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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I love your take on the theme, the storm of customers is certainly the worst storm I know of! :D  I found the movement controls attach to the aiming a bit difficult to get to grips with, but I was playing on a touchpad so that might be on me. I did enjoy the silly feel of it though of just lobbing produce at customers. Tons of fun!

The controls are quite fun as a little minigame to try to navigate your ship through the storm. It was tricky to navigate and I struggled for a bit to understand what I was supposed to be aiming at, but once I saw the dock it clicked. Great work!

Great use of the theme, being able to learn the level but then having the storm make it significantly hard with the wind is a great idea! I did find the hazards blended in a bit so the warning symbols helped. Good work! 

The art is really cool, honestly thought you would run out of sprites but then increasingly new enemies kept turning up each wave with a different attack and everything. Amazing work, I did run into a bug in the shop, I didn't seem to have any money and could either upgrade everything or nothing which seemed like not the way it was intended ;) If you do any post jam tweaks I would suggest putting some visual feedback to one enemies get hit, just flash the sprite colours is often enough to give the player a nice bit of feedback that they are doing something. But as is, for a weeks work it is incredible! 

I quite enjoyed the controls on the ship, honestly wasted a lot of time before the storm just doing drifts around rocks and making patterns with my wake instead of the fishing. The storm itself was really cool and I love how the fish became more sinister! Well done!

I love your take on the theme, it's really great to be the one causing the storm. Unfortunately I seemed to hit a bug that I just couldn't get the storm itself to work, or at least I was doing something wrong as when I placed both markers nothing seemed to happen. But it was still cute to just watch their little ecosystem grow. Really fun, well done!

One button games are always really cool to see how you can make something so simple engaging and you have done a great job with it here! I personally didn't find much difference between the wizards as I just used a strategy of watching a specific spot on the screen and releasing when the wizard hit that spot, which carried me through the game. But the art was great and the animations were great, I even managed to both win and lose at the same time which looked really cool! Great work!

The game has come together really well, especially considering you made everything yourself! I really liked the twist of being able to place your own path alongside the combi finding for the towers, if you took this game further it would be cool if the path placement had more meaning, maybe by having enemies that can jump a path, or environmental features you could path through like frozen lakes or lava pits. You got a great concept here, amazing work!

I love the colour palette of this game, along with really tight controls and screen transitions you have a sweet little platformer here. Only problem being I suck at platformers so didn't even get to the storm bit! xD The amount of polish on the controls speaks volumes amazing work!

A really solid game, which is an achievement in and of itself for a game jam, but on top of that you have a fun and consistent art style and a nice little wind mechanic. Great work!

Your animation are so slick, a fun little wave shooter, but the smoothness of the zombie animation as well as how responsive the reload animation is were a honest delight. Great work for a week!

It's impressive how complete this game is in such a short span of time. You have managed to make a full card system as well as character/positioning game in a week, great work! 

Such a pretty game, the bugs were all really cool, I found myself just playing more to see all your bugs ;). I found the controls and the fight hard to figure out at first, and would benefit from some text tool tips or similar to let me know what an attack would do so I could plan appropriately, but given the time constraints you have done amazing work with all the art and everything. Well done!

You have a cool sonic vibe going with the art direction you have chosen which couples nicely with the arcade style of the game. I did find the player was quite slow and sometimes it wasn't clear what I took damage from, but that may have just been me being bad at the game ;). Congrats on the Game!

This game is one of the prettiest I have played in the jam. The art is gorgeous and the atmosphere is so cosy, from a gameplay side as well the feed back on the puzzles on what you had right and wrong was cleverly done allowing plenty of trial and error with different solutions. Amazing work!

The art in this game is gorgeous, I would have loved to have seen what you would have done with the enemies given time. Also kudos for the animations on the buildings, really fluid and polished. Great work!

The art in this is great, I love the simple but bold colours they work really well. The gameplay is also quite unique for this jam which is always a bonus, I did get lost the first 4-5 times I attempted it and couldn't find my way back to the base before the storm so maybe some kind of indicator/direction arrow would be helpful, but the core loop of gathering and upgrading was fun! Well Done!

I love how you have highlighted the path the enemies are going to take, makes the random location more of a challenge rather than a frustration. Coupled with the updating pathfinding you have a fun little tower defense game, some great polish too with those cutscenes and sounds. Amazing work!

