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A member registered Nov 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! 😄(Don't know if it was supposed to be an anime girl, but if you consider that a good thing we go with that 😂)

Thanks for playing! :)

Thanks for playing! :)

Fun little game :)

Quite a funny little game!😀 Keep up the good work!

Reminded me a lot of Florence! Definitely one of the best games I've played so far from this game jam! :)

Thanks for playing man! Cool to hear you like the style so much! 😄

Thanks for playing! 😄

(1 edit)

Very fun little game, played it all the way through! :)

Full stars from me on this one! Super well made and fun to play. Played it all the way through :)

Very interesting little game, quite a unique take on the theme :)

This game is very well made, loved playing it! Very unique gameplay and interpretation of the theme! :)

Interesting take on the theme. How high does it go?

Thanks for playing our game, we appreciate you taking the time to try it.

I have watched your video and there are a couple of things I want to point out:

  • The "bug" you encountered is not a bug, it is a feature of the corruption mechanic. If you are above a certain corruption threshold you gain the "mystery gun" which can be used to take corruption away from corrupted objects. This was mentioned on the game's page. I do agree that it should be more clear in the game, and as you said, mentioning it on the itch page shouldn't be necessary. You were able to progress without this gun though, I don't understand why you thought you were unable to continue without this gun since nothing was preventing you from doing so.
  • Since you haven't seen most of the game, I have a video from a quick playthrough that you can watch if you're curious about what you haven't seen.
  • The right mouse button is a laser pointer. The idea behind it was that you could use it for aiming.
  • You gain corruption by killing enemies, you lose corruption by dying and by purification (your death caused your corruption level to drop, which removed the "mystery gun" from your equipment).
  • The player is not a robot, but it's a sci-fi/retro-themed game. There are also details in the game hinting that the game takes place in a metaphorical representation of a computer. "Rooftop Art Museum" (RAM), "Cyber police unit" (CPU), etc. So that's why the game-over sequence consists of a blue/boot screen.

We are going to keep working on this game and pushing updates after the rating process is over.

Very fun little game! Enjoyed playing it :)

Thanks for your feedback!👍 :)

We are likely going to update the game post-jam, the addition of a map is one of the features that we’ll likely add.

As for the dialogue text, you’re able to make it go faster by pressing [E]. We’ll try to inform the player about this more clearly.

(I'm pretty sure I was playing your game while you were playing ours haha, good timing! 😀).

You did an amazing job on this! Plays, looks and sounds great!

I had a blast playing through this! Especially the boss fight was very well made!

This is a very interesting take on the theme. It's all very well put together: the graphics, audio and story are very solid! Very impressive work!

You did amazing work on this game! I had an absolute blast playing through this! Deciding between taking the risk of continuing to go deeper or going to the surface to save the gems that I collected had me hooked 😄.

The graphics and sound are also perfect for this game! This is definitely one of the best submissions that I've played!

(3 edits)

Had great fun playing this :) I eventually made it to 2-1 (which I believe is one of the endings?)

The game is very well made, although there were a few minor things that were a bit annoying and are likely quite easy to fix:

  • Dying is quite punishing since you have to wait a bit before you can start your next attempt, maybe it would be a good chance to respond to the player at the checkpoint instead of bringing them back to the level selection screen. 
  • It was also a bit annoying that I was able to move the player then the intro to the level was still playing, you might want to disable input during this.

* UPDATE: Read in the comments that you already fixed this for post-jam! :)

Very impressive stuff for a 1 week game jam! Keep up the good work :)

(1 edit)

This is definitely NOT a result you should be ashamed of! 

I feel like most people have stuff that they would've maybe wanted to do differently or add to their submission (I scrapped 2/3 of the idea that I initially had 😄 partially due to me eventually working alone in the end). Most games that I've played have some bugs or unfinished things, I actually felt like your game didn't really suffer from that. 

When playing these games I keep in mind that they were made within a week (and with varying amounts of time invested). And in the end, most people are probably in it for the fun and to learn stuff, and not for the competition. I'm pretty sure your game is doing well with ratings, I gave it 5 stars on most things 🙂.

Awesome submission, had a lot of fun playing this! This is super well made for a 1-week game, it looks and sounds great. This is definitely one of my favorite submissions :)

I enjoyed playing this A LOT! It was very well made: the visuals and audio are very good and the game has a lot of mechanics. I'm stunned that you pulled this off in a single week! :o

I was also surprised by how it all unfolded in the end!

Definitely one of the best submissions that I've played! :)

Thank you for playing and giving feedback! 🙂

The extreme darkness is likely due to a difference in our monitors and settings. I'll tweak the brightness when the jam's rating period is over👍.

This was very fun to play! I think it's a really cool feature that the level changes every day. Everything is very well made, you did a really great job :)

Thanks for playing! I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed playing it! :)

Thanks for playing and giving feedback! :)

I first tried to make my own sound for the same exact reason, but they all weren't that great. In the end I just stuck with the oof sound from Minecraft since it's already out of the game for so long and some people might enjoy recognizing it😄.

Interesting idea. I wasn't able to get very far but i had fun playing it :). I'm not sure if it's meant to be this way/on purpose but every time I die it seems to crash/freeze.

(1 edit)

This is super well made! I loved playing this! The graphics and audio are really good.  I also really like the leaderboard feature!

I actually recognized the art style of this game, checked your games, and recognized it from "Potato Dash" that you did earlier this year 😀!

Keep up the good work man!

It's a very good first attempt at game dev. Everyone started off with something easy. I'm pretty sure your attempt is a lot better than mine was when I first started :)

Keep it up! :)

Very cool game with an interesting idea! The fact that you take air pressure into account for the oxygen consumption is also an interesting touch which I did not think about! :)  

I had a bit of a fight with the controls at first but after I noticed that you don't really need to use spacebar and shift it went a lot better. (Pressing the spacebar and shift stopped the movement in other directions for me). *I was playing the WebGL build. 

You did a very good job, keep up the good work! :)

(How did you manage to get fullscreen to work on properly if I may ask?😅I wasn't able to get it to work myself).

(1 edit)

It's an interesting take on the theme :) The art is very well-made! Some feedback that I can give is that it's sometimes a bit hard to see what is below the player; I noticed that the camera will go up maybe a bit too high when you jump or fall. I also seem to die from falls I wasn't expecting to die from (could be just me being bad though (:

I still enjoyed playing it though! goed gedaan :)

Thank you! :D

I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days!

Thanks for playing! and the feedback :)

I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)

Thanks for playing! :) I'm not familiar with Growtopia but i'll look it up :D 

I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)

Thanks for playing! :) I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)

Thanks for playing! :) I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)

Thanks for playing! :) I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)

Thanks for playing! :) I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)

Thanks for playing and the feedback! I had some more stuff planned but I sadly had to scrap it due to time.  

I'll try to play your game as well in the coming days👍 :)