most of them at least ;) 
Yeah I tend to be a bit ambitious in my concepts and definitely ended up with rough edges as a result but thanks for giving it a shot anyway ;)

Appreciate you giving it a go! Definitely some great feedback there, highlighting intractable is a great idea, will have a fiddle once the Jams done to see how better to communicate to the player whats going on. Thank you so much for the insight! :D

Thanks for playing, I have added Meat to my post-jam fixes, can;t have those dinos going hungry, I hear bad things happen when a T-rex is hungry! Appreciate the feedback! :)

Thanks for playing, will definitely give your game a go :D

Cool Game! I really like the visuals and the feel, the idea of sailing into the storm to get fish and desperately keep your boat afloat is great. I did struggle with the fishing min-game and still not entirely sure I got to grips with what I was supposed to be doing, and a lot of the interactions on the boat took me a whole to figure out so ended up sinking because I was just dropping an empty bucket on a fire or trying to fill it from the sea. But once I got how things works you have a great game here!

Nice Game! A nice use of the theme to create your calm farm followed by the aggressive human invades, I also do like the setting that your turned it on it's head and your just a demon at home being invaded by humans. This game definitely deserves more ratings, in future I would suggest building for WebGL in unity rather than PC standalone as that will let in run in browser and you will get more people giving your game a go as they don't need to download anything. Definitely good work for a game in a week from scratch!

Thanks for playing! :D

Thanks for checking it out! :)

Glad you enjoyed yourself! Yeah the game crash is an uncaught bug so definitely my end not yours but glad you managed to enjoy just messing around on a ship of dinosaurs at least! :D

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it before the T-rex decided to crash the game as well as eat the Stegosaurus! I swear you just can't trust dinosaurs.

Yeah definitely didn't give myself enough play test time this Jam but glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing!

A really solid little entry! I think you really nailed it on the head regarding bullet amount and spread as well as damage vs enemy health, it felt super satisfying to gun down the enemies but definitely didn't ever feel trivially easy so great work on the balancing. If you took this further some kind of upgrade system, maybe dropped after each storm would really add to the replayability. All told great job!

Nice game! I liked the whole go raid for materials and fill up your bag to get your upgrades addition to the wave defense model. It was cool, if you took this further it would be good to be able to upgrade your character as well as your base, like having a bigger view area or backpack etc. Got some potential here!

I love your take on the theme, the storm of customers is certainly the worst storm I know of! :D  I found the movement controls attach to the aiming a bit difficult to get to grips with, but I was playing on a touchpad so that might be on me. I did enjoy the silly feel of it though of just lobbing produce at customers. Tons of fun!