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Posh Sloth Games

A member registered Feb 21, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you! We all enjoyed watching you play our game, and loved the detailed feedback!

Thank you so much for the kind words. We're so glad you enjoyed our little game!

Tally ho! Off to forge art I go!
Reminds me of something that would be on a Jackbox pack. Great work!

I was bamboozled! Who was real and who was the imposter?
In the end It was just down to guesswork. Excellent execution, pun intended. :)

A labyrinth, what a wonderful idea for a computer game. ;)   
I found it quite difficult to take care of the Unfriendlys in your game, the camera spun me around more than a merry go round at a carnival. Though I do love the general premise of the whole ordeal, the control held me back from enjoying it to its fullest extent. I would very much care to try it with a fixed angle or another perspective. 

Loved the artistic vision. Truly a splendor from years yonder. The atmosphere of your game just gives me the willies. and reloading one bullet at a time, only added to the tense nature of being pursued by spectral beings. I quite enjoyed my time with it. Good show old bean. 

Marvellous lightwork! My word, can you imagine if I had to walk my grandmother to her counsellor through hordes of invisible shadow-men? Surely I would be the one in need of counsel by the end of it.

Good show old chap! I do enjoy a good collectathon. What a beastly thing to say to a child; that they'll never amount to anything. My own father insisted I pay off his debts. What cheek! I'd have a thing or two to say to his father if I had him here; out behind the old woodshed wot wot.

We're glad you enjoyed it! Were you able to make it out of the labyrinth?

Glad you had fun! The mouse sensitivity and wall clipping have been our most frequent reports. We will remedy such issues in the future.

(1 edit)

When I sort by "Most Karma" the first game that comes up belongs to someone who has made two comments in the entirety of the game jam, and beyond that hadn't commented anything for almost 300 days. Do you have any insight as to how the karma system works, and how games are sorted by karma?

Ah the frailties of youthful ambition. It reminds me of my days at university writing sonnets to woo the ladies. I have come a long way since those days.

We appreciate your perspective! We will be sure to remedy such issues in the future. We hope you enjoyed our game. We wish you well this jam.

We try everyone's game who shares feedback on ours. Indeed you have succeeded in finding your way out of the labyrinth! We hope you enjoyed!

Flying is a marvellous experience. I do wish I was better at it in this game. Good thing my RAF flight instructor isn't here to critique my form.

The downloadable might perform better. In any case we will do our utmost to prevent performance interruptions in the future. Thank you for your perspective. We wish you well this jam!

Okay normally I would make a comment with a posh british accent, but this game is great. Gives me real portal vibes, and it's so unique with viewing the green and blue objects. Although it was fairly tough, the reward of finally finishing said puzzles is so worth it. That last puzzle was so hard for me, but eventually I was able to prevail. Please make this a full game!

This game's atmosphere was quite unsettling in the best way possible good chap. I'd rather loved the eerie sound effects paired with the music playing in the background. The replayability is quite strong, indubitably, good show!

(1 edit)

I say, good show ol chap! The atmosphere you were able to create was top notch, much like good ol London in the early morning. Ahh, although I did find myself brute forcing my way through, trying every combination doorway, I was able to complete the game. I only wish that I could skip the dialogue when I have heard it before. But overall, good game, and I'd love to see more in the future. Good show!

Ah, jolly good memories. This reminds me of the time when my gracious grandmother wanted me to fetch some vapors, apparently I took too long and she dashed away to fetch them herself. Through my own peepers did I see my grandmother dash away in our horse and buggy, I thought she was flying with how fast she was going! But anyway, charming game, I'd love to see a full release, good show!

I say good chap, this game had me initially fairly confused, but that is my fault. After reading the instructions and the goal of the gameplay, I have gotten used and rather enjoyed myself trying to dodge the enemies by switching those intricute dimensions. I'd love to see more levels in the future, good show!

I say sir or madam, the concept of the game is rather very unique, I rather love the paranoia the main character I'd assume would be having when looking at themselves in the mirror. I did have some trouble learning the technique needed to survive, but I did slowly get used to the controls and how to go about handling the ghastly things. But overall, good show!

Good heavens, that gave me quite a fright! I rather enjoyed the complexity of it all, was he dreaming or wasn't he? Kept me in suspense the entire time!

Thank you! Anything you like about it in particular? Any recommendations would be equally helpful.

Thank you! We were striving for an early 90s aesthetic. Glad we were able to deliver.

What dreadful luck. I can't seem to get past the menu when I use a keyboard.

(3 edits)

Thank you! The illusionist was our favorite part. I think all there is to know about the jam is that playing other people's submissions helps you to get noticed. If you sort by "Most Karma" those are the people who are most likely to play your game. Its not a guarantee though. I believe getting 20 reviews in the 2 weeks qualifies you to appear in the live-stream. Have fun playing other people's games! We here at Posh Sloth believe you deserve more of the spotlight!

A remarkable game. Jolly good combat. I do wish that it was more obvious that I could use the eye of disillusion without acquiring something first. Now I know that I simply must have my magic up. Good show!

Good show! What a delightfully polite fellow. Jolly good game! I'm glad to have my real cursor back. Ahh, the things we take for granted.

My wife insisted on playing on her mousepad. Perhaps we should consider that in the future as well. We thank you for your insight.

The atmosphere is tremendous! It would be rather difficult to find my pipe in the dark when I'm not supposed to look in the direction I'm going. Jolly good show, chaps! Jolly good show.

We do hope you will tell us how your experience was different between versions. Specifically we expect the mouse sensitivity to be tighter.

Thank you for your insight. The feedback we've been receiving has been tremendous! We want to ensure these issues are remedied in our future works. We thank you for playing our game.

Reminiscent of my primary days when I would jump from tile to tile. Jumping into a white tile meant certain death. Worse still if you were caught without a hall pass. Good show! Lovely shader work.

Just want to follow up on the camera issue. For the best experience we recommend using the downloadable version.

Following up on the issue of getting stuck, you can actually move through the walls even if you don't have the object in question.

Just want to follow up on the mouse issue. For the best experience we recommend using the downloadable version.