I know...! Time flies...
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I played this because Oyku sent it my way - it was so fun and charming! I was shouting to myself running away from the human because I didn't want to get caught XD
All the aspects of the game worked together really well to create a short and sweet little experience - spotting an item on a shelf and going "ooo I bet I can collect that..." then trying to platform your way up to items whilst avoiding getting caught was made even more satisfying when you could then place collected items around inside your box.
Extra points for having a dedicated 'meow' button to express your victory when collecting an item too!
is it okay to download and use a font from, say, the BitFontMaker2Gallery (which is a great font site for pixel-art games btw) or do we need to make all the typefaces ourselves in the timespan of the jam?
For this game I wrote the physics for the movement and jumping from scratch with delta-timing implemented (or so I thought) but then also ran into these same issues when testing the game and was unable to resolve it in time. I used the framework Love2D for this submission and spent a lot of time writing the core systems for the game when in hindsight it may have been more productive to use something like Stencyl or Gamemaker instead to get the base 2D-platformer aspects completed quickly and allow for time to focus on more interesting and important gameplay elements. Our team had lots of ideas for Kirby-like gameplay mechanics such as stealing magic powers from defeating enemies that I would have loved to implement in our game but were unfortunately not able to be included due to time constraints. Thanks for playing and reviewing our submission :)
I had some technical difficulty with making the game framerate-independent and I know that it was effecting the physics at different framerates so this is probably a result of that. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do about it without rewriting the physics :(
If you're on a laptop, you could try plugging it into power and seeing if the game runs at 60FPS.
Thanks for playing and leaving such a big comment! Since I made the game with Love2D the only way I could export it was to an .exe with the .dll library files it needs to run so I didn't have much choice there. I feel like this game was a little more experimental than a traditional game with a win or lose state so I was happy with the game simply being a short experience that the player could explore the possibilities of in a few minutes :)
Thanks Kyle, I'd like to come back to this at some point in the future and finish it, lots of other people seem very enthusiastic about it too which is awesome :)
Also I'd just like to say thanks for putting the game jam on, the fact that my favourite group of internet folk were hosting a jam gave me the determination to work on this stupid game every day for a month so shout-out to you sir!
Hearing that honestly made my day, I was worried that people would be annoyed that I didn't include more of the ingredients from the game jam so thank you so much for the encouragement!
I can't promise that it will get finished any time soon as I have a huge backlog of unfinished projects to work on already but maybe someday I'll revisit it :)
thanks for the comments, that's awesome! Thanks for playing, I agree with the points you're making, I would've loved to change a lot of things in this and flesh out the story and gameplay more but I picked the worst week to join a game jam, I was so busy!
I'm not sure about the future of this game as my time to work on personal projects is so limited but I'd also like to see a better, polished version of this game too :)