This is a really cute little game, I loved how you expanded the upgrades as you went in to get bigger play spaces etc. It really did give me that brotato feel of just scratching the surface of what the game had to offer. Got to wave 6 before I blocked myself in with walls and slowly watched my inevitable demise, brilliant! :D

Had a lot of fun with this one! I especially liked your music choice for the storm, felt really frantic in a good way with the players run speed and the fast pace music, dodging the monster and cracking the crystals. Great use of the theme!

You built a really great atmosphere with this game, the little shadow effect is cool and easily overlooked but really does help with the creepy feel. With more time to work on it some different abilities/traits for each character would be a cool way to make them feel different (like maybe one is faster but one has a coin magnet etc.) Great work getting a game out in a week!

It's a cute little game, and I did enjoy how the AI "woke up" during the night and became more of a threat. I did find the core loop repetitive so would suggest halving the number of resources needed but making time go twice as fast so that players can get to the best bit quicker. Still got me playing a few times to try and beat it so well done!

The art in this game is gorgeous, those splash screens were incredibly evocative, and the increasingly creepy trees were cool. The gameplay itself was simple but effective and I didn't run into any bugs playing the game through which is certainly an achievement in it's own right. Great work all round!

I loved the feel of this game, frantically running out from cover to do some farming before being hit by lightning and the rising water level gave a great feeling. I couldn't seem to get the game to end, I had filled the bar at the bottom and was also submerged under water but other than being struck by lightning was stuck on what to do. But other than that one bug a great little game, well done!

Thanks for playing, I have added controls to the description and will make it clearer in game once the Jam has done ;)

But in essence if you find objects around the ship they will enter you inventory, then press the number they are in and click on something to see if it does things. Like using the straps on the wheel etc.

This game is beautiful, and that dragon is really cool. I really liked the concept as well of sneaking into the dragons lair. I had some viewport issues with the game that meant I lost some of the UI so couldn't leave the shop (playing with resolution 1980x1080) but still enjoyed and a really well polished piece for just a week of work! Great work!

Glad you enjoyed it! Will have to find out what that naughty Stegosaurus is doing to crash the game for a post-jam fix :)

Thanks for playing and yeah that was an oversight. I have added controls to the description page and will make it clearer in the post-jam version, thanks for the great feedback!

Really fun little loop, the random cheese upgrades were a great upgrade route and definitely made me a cheese fiend! It would be great to be able to see how much of each upgrade you have earned like in Risk of Rain 2, just to add another layer of satisfaction as some of the upgrades aren't immediately noticeable in game. Great game and tons of fun!

A really cool game, just simple enough to be immediately understandable but with enough complexity to hit that addictive quantity. Great work!

A great use of the theme applied to a platformer, your puzzles were also nicely spaced to allow the player to explore the mechanics at a good pace. Nice Work!

A nice simple game, pretty intuitive control scheme and some of the scale comparisons were fun.

How can you say no to a giraffe game!? Great little game, the opening sounds made me laugh and the controls added a nice extra challenge to the usual endless runner games. Not to mention the really cute art! Well done!

A beautiful game and the concept is really well executed. You created a nice interesting challenge with having to build your own staircase without getting trapped. The zooming out to see your progress at the end was a great move and I found really satisfying, amazing work!

Making your own engine to make this game is an truly impressive feat so already that is worthy of praise. You have a great starting point for a deeper game here where your block placement and what you place on top of could create a lot of additional strategy.  I would also suggest for readability it might be easier for the player to see the height of the towers if all blocks where the same colour on the same floor. Then at a glance you could see how tall your structure is. Great work getting this done!

You got a great solid idea. I like the concept of growing outside the arena after each fight, btu still being able to see the small arena. It gives a great sense of accomplishment and how far you have come. The actual gunplay could use a little more work if you had the time, some sound effects and little particle effects would really make it pop and feel satisfying. But these little polishes aside amazing work getting a game done in time! And with such a cool core concept! :D

Great idea! I ended up cutting a few corners on the controls as I had already sunk a lot of time into them so at the moment you can only assign controls to keys which have a letter/number attached. But definitely will experiment with this control layout and make it an option for a post jam polished version. I think your onto something here ;)

Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it. Probably spent a bit too much time on the controls and even then feel like they are a bit too difficult but glad it helped with keeping track of what on earth is going on!

Thanks for playing, yeah I was worried that the jiggling wasn't enough to free you from all situations, always a danger with physics based games! :)

Congrats on finding a bug! And also getting big enough to make it happen!
I will try and track it down for a post jam polish version ;)