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Play as the Bomb Games

A member registered Mar 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Congrats on 3rd! This was one of our favs, so it’s humbling to be up there with you! Will definitely give 2.0 a spin when you upload it

Congrats on the win!

This is excellent. I've sunk a lot of hours into games like WarioWare over the years and this really captures the vibe of those completely off-the-wall, surrealist minigames. Delicious and unique entry. Good work!

Nice! Really unique little mini game. Fun to see a bit of a horror vibe squeezed out of the Nokia limitation. Good work

(1 edit)

This is really cool! Felt like an old school side scrolling adventure game, where you'd have a nicely illustrated paper manual to flesh out the world and explain the mechanics. The arrow leading you to the clues is a nice touch and I liked the randomised boons. One tweak I'd suggest is maybe having a single interact key for chests, doors and switches to simplify the control scheme even more (as you only need to do 1 of those actions at a time). Great work and I could definitely see this being fleshed out more!

Loved this! Such a unique entry and a fun riff on the theme too. Having the option to play on an actual phone was a great touch (excuse the pun) and definitely felt like the best experience. That combined with authentic multi-tap typing really boosted the immersion!

It took a while for that mid-2000s SMS typing muscle memory to kick in, but when it did, it started to feel much more fluid than I expected. The glossary and single letter shortcuts were really helpful too. It might be tricky to implement but if you were thinking of developing it further, it would be cool to add the T9 predictive text model the 3310 used to speed things up even more.

This style of game very much hinges on the writing and you've done a great job there too. Just the right dose of humour and I like that you threw in the odd option just for fun (I've played way too much Monkey Island not to instinctively try to pocket any syrup I see lying around...). Great work!

Nice! I've played that chrome dino runner game a lot and this felt like a great implementation of that idea. Would have loved to play this on my Nokia back in the day. Nice touch adding the variable jump height and day / night cycle. It would be great to see a few animations added, maybe a little flap for the penguin jump and something when you hit an obstacle. Great work!

This is really cool! Love how you've brought 2 mini games together in a way that feels thematically consistent and brings some variety to the gameplay. Nice visuals too, has a lot of charm and character (which can be tricky to pull off within these restrictions). Great work!

Revisiting some old Nokia 3310 Jam years. Absolutely love this - such a cool little idea and so well made.

This is really cool! Took a while to click, but when it did, that movement was super fun and I enjoyed the puzzles. Congrats on a unique little game.  Great work

Nice. This would make a great little warm up exercise before doing some coding!

Fun little game with some nice visuals and animation. It really reminded me of classic side scrolling adventure games like Flashback, which I loved growing up. The temperature mechanic with the furnaces worked well and was a good spin on the theme too. Great work!

haha...seriously! I've been teaching myself to code for a little while and have made some squares move around the screen with RayLib / played around with Scratch, but this is the first time actually sitting down and making a game of any description. It was definitely a trial by fire, but we've been talking about doing it for years - so it was super satisfying to finally make something! Thanks for playing and for all of the encouragement! We will 100% be developing the idea further post-jam (probably rebuilt at a higher resolution) and have a tonne of ideas we had to shelve because of the limitations, so watch this space...

Wow, thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing and sharing some feedback! The player ice cubes despawning on death was quite an intentional design choice (for a few reasons), but we know it's not for everyone. We're going to be developing it more post-jam, so we'll definitely add a 'chilled mode' which adds that option for players who want to focus more on the puzzles

Definitely hear you about the UI / blind jumps too. A basic UI for the block count and a more dynamic camera were on the list, but we prioritised getting the core mechanics solid and working well for the submission deadline. Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing and sharing some feedback! That was quite an intentional design choice (for a few reasons), but we know it's not for everyone. We're going to be developing it more post-jam, so we'll definitely add a 'chilled mode' which adds that option for players who want to focus more on the puzzles :)

Thank you so much - glad you enjoyed! We're planning on developing it further post-jam, so that's very encouraging

Thanks - that's great to hear!

Thank you so much - glad you enjoyed it! We're planning on developing it further post-jam, so that's very encouraging

Thank you- really glad you enjoyed!

Yes Bread - we appreciate you!

Thanks for the feedback - the transitions were the last thing we  implemented as the deadline was approaching, so we'll definitely be doing some fine tuning there. Glad you enjoyed!

Love this! Never expected to see Snake re-imagined as a platformer but it's a really fun idea that works well. I enjoyed experimenting to understand the movement and really liked that you can sort of wind back on yourself to reach higher blocks. I had a good laugh the first time I fell off completely and saw the little animation when the snake hits the floor too. Good work!

Enjoyed it! Felt like a fun little mini game from something like WarioWare. Loved the little faces changing as the ice cubes melted - made me feel bad for the ones I didn't make it to in time. Good work!

Woah - excellent work with the overlay on this one. Just had to play by clicking the buttons and could almost feel that click below my fingers. Fun game, would definitely play this on my 3310 at the back of the bus back in the day. Good work!

Really cool and unique little game. Good job with the design too, all feels super clean and readable. Great work!

Really enjoyed this! Great visuals, solid movement and you've captured the timeless joy of rushing through a level while collecting masses of coins. Good work all round!

Great little puzzle platformer! Love the design, overall visuals and all the mechanics. Took a bit of time to click with the controls but had a lot of fun with it. Nice touch with the look around feature too, worked really well. Good work!

Off to a good start, despite being unfinished. You definitely have a solid core idea to develop further and  could have a lot of fun doing sound design to accompany the frequency scanning mechanic. Well done for submitting!

Fun! Great visuals and level design - all well implemented in the Nokia limitations. Brought back a lot of nostalgia this one. Good work!

Cool idea! Great visuals and such a good choice to have it in portrait. Had me dusting off the old Sekiro skills this one. Good job!

Nice! Really like the combo of the freeze and secondary abilities - felt like a good 'get out of jail' option to have in my back pocket when I was getting swamped. Good work with the sprites and animation too, character movement looks and feels good. Great work

Love it! Really cool take on the SuperHot time mechanic. Great work with the visuals and sound design too - I liked that the character movement kind of sounds like a cassette on fast forward. Picking a cat as the character was very fitting too, given their very impressive reflexes. Good job!

Fun little game! Nice challenge to it, so it felt satisfying to get through each level. I kept laughing at my own inability to be patient with lasers - no matter what game it is, as soon as I see lasers, I have to live dangerously and go full speed through them. Good job!

Fun little game. Great sprites, animation and music. Would like to play again on an upressed version, as it was pretty tiny on my monitor. I suppose that did make for a much more authentic Nokia gameplay experience though! Good work!

Fun game! Riffing on that SuperHot time mechanic is a great choice for the optional theme and being able to independently roll time forwards with the down arrow. is a nice tough. Found it pretty tricky at times but the level design is great and you do want a bit of a challenge from a game like this. Loved that little dino sprite too. Good work!

Enjoyed this! I love this type of block puzzle and you've definitely given it a new twist with the interconnected levels. Great design and style too. It has a lot of character, which can be hard to pull of in 1 bit. Good work!

Looks cool. Will definitely check back, if you can get the upload fixed!

Love this! Fun concept and setting, good bit of light humour and some great puzzles. I think the unpredictability of the physics system actually helped me to get into the role of hapless intern. When I accidentally got the freezer caught on a platform and managed to generate enough force to launch it off screen at 100mph, the first thought that popped into my head was "uh oh, the boss isn't gonna be happy about this". Great little game, well done!