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A member registered Sep 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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That looks awesome. I couldn't start it, tried pressing the Play button but it didn't register the click at all. 
On linux.
Maybe because I'm on a wide screen? Resolution 2560x1080 

Hey man thanks for trying. I feel your frustration, I was cringing a little bit for all the bugs you've encountered, it really needs more work. Great suggestions I will incorporate into future versions, good advice for the turn indicator, it really is not clear how the combat works now (and it's also bug ridden). Some bugs I never saw before, like having no spells at all and what the hell happened in the shop?!?!?! lol 

After like 20 mins you got smarter to not run into encounters all the time, that's good I guess.

Thanks again for your time.

I like the theme of the game, reminded me somehow of doom with the font. 
This might be the first time I play a game like this, for that it was straight forward to learn.

I did have a issue which might be related to my hardware, I played on a laptop with touchpad and whenever I moved with WASD, I wasn't able to move the mouse. I know it's meant to be played with a real mouse and not a flimsy touchpad, but still this looks like a bug to me, wonder if I'm the only one that had this. 
Because of that I couldn't progress much.

The visuals are cool from what I saw, the color pallete works well, monsters are clear to see.
When monsters die they leave these tokens on the ground, I wish there would be some sort of effect on them, like a glow or shine or something.

(2 edits)

Hey thanks a lot for your feedback, I hear you on the lack of player guidance, I'm working on that right now. 

The window mode is set now to "always on top", there will be a option for that. It's easier for me to test things that way. You're right it's best to play in window mode on a standard PC's, it's not meant to occupy all of your attention but run on the side of the screen while you watch a video or work or whatever. I'm toying with different ideas when the player wants to use it fullscreen, maybe keep it a certain size and then have different kind of borders, different layout, idk.

Music is kind of a problem right now because it's such a important aspect of any game and I still haven't found someone I can work with reliably, I don't want to resort to downloading free music but I guess I have to because no sound at all sucks.

Glad you like the art style, I'm not a artist myself so it takes a lot of iterations to get the sprites right, but once it looks ok, it's very rewarding. I'm happy people still can appreciate this style. 

Regarding the grey dot on the map, it was a blinking dot before and I broke it in the rush while getting this out, sorry about that. Thanks for catching the typo too! 

Lots of work ahead, I keep pushing to implement all the feedback I got for the next version. Really appreciate your time and honest thoughts.

I like the art in the intro a lot, but the animation was somehow smearing ? I don't know the right term, maybe it's just me. The art in the game looks kinda different and simplistic, I wish the characters would be more detailed somehow, I still liked it overall.

Combat is fun, I like the grab mechanic. Nice touch you can lock on a target, well implemented too. Tutorial was well done, but I didn't understand how to use the crossbow and I just died in the room with the poison dudes spamming their poison. It was also pretty challenging, I died a lot which was good to learn the combat, it's challenging and rewarding when you get it right, well done!

I liked the exploding sound when a enemy dies, but I didn't vibe with the music too much.

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I think the gameplay concept is unique and interesting. The tutorial was a little rough, I don't like reading too much and the tutorial was just too much text and attention that was required of me, I guess it's just me, I can't play complex, text laden games. I think just a little try and error would work to get the player going as the gameplay is straight forward, press in the direction and you get a instant result which would teach the player quickly what works.

played for a bit, I like the fast pace, reminded me of a fps from the past that I forgot the name of. Enemy design is really cool. I stopped playing because I died twice in the same spot, when picking up the red key card, she just fell into a hole somehow, that frustrated me and I stopped. Love the secrets, you get the rocket launcher as a reward for exploring corners, excellent! Graphics needs to be a tad more grimy, don't know if that's the official term :)

I thought it's just guessing and wanted to quit it right away, but it is a set of rules each enemy applies. I played to the Robot and then the gameplay felt kinda flat for me. Graphics are great, music is great, I like the enemy designs. It's pretty cool all in all.

checked this thing out, I see it's a early prototype and for that it has potential. I like the audio. The fact that she's naked reminded me somehow of Kingdom Death: Monster, of course I don't know what you have in mind for this but something in a similar universe would be awesome.

The controls: I like the combat, it feels snappy, plus the munchy sounds make it fun to punch enemies. The camera movement is unique but you get used to it quickly. There are some instances where the camera is just showing the obstacle, I think this is hard to get right but it is a good start for what it is. Maybe damping when it would be too close to a wall and avoiding the obstacle moving upwards would be a idea.

The graphics look very placeholder, I guess that's not a surprise to hear. The model has some crazy walking animation, what happening with her hips ? lol
I think it only has the training mode, I wasn't able to do anything else but training.

