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A member registered Jan 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks. Haha, yes you are spot on!

Thanks, and yes the gameplay definitely needs some more variation. 

Thanks for the feedback. You are right, the levels should have had more variation. I had a lot of ideas for each level, but ran out of time. I spent too much time on the visuals, so that's a lesson learned. Good point about the colors. I was actually considering making the pieces more individually recognizable by shape or content, in addition to color. This was mainly a color blindness consideration, but good point about f.lux, hadn't thought about that.

This was just awesome. The visuals are great and makes it feel authentic. The messages in the console fits the style of the game really well, and the console commands work great. 

Maybe a bit more audio would have been cool.

At first I was a bit confused about the coordinates because the x and y are switched around. Don't know if that is intentional to make it harder. Anyway, I started to think of it as two-dimensional arrays, to avoid having to toggle all the time. That helped.

 If you should decide to develop this further, I would definitely come back for more. Great game!

Really fun game. The mechanics are cool once you get the hang of it, and the visuals are just great. Could do with a bit of music though. 

This was so cool. Simple, but very engaging gameplay and story. The visuals are obviously really good and very polished. The ambient background music is spot on. Nice touch with the vignetting of the screen and the interlacing in the intro. It reminded me of "Blueprint" for the C64, for some reason. Great job

I really enjoyed this one. The balance between the enemies agression and your ability to escape them is really spot on imo. That and the heart beat radar is what really makes this shine for me. Sprites are great as well. I found combat a bit hard, but I'm not very good.

I really liked the atmosphere in this game, the mechanics are cool as well. Well done!

Thank you so much! To be honest I have been wanting to do something in this style for a long time, so it was really nice to finally get it out of my system. 

I should definitely have spent more time on controls and gameplay. I kind of got lost in the visuals and ran out of time, so that’s a lesson learned. Having some sort of manual override for pink is a good idea.

Thanks again for the detailed feedback. 

Thanks! I did tweak the background quite a bit until I got it right. Sooo, this is probably not the way to do it. It's basically 23 labels (from top to bottom) where I change a random character at an interval. When a character is changed I instance a label on top of it, fade it out and kill it.

Yes, I should have spent a bit more time on the controls, it is frustrating moving a single row.

I agree, most people I have seen play it miss the changing buildings.

Thanks again, this is my first jam, so all feedback is greatly appreciated.

OMG the box art and overall retro vibe of this. Very well done!

"You smell like prune juice"
- X-ray

Really like the character sprites. Definitely takes some practice, or dual halos :D

Love the visuals and overall idea. Having the trails on the ball is such a nice little visual clue to where the ball is going.

Great game! I really like the visuals/animations and controls. It also feels really well balanced, which is not always easy in action games. Well done!

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback.

I agree with pretty much everything you say. The plan was to have a twist on the theme in each level. Things like introducing different blocks and audio each time you progress, to make it more varied.

I would also have loved to do a boss battle at the end of each level, but I ran out of time. The difficulty does increase with each level though.

As for the theme, this is just my interpretation. I was going more for a vibe and a style, with the hearts and the streams you shoot looking like a cardiogram and so on.

Tried it on mac. Spooky atmosphere. I really like the ambient music.

I really like the low poly graphics, especially the lighting of the scenery is really great!

Love the consistency of the graphics throughout the game, well done. The writing and small things like "Doctorola" had me smiling :D