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A member registered Jun 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for playing Clean Galaxy <3 <3 

Thanks for playing! <3

Thank youvery much for playing clean galaxy wellll increase the move speed a little when the jam end!

I love that you realized the little double interpretation, thank you very much for playing cleaning galaxy <3

Thank you very much for playing! yes the character moves a little slowly, we will change it at the end of the jam, the toilet monster is my favorite, you missed the boss! Dx 

Beautiful game, love the dialogues an the character portraits, i didn´t think about seeing a shoot em up of modular ships in a jam, congratulations! <3

Sacando el bug detallito del segundo que tendría que ser el boss final XD el juego esta impecable y muuy bien terminado felicitaciones!!

We were not generous when creating the hitboxes on the walls, that was the detail that we are going to take into account in the next game.

Thank you for cleaning the galaxy <3

Although personally these kind of games give me a lot of anxiety, i think the idea is very good and by adjusting some things like the lineart, the precision when grabbing scrap and the unity particles that make me loose the gameboy feeling a little, the game would improve a lot.  Still a great job!

Very nice game made me feel "vampire survivor" style game vibes. I really liked that the weapons have upgrades and that the hitbox is just the helmet. One thing that according to me would make more sense is that you can grab the powerups with the whole body, although that would perhaps make it easier. 

The idea of the game is interesting but there are two things that i didn´t like, first that sometimes when entering a new area i received damage unfairly because i had no way of knowing that there was a source of damage in that part, and the second is that in the artistic section there are pixels that have different sizes.

I really liked the art at the beginning of the game and the character sprite looks very cute. 

Goty del año 10/10

Thanks for playing Last Bullet <3 im glad you enjoyed it and very happy to see you liked my art XD really thanks!! <3 <3 <3 

(1 edit)

Well we have functional options, a very solid aesthetic and even powerups! in short, a very interesting and complete game for a jam, i also like that the theme is not only represented in the aesthetics but also in a game mechanic! Great game <3

Thank you very much for playing Last Bullet!  we are glad you liked it, means a lot <3

Hey! less is more is represented by the fewer bullets you have the more damage you do, the less life you have, the more the tombstone that represents your life fills up, and also the fewer enemies left on the level, the more speed of the game inreases.
It was difficult to represent it, we tried to make it noticeable by using color and size changes in the UI, but even so, in this type of "frantic" games, the UI is almost never seen.

Thanks for playing! <3

Hahaha Thank you very much for playing! i´m definitely not a born composer xD

Hey! thank you very much for playing Last Bullet! In the last hours of development we tried to add collidable objects to prevent the gameplay to be based on  running in circles around the map, but unfortunately the way the character was coded made it very difficut for us to add object that collide with,  so we couldn´t do it D,x, we have several rock and scary tree assets that we couldn´t use.

Again, thanks for playing and im very happy that you enjoyed it! <3

Thank you very much for playing Last Bullet! i´m happy to see that you liked it <3 <3 

OH wow I´m so glad you liked it! i made the pixelart <3 Thanks for playing Last Bullet <3 <3

The life bar seemed like a great idea to us that when taking damage the tombstone would fill up and when it was full you would lose the game, but in the end it was not very well undestood. What you say about the damage change seems like a great idea! We also thought about implementig a scoring system but in the end we ran out of time and we were very tired haha. 
We are very happy that you left us this feedback  and that you liked "Last Bullet" <3 when the jam ends we will probably make some modificacions and take the feedback into account again thanks! <3

Thank you very much for playing, we are glad you liked it x)

We try to show the change in damage with colors but it is true that the player does not look at the enemies when shooting but focuses more on dodging thanks for the feedback and for playing Last Bullet! <3

Thanks for playing! 

Hey Thanks for the constructive criticism, i´m not a composer either, that´s why it probably sounds like that haha. We´ll keep it in mind for our next projects. Thank you very much for playing Last Bullet!

I agree the idea was to add some obstacles on the map but it was a bit difficult for us to do it and in the end we didn´t have time, we also thought that instead of adding more weapons add modifiers to the revolver.
Thanks for the constructive criticism and for having played Last Bullet x)

Haha I´m so glad you liket it and thanks for playing last bullet <3

Oooh niice i had never played Prairie King, looks quite similar, thanks for playing Last Bullet x)

Thank you very much for the constructive criticism we really apreaciate it, we had planned add some powerups but in the end we ran out of time, the sound when receiving an attack is a really interesting idea, thank you again for playing Last Bullet! <3

Thank you Rosechamber it means a lot to me that you enjoyed the art x) <3

Thank you for playing Keichi! <3

Nice game, simple but very fun, grat job!

Thank you very much for playing! <3

Thanks! we aimed to be full retro, happy to see you enjoyed playing x)

Yes, the last stage can be surprising haha, thanks for playing!  <3

Woow thank you! <3 happy know you liked it <3

Thank you for playing! <3

Thank you so much for playing last bullet Fox! im glad you liked the goblins hahaha x,D

Thank you! very happy to hear that! x)  <3