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Molegan's Quest - Jam EditionView game page

A grappling platformer
Submitted by KevEatsCheese — 3 hours, 8 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1823.3173.317

Ranked from 41 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The game presents itself as a simple platformer, but if you really want to reach the end, you must dive deeper into the game than one might expect.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
I used sfxia:
for sound effects.
Apart from this, everything was done from scratch.

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Finally had a chance to play this after seeing it in a livestream, and honestly I have no idea why people are complaining about difficulty. Granted, it's hard, but I felt like every mistake was genuinely my fault and not the result of bad design.

Great game, and I look forward to trying the post-jam version.

Submitted (3 edits)

Had great fun playing this :) I eventually made it to 2-1 (which I believe is one of the endings?)

The game is very well made, although there were a few minor things that were a bit annoying and are likely quite easy to fix:

  • Dying is quite punishing since you have to wait a bit before you can start your next attempt, maybe it would be a good chance to respond to the player at the checkpoint instead of bringing them back to the level selection screen. 
  • It was also a bit annoying that I was able to move the player then the intro to the level was still playing, you might want to disable input during this.

* UPDATE: Read in the comments that you already fixed this for post-jam! :)

Very impressive stuff for a 1 week game jam! Keep up the good work :)


2-1 is not one of the endings. Each level has a secret clear(the purple gate.) Each of these leads you to one of the four 2-x levels. There is a hidden quest line you can pursue... don't want to spoil anymore....

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

unironically one of the best games in this game jam (relative to what i've played so far)

The good things:

The attention to detail in the story is great, I love how you've linked the story to one of your other games. I also like how cryptic the story is, not intentionally, jeff and jefferonious speak to the main character like it's another regular day on the job, which is how they should behave.

Overall, the game doesn't feel like a game jam game.
The gameplay is fun, but I will have to admit, I couldn't find the secret level in 1-3, which I will get to now.

The bad things:

The difficulty is really off-balance. 1-2 was overall difficult, finding the secret level as well as finishing the level itself was really hard. But, the level right after that, 1-3 was much easier (I still couldn't find the secret level though if there even is)

The spikes were very unforgiving too, their hitboxes are larger than they actually are.

The music, though, does feel like it's from a game-jam game. Sometimes the main map music would play in the levels, also, there should be atleast 2 songs that alternate between the levels, the main song can get repetitive. Though I know making songs takes alot of time.


 the bad things are results of time limitations probably, but it's impressive you got it done in a week.

The story is really interesting and creative and love that you take players to an entirely new game to continue (or end) the story.

I will reiterate that it REALLY doesn't feel like a jam game.


OH MY GOODNESS DUDE I AM SO HAPPY SOMEONE GOT TO AN ENDING!!!! You've made my whole day. As for the constructive criticism, it's definitely very valid. I hadn't actually heard the spike hitbox critique before but it is indeed accurate. Not sure the best way to fix it though since I'm using sprite-based colliders on a tilemap. The difficulty curve is way off for sure. I actually already have the post-jam version ready to go as soon as voting ends. The update includes several ease-of-play/quality-of-life changes:

-Faster level start + Player can't move during level start

-Faster game over + you don't get booted to world map when you die

-Easier grappling hook/Easier levels

-Audio Settings

-Fixed bugs with dialogue

-A few sign objects that guide toward the alternate endings

-A tutorial

Again thanks so much for finishing it :)


Yup! Loved the cryptic story, also I believe unity should let you customize the colliders per tile somehow like godot does because it's a basic feature a tilemap should have. The quality of life changes sound good, I don't think the grappling should be nerfed because it's a thing you continually get better at as the game goes on and it's feels rewarding to master it.


The platforming mechanics are simple to pick up, yet challenging to master, adding to the fun. However, it's unclear how the theme of "Diving Deeper" is executed here. Nonetheless, an impressive game for just one week of development! 🌟

Developer (1 edit)

Yeah not many find the theme application because the difficulty game it too steep. Most don't really get past level 2 or find any secret levels...

Glad you liked the platforming stuff though :)


i like the platforming mechanics, theyre very simple to pick up, but difficult to fully master. although im not quite sure how the theme is executed in the game. But this is still a really solid game for 1 week!


The themes are unfortunately hidden behind the difficulty curve. You dive deeper into a multiple path story and hidden levels but most people don't really see it


Very cool and unque game mechanics. A bit hard for casual mood starting at level 1-2, definitely will try again later in more focused one.


Nice one! Liked art and sounds, gameplay was kind of tough for me.


Hey, really like the art and music in this one! I was really struggling with the jump and grapple though, maybe I was missing something or probably I'm just bad but I couldn't get past 1-2. If you have any pointers let me know because I'd like to try and get further, from the sounds of it there's a lot more but I just couldn't get to it :(

You can watch my gameplay video playtest of it below and see how bad I am! 😅


You're definitely not alone in only getting to 1-2. I kinda messed up the difficulty. The best techniques are hard to teach but I generally tell people to release the grapple before they bump into stuff and lose momentum. Instead let the force carry you farther. 


Best movement in the jam?

Things I enjoyed ✔️

  1. The movement was SOOOO clean! I couldnt stop swinging around the map like spiderman!
  2. The music is amazing! Sprite art was great!
  3. I don't know if you got inspiration from super meat boy, but those purple portals remind me of the warpzones which are one of my favorite ideas! Cause you are rewarded for exploring and having more skill!

Things I would like to possibly see with your title. 🤷‍♂️

  1. All I can think about is when the level is loading, your able to still shoot, so I would recommend just disabling that, and the next thing is just having little wood arrows to guide the players for some of the levels where its more vertical.

Overall 📓

I really enjoyed my experience playing this game, you did a great job on the movement! I think 100 percent after this game jam is over and you polish the game just a little bit you should sell this game! Amazing Job! 5/5 Stars!

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the review :)

I've never played Super Meat Boy. My main inspirations were Inscryption and Super Mario World!


Hey I played your game and it was a lot of fun . I didn't get into the game very far but I will try and play it some more later. It was definitely a lot of fun and will share my video later on your page. 


Cool game! Definitely gonna beat it one day and check out the full version when it comes!


thanks for streaming it :)


Wow I Really Liked Your Game!


You made a real fun grappling mechanic, I wish there were more levels to take proper advantage of it. 

I think the control would have felt better if it was LMB to swing and RMB to push instead of the current settings, and the delay between being able to grapple felt just a little too long.

Awesome work, when you get a good grapple swing the momentum feels real good.


Interesting. Sounds like you beat all the 1-x levels. Did you find all the 2-x and get to the credits?


2-1 seemed to be the last thing that showed up on the map for me, and just had a note to read.


ooo then you're just at the tip of this iceberg my friend. Make sure to read all the dialogue, and note that each level has 2 alternative clears.


Good concept.


This was really fun


Great Entry! I loved the main mechanic with cathook, very fun! :D


My honest reaction ... Graphics are cute. Gameplay and mechanics are nice. I love the mini story but I couldn't complete. Because I stuck at lvl 4. Level desings are incredible. Neat jam game. I would want to see if there is a tutorial for the grappling. Good work!

Can you try and rate my game ?

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! Sure I'll rate your game :)

EDIT: lol I just followed the link XD


The graphics are okay, but the essence of the game is strange, sorry


Interesting. Would you mind elaborating so I could know more about the issues?


I like mechanical movement


This game is really hard, I think I'm just bad at video games though. Anyway, good game.

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