To be fair, all game jam games are more or less prototypes. Just focus on core mechanics and hard crashes. It doesn't have to look pretty but it should be playable.
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They're two monsters on that floor and you might have just fought the harder one. Alternatively you didn't have equipment equipped as the starting gear isn't equipped by default in a poor attempt to force people to learn inventory management. Either way not your fault.
My godawful art wasn't something I thought I'd get praised for. Hit detection and sound were the biggest complaints about my last year entry so I obviously put in something but still not great as it still confused some people. I'm putting together a post jam patch and UI scaling was just added to the to do list.
UI aside, the whole game is suppose to be playable with full keyboard or gamepad, mouse being an afterthought. It seems you found a bug with the battle UI.
I screwed up enemy balancing last minute coupled with the encounter rate bug makes fighting anything painful. The idea was better/more equipment boosted accuracy at the cost of speed. But it obviously wasn't enough accuracy, and speed is a determining factor in running. So the better gear actually makes the game harder.
Bonfires were suppose to be the checkpoint system but was cut due to some dubious programing. Instead it just reloads the floor but keeps your current status. In theory you could grind up duplicate items and win. In practice you burn all your healing items and softlock.
I honestly didn't expect anyone to even try finishing, and your right it's terribly unbalanced mostly due to a bug in the encounter script and being balanced around having the best equipment from the previous level.
The playthrough video is so unbelievably helpful feedback that I laughed when you ran past the boss. Really brings home the point of QA. This really made my day.
My first drpg was Etrian Odyssey 4 so I'm console biased, but to me because movement is so limited it makes more sense for A&D to turn like tank controls. To me it comes down to which action is more important, turning or horizontal movement, and ease of getting that input. Id argue turning is more important so I'd map turn to A&D/left&right and strafe to Q&E/R&L bumper because it places less stress to input more repeated functions while placing the less needed ones on more taxing keys.
Yea, it could of used more playtesting. I added sound effects and enemy animations last minute thinking it would be clear enough (guess not) but evasion is too high and the encounter rates especially in the third area is outright broken. Should of put a tutorial paper explaining more mechanics and encouraging running away more. UI is definitely getting overhauled.
Not fully play testing a complete playthrough. All my maps played correctly but string them together with a little vestigial code acting up and now I'm not sure my game is even completable. It really sucks because I could very easily patch it out, but now every one who plays is going to quit for having absurdly high random encounters.
Could you elaborate on the control issue? I admit the player feedback is lacking mostly to a lack of proper sounds and some UI elements I forgot. The controls were modeled on Ace Combat 7 and are the only thing I feel are semi decent. I also though that since Ace Combat has a learning curve I'd make a hard difficulty (the intended difficulty) to make it easier to finish.
Enemies are a bit spongy and player bullets are kind of useless. Some enemies (mostly the 3 bullet and circle bullet ones) fire bullets faster than others at short range making it really hard to dodge. I found the best strategy is to kite outside the problem enemy range so the never shoot and wait for the towers to chip at them. Towers themselves are expensive and I never found out what the + does. I love the concept and it looks fantastic. Would definitely play again if it gets balanced.
The level description in the level select screen highlights what the objective is, and there is a objective label over the mission target. Most of the time its going to be in the center of the level. The game uses flight controls so the proper method of turning is to roll (literally roll left or right) and pitch (move the nose up and down) with yaw (rotating left and right) for fine movement. A high G turn lets you turn really fast at the cost of speed, and is integral to completing the game. It can be difficult if your not used to the scheme but it make sense when you do.
Edit: I'll work on getting screenshots up.