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A member registered May 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really slick and plays well. This is not Battle Squadron, (which is one of my top 5 Amiga games), but it's really good in it's own right. Nearly looped it 2 times but ran out of lives.

Really great music and gfx. Took a while to get used to the movement. Definitely plays best with a joystick rather than a D-Pad. Would have liked the option for some sfx.

Looks great. I ran out of memory on an Amiga with 1MB Chipmem so I played on an A1200 instead. Plays a lot better with a D-Pad but my reactions were too sluggish finish it. My friend had this back in the day on the Megadrive and I was rubbish then.

I really love this one. Lightning fast and plays well. After crashing into other cars so many times I really wanted to knock the other cars off the track if I was ahead of them and they crashed into the back of me.

The eyeballs were very annoying but I persevered and finished the level and ended up liking it quite a bit. Nice work.

Really nice gfx and presentation even if some is AI generated. Couldn't get it to work on a 1MB A500 so tried on A1200 instead. A cat wouldn't be defenseless against snakes etc. so avoiding them and not getting snagged on scenery took some getting used to. Collected all the items and got the girl following but couldn't figure out what to do after that. Game would sometimes exit when I tried to play a second game.

I don't know if the levels are original but interesting puzzle game. Fairly polished too. I can see myself playing this one again.

It's Tetris. Plays well. Nice fonts. Only Amiga!

Really nice graphics and presentation. Cool UX/UI. Legendary mouse pointer. I suck at this game. My cannons were getting wiped out by horses.

I guess I must be the only person that doesn't know how to play Minesweeper. Would be good if there were some instructions or a tutorial or something as I was confused whenever I lost. Other than that really slick.

Not my kind of game but I really like the music and the HAM graphics and overall presentation. Plus points for doing something different.

A lot of work gone into this one. Cool to see all the layers of parallax and even animated parallax running so smooth. My only criticism is it's way too hard if this is the first level. I would slow down the enemy and projectile movement a bit and give more time to navigate the punching fists. I could never keep onto the 3 way powerup. Also if you are going to restart the level immediately keep the player invulnerable for longer so you don't immediately take a bullet to the face.

Good game. Nice music. Cool attack patterns. Needs some meaty sound effects. Runs slow on an A500 so played on A1200. Interesting parallax background effect.

Version 0.10 is out and should make the game run with less hitches on different systems.

I've finally got version 0.10 out!

I fixed the crash and restructured a lot of things to try and make the game more system friendly.

The game should also now run at the correct speed during the loading screen and the frontend if you have an accelerator.

I also fixed some nasty copper glitches when the map preview scrolls on and off.

That's some good trouble shooting! There is indeed an issue when the text turns green which I found the other day.

It is writing into a memory address that has not been set properly. I don't know how I got away with it but somehow did.

I think this is also behind the crash on exit.

I have been working on a version 0.10 for the last few days to fix this issue and make the game more system friendly.

I've noticed the game running too fast on some systems and also glitching when the map comes on.

Unfortunately it is taking me some time to get this version done as the process of making the game more system friendly is throwing up it's own issues.

Thanks for the video.

Game was very nearly called "Ultimate Violence". Maybe I will save that name for a future version.

I had actually considered a "No Blood" mode that tamed down the violence but it got pushed to the bottom of my Todo list.

I was so hoping someone would make a video like this!!! It was very entertaining for me to watch!

Thankyou. I was worried making a multiplayer game maybe it would get overlooked. :-)

And thanks for your suggestions. I've said if people enjoy the game then I will continue working on it.

I always planned to let people customise the game how they want to play.

I did have plans to add Team Deathmatch and Capture the Flag but had to leave a lot of things out because of time.

Hey thanks for the high praise! :-)
And thanks for adding it to AmigaLive. I had that in mind when I decided to add the 4 player split screen mode.

Extreme Violence 2 v0.9 Longplay video:

Extreme Violence 2 v0.9 Longplay video:

Version 0.9

- If a player gets several kills in quick succession an announcer will say "EXTREME"!

- AI Bots should be able to correct themselves if they get stuck going around in circles for a while.

I've uploaded an LHA archive. It seems to run in Workbench for me on an A1200 but that is using WinUAE.

Version 0.8 emergency fix!
A crash was reported to me when starting a 2 player game with no AI players.

It was a 1 line fix that took about 3 mins to diagnose and fix after it had been reported.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Version 0.7 uploaded just in time!

Recent bugfixes:


- AI will attempt to dodge incoming bullets.

- Improvements to the AI path finding.

- Players should no longer be able to get walled in when level generates.


- Enabling the Extra Joysticks should not crash the game when temporarily re-enabling the system.

- Radar dots are now the correct colours for all players in horizontal split view.

- Option to turn on/off permanent blood splats.

- Option to turn on/off spectating other players until after all human players are out.

Thanks for the video Saberman!

Music and presentation are ace!

I love the vertical parallax and the gfx in general, very fluid and arcade like. (Not sure I love how angry this game makes me!) It is very impressive for how long it took to make. Scorpion Engine is so flexible, it rules!

This is a great Amiga port. I had a lot of fun with it. Music and sfx are spot on.

I really love this! But I'm a sucker for vertically scrolling shooters and it's really nice to see one that isn't set in space. The speed you have achieved is phenomenal and all those multiplexed sprites is no mean feat. I wish I had a showcase as slick of this when I was making my vertically scrolling shooter in Blitz. One day...

This looks like an arcade game! Love the subtle palette. Moonstone/Capcom vibes. With maybe a few different enemy types I can see this being a lot of fun. Only negative is I don't think I will be playing this on recommended settings outside of an emulator.

Incredible graphics and fun animations. In your face chip music. Can't wait to see the full game.

Really impressive game. Particularly the procedural elements and the insane gamepad support. The online high scores also are a very neat touch. Lots happening on screen and everything bouncing merrily to the music. A complete package!

Any future versions of the game will appear on this project page:

(I fixed a few of the bad bugs that were in the submission version.)

gameplay video:

Your logo is really nice, as are the menus and the building gfx. I am really bad at these types of games. Not sure I got the hang of road building. I placed a bunch of stuff and everything seemed to work well even though I wasn't sure exactly what was happening. I feel this is a good game with a bit more guidance to the player.

(1 edit)

I had to play this game on suped up emulator settings as playing at A1200 speeds the game would freeze for 5 seconds between every move and I didn't have the patience for that. The interface is really nice and the mini map works well once you work it out. Overall I can see the making of a great little game. But definitely in need of some sfx to add atmosphere. Nice looking title screen and intro logos.

Very nice car sprites and track designs. The controls felt good but I was really bad at this game! One wrong mistake and I know I am going to finish last as the AI cars are just too damn good and don't seem to make any mistakes. Maybe if you didn't stick to the sides of the tracks and reflected off them at a reduced speed it might not be so punishing? Maybe some rubber banding too if the AI cars get too far ahead? Good effort though, with a few refinements I can see myself coming back to this.

Very cool ninja setting and great looking pixel art. Fun speech samples. Gameplay was a little slow but once the eyes started shooting back they don't give you much time to dodge.