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A member registered Dec 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

hoho love this game it as speedrun mechanic, a timer.

very cool would love to see more level if you want to add some (not for the jam I mean in 3 day that's more that I could ever ask for)

one minor thing is that when you restart you have to time your key press it would be better imo to allow pressing during the death screen, so you can move directly after restarting.

Cool idea, I don't have sound when I play, is it normal ? (I am on linux).

Anyway cool little game I feel bad for captain wiggle I even send it out of bound by pressing it against the box, poor little thing xD.

cool way to break rules. It feel good to finally take the win back from those very mean bot

Thanks for you feedback.

In term of difficulty balance yes we sure have to work on that ^^. we didn't think about the health bar placement being closer to the "boss" than the player but now that you mention it, it's sure could be confusing.

I don't really get what you mean with the mouse though normally the projectile don't go on your cursor position but follow the scrolling so it's harder to hit the boss that is following but easier for the rock that are in your way.

But thanks for you comment, appreciate.

Thanks for your feedback.

Yes we didn't put the controls on the first screen and everything so it's logical people don't assume they can play with the volcano we kinda rush the ending tbh didn't have time for game over screen and all.

and yeah I get what you mean perhaps it's the dino speed backward that is too slow you cannot really correct your mistakes not enough play test in fact only the dev had access to the build until last day ... next time we gonna put it on GDrive so everybody can test.


Whoo really cool game super nice graphics and your solo that's impressive.

You too chose the let's play the volcano road haha love it.

(In ours the volcano is a secondary playable character)

(1 edit)

Quite a cool GB style game love it.

I also found a schrodinger's cat type glitch in level 8 or 9, 9 I think, wasn't able to reproduce

At the beginning you have 2 breakable block and I think I got hit by a boulder when standing on top of the pixel between these 2 block, ended up dead but was still able to dash with the camera following like I was below the screen was able to reach the end but that didn't trigger the next level ^^.

Your mean you promising me gems and I can't grab them all without getting stuck on that little thing at the bottom of that top tunnel.

<------------- those mean stuff xD

Cool that you keep at it and submitted something event though you had to start from scratch after 7 days.

For this game I feel it's a bit frustrating that you cannot jump when on top of falling blocks (or a least didn't work for me) I feel it would have added a bit of challenge being able to reach area that are too high to directly jump on.

What did you use stable diffusion for ? (I'm intrigued), the loading screen ? the starting screen ?

super fun but these leaderboard game are distracting me from coding xD, but this 1311 is to good.

I see the inspiration on this one ^^


Yeah cool music funny little game and I agree with SleepingPanda about regenerating the map to make it potentially infinite that would be super cool

Super cool art and music love the vibes.

wasn't able to play fully on linux but that's really not suppose to be played on so on me.

but yeah weirdly the cursor wasn't capture by wine (the windows application launcher) so when my cursor hit the screen border I could not rotate more. Anyway I think I capture every dinos that way or perhaps 7/8.

And I want to share my suberb dino-plant too not a Brachiosaurus this time.

I think this one is suppose to be on the other side so I was thinking XRay vision but couldn't test due to not be able to rotate  too much.

just want to clarify that if the music don't load please reload the page it's a gamemaker + HTML related issue.

You can play with WASD + space bar + click (for the volcano)


Thanks for the feedback

you could play with WASD if you prefer. because with arrow key yeah you have to press space + click it's hard I didn't dare to try ^^

(tbh I don't have arrow key on my keyboard).

(4 edits)

I see that sometime the music don't load at launch if that happen please reload the page. I think that's a GameMaker problem with the HTML version.

And you can shoot rock with the volcano ^^ (left click).

Thanks for playing our game.

Like the game a bit rough no music, background, and the fact that you have blank bar in between screen doesn't look safe too cross ^^. But 1 person team Kudos honestly with your own engine.

Completely Mad github repo I'm shock, this SeriousProton seem quite the big project EmptyEpsilon too done with SeriousProton on top of that (not really my type of game, but the task of making that seem enormous). Respect.

Good luck in your projects.

haha i got it I love weid programming puzzle.

I was thinking of decreasing the number but no I don't see that working with the condition in GDevelop. I think the best is to do the collision check with the object and kettle when the player click on the back arrow.

you don't really care if it was drop by mouse anyway so I think that should work.

Good Luck.

(2 edits)

Oups sorry I was completely wrong I retest after testing GDevelop a bit and not understanding what the problem was because it really don't do the hitbox check the wrong way even with Ignore object that are touching set to yes.

Now after rereading your response I'am sure you don't decrease the number if i remove the object I test it by doing the valid recipe and putting the tea bag back in the shelf and my score increase but if you miss reclick to move the object it's already counted and you get too high of a number

and by dropping the water 1 time and 2 time and 3 time i get water + magma + violet tea valid

so water is 1 magma 2 violet 3

love the art and the leaderboard that's really cool made me replay 24 is out of my reach though ^^

I would completely agree with the comment by Amanda Fernandes and especially on the lack of feedback it could be a sound, a color when a item is correctly place in the kettle or a displacement of the item from the kettle to the table when it's place ...

for the "bug" I don't think this game as any bug per say I'm not sure but I think your checking if sprite is in kettle like that

if (minSprite.x > minKettle.x && maxSprite.x < maxKettle.x) same for y or a engine function that does that or your doing perfect pixel hitbox in similar way.

if Im right you should either reduce the sprite hitbox or invert the condition like this

if(maxSprite.x > minKettle.x && minSprite.x < maxKettle.x)

always be kind to the player if he's a bit wrong he should be right.