Hey thanks so much for your honest feedback. Yes the content in the map is very minimal at this point, I was focusing on the combat in this version. I have a tutorial on the top of my list. I had this mindset that a game does not have to use tutorials but it really is necessary to get players going and not frustrate them with such a niche game. I will look into the ration issue you had, seems like a bug on restarting the game. Great Idea with the inverted colors to signal what is clickable.

In combat you are able to choose the character, if he's not exhausted. Meaning you can choose to act with the Beastmaster or the Fox ( it's not a wolf) in each turn until all your creatures are exhausted. I will put all this info and more in popup windows in a tutorial mode.

I work alone on this game and it's getting harder to see the things that are annoying or make no sense, I'm really grateful for this Jam and the AGDG community as I always get great feedback from you all. Thanks again for your time !

Hey thanks a ton for your feebdack!

Super good info to receive, especially with the inability to scroll the textbox, I never thought of that lol. 

Inventory is not implemented yet, a lot that happens on the map is placeholder built up for future parts of the game. 

For the battle, I will put the player aid/tutorial on the top of my list.

Thanks again

high quality art and sound, hats off. If the pause after she lands would be a tad shorter I would enjoy the controls more, otherwise it feels to heavy.  Combat feels good and balanced, I like the combos and the airtime.

I skipped most of the intro, way to long for my attention span.

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I like the concept, reminded me of lost vikings.

I liked the human animation, i.e looking up; the spider legs, sometimes she holds up one leg, love these details. 

Sometimes there's french text all of sudden. 

I played until the cave level and think that's the last one.

When Chloe the spider holds the spring and drops it, it just falls straight down, I think it would be better if it would fall a little to the side, which would be helpful in the level with the books in the background.  

I kept thinking how something gruesome is lurking around the corner, but there was no such surprise, then I was thinking if the dev is a child himself, just some thoughts I had while playing it :)

Cute graphics and funny dialogue, keep it up!

thanks for your feedback, that's the main problem I hear people have and I will be implementing tool tips and explanations of some sort in the comming version. 

thanks a lot for the feedback, that's next on my list to get some explanations in

so, not sure if that is intended, but my godot folder which stores gamedata for every godot game I play, blew up to almost 7 gig for this game. Can you try the linux version and check the godot folder? I haven't tried the new version you uploaded

The folder is in: 


I felt my brain shutting down playing zen bullfrog and I loved it

I clipped trough every wall and out of the screen using the shuriken, is that suppose to be this way? Graphics are very nice and sfx too

I dig the music. The LSD induced art style is fine in general, but the levels look too empty. 

couldn't get the nerd version started

The pigs will give me nightmares, those fucking eyes. The music has a good loop. I like the artstyle, reminded me of magic carpet on dos. Keep it up

controls are hard af to learn, I wanted to rage quit until I realized that I can use both legs at the same time, doh...once I got it I always won against the AI. Really fun mechanic. 

it's really cool, it feels like a lot of effort has been put into this. I get the feeling of the spaceship being huge. I like the small details like the small window/opening on the right in the beginning of the game which I can shoot trough for no reason. I like the story aspect, though I felt like it's a little much text in the intro. I like that you get money from killing monsters, it gives an incentive to kill them. The laser and overall effects are cool and not too much in my face which is something I really appreciate. The sound is top notch.

One weird thing, when I get the double jump and die from the miniboss, I just keep the double jump, there's no penalty for not defeating him?

cool, would love to see more games like it

Thanks a lot for playing.

lol I just changed the book last minute and it shows now all the time, sorry about that.

I will add the explanations next when I get to it. 

(1 edit)

first time player. 

I changed the language to german, it just quit the game, would be better if it would restart instead of me running the game again.

the first text in german that appeared is wrong, it says: "so konnte ich", in english that would mean "so I could" (?), not sure how you translated this . The english  "to move", should be in german "zum bewegen".

Controls are hard in the beginning but climbing the learning curve and finishing the tutorial is satisfactory, learning how the combination of forward to turn, wheelis and inspecting is nicely done even more so while gaining speed, I got fun out of it.

I like the bear and it's goofy grin, I overall like the cartoony graphics 

I got stuck in the ground once.

Overall, I liked it

Thank you so much for testing !!!!

started the game, headphones flew trough the room, so yes, it is pretty hellish. Is this meant to be multiplayer deathmatch ?
I like the art

nice looks, snappy controls

if the camera followed more smoothly would make it much better imo

I love the style and music, I got some lewd words even haha. Will it come out for mobile too? I think it would fit well

Hey thanks for trying,

you hold the left mouse button while you move your mouse into a direction.
Even though this runs in a web-browser, it doesn't support mobile browsers, if you happen to try it on mobile.