I cannot get the best score so I settle on the worst one instead ^^ (-110) and a mere 16.

Love the art.

Thanks for playing the game and for your comment.

So we've seen this glitch last minute one or two time honestly that's probably really easy to fix but it was already too late.

And for the volcano sorry if it wasn't clear but yeah your left click to launch rocks and can break UFO obstacle and hit the boss ^^

(that's follow the scrolling so you have to aim at the right of the boss but can just click on the obstacle).

iam really glad you didn't ^^ it add like 20h of potential play time with the double jump to get a good time IMO

I have to say it the bug make it better ^^

I mean not the one with enemy killing you at level 14

(1 edit)

LOVE that game

but I like mindlessly jumping into spike to find exploit that are not even faster way more xD

(6 edits)

hahaha done it but yeah that double jump mechanic bro is a bit hard (begin around 0:50 something)

and yes that's loading the next level I stop recording a bit too soon but anyway

(I love the game)

And I feel like if a consistent setup can be found for the double jumpor kind of consistent If it's too easy that's not gonna be fun (risk and reward) that could be a really fun little speedrunning experience (right now i don't get how it's  working the timing seem to change sometimes based on the sound it make but iam not sure of that neither)

https://itch.io/jam/benbonk-game-jam-3/rate/1106066 will be glad if you do

(4 edits)


I feel its like pixel perfect on this one I bonk so much to get that key

freak that's usable on level 11 if only i can avoid the blue  key xD

I just find a little bug but I like it lul

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Hey you have to rate my game ^^

Edit: thanks mate

Good game I liked the graphism and the music

I feel the control are cool but the damage boost is a bit too much IMO i mean sometimes that help to avoid using the unmaterial stone and sometimes espescially in the last level its a bit annoying xD

and personally i feel the 8 heart are a bit too much idk if its the max iam not sure that I got everything but idk how many time I got kill by getting 0 live 1 or 2 time probably and the other was  lava (a lot more ^^)

but yeah that's hard to balance because some peoples will not try to get everything like some will get only 2 jump so yeah hard to manage all of that and in 3 days that's impressive.

Really cool GG.

Arf my antivirus doesn't like it ^^ gonna try in VM sometimes

(3 edits)

OMG! this game is so good and polish doing that alone in 3 day with 15 level that's amazing easily the best game I play so far IMO really fun.

level design hyper cool (just I feel something is missing on level 12 i can just take the blue key and don't need anything else to finish it)

really good music just perhaps the music is a bit low in volume compare to the SFX but like lol i don't care

i want to play more gonna do the 1life challenge at some point really I not gonna delete this game after the jam and that's a compliment ^^ because most of the time game made in 3 day are fun for like 1 hour or less and its completly fine

(Yeah Im completly discover im into hard retro platfomer so im a bit bias)

so now I have to try Orbot xD

Edit: I so badly want a timer with number of deaths at the end xD (Like if you start at level one or a speedrun  mode that only start at level one)

and I want to know what engine did you use ?

done https://itch.io/jam/benbonk-game-jam-3/rate/1106066

Great game really like it the puzzle are really well done

it's really polish great feedback on the death and all the art is really minimalistic but not rush or anything great job.

perhaps it's becoming a bit hard too fast after the introduction of the two color square at the same time like 3 or 4 level after that it was a bit easy before

really cool i would return to it and finish it at some point right now i am just rating game and its becoming a bit mechanical lul gonna go to sleep probably ^^

Iam rich now lul

and so with scratch hummm why not.

and iam gonna try the pleasu rate our game (i know its in windows you have too download it but damn 3 ratings :-(  )

anyway good job will love too see the code because of scratch dont really know the thing but it's interesting as a concept and make people want to learn programming so it's really cool

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Cool minigame but yeah i don't really see how it's connected to the theme i mean i see the second boss but even then.

anyway the pattern are cool i like the multiple laser thing ^^ but they make the game easier they never stop spawning hearts and the second boss is a bit two easy compare too the first one that is much longer and because i was fully refill ...

great job nonetheless congrats.

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Interresting but i wasn't really getting the purpose of the top bar at the beggining perharps putting the particules of your ship in blue will make it more clear.

in term of putting more enemies yeah not sure what you can do perhaps some that are bigger and follow a random point on the screen and are like obstacle or just obstacle perhaps not sure

anyway nice job.

(3 edits)

Really cool little puzzle

I am agreeing with PSRemco about one extra sound or two but the music is really cool, and i'am gonna add I like green and all but perhaps the door should have been a bit more visible i didn't see it on the first level after that once you see it it's fine

(3 edits)

really cool 

really good graphics and the audio are really fitting the game even if you didn't made it

but yeah the graphics really cool

lol I was looking in the Levers_Data folder but COLDEN.txt was there from the beggining
but I want to try level11 and level12
