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A member registered Apr 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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Is this really a game jam game? It feels so fleshed out and polished! From the loading screen with the tombstone Gameboy cartridge, it grabs your attention and never lets go. The sprites are beautifully detailed, and the music and sound effects fit perfectly. I love how the four colors were used creatively with the lamp and shader. The screen transitions feel very Gameboy-esque. I played for quite a while, expecting to reach the end, but it kept presenting new and increasingly challenging puzzles. Definitely one of the best submissions I've played. Awesome game!

The art style is cute and works well with the palette. I like the start screen where you can select a palette and other settings. The character selection also surprised me—most game jam developers don't get that far. Unfortunately, there's only so much a one-man team can do in ten days, so some gameplay ideas couldn't be fully realized. Still, you created a small, cute game. Well done!

This is a well-crafted puzzle game. The graphics are really well done, and the dialogues are funny (I learned why ghosts have tunnel vision). It’s a bit rough around the edges, but with some attention, that's relatively easy to fix. Overall, I enjoyed playing this game.

These screenshots look great! I love the cute style—it fits perfectly with a dating sim. I'd definitely love to go on a date with Medusa! Are there any plans to turn this into a full game, or was it created as a mock-up intentionally?

This game gives off strong Gameboy vibes. The sprites are well-detailed, and the music and sound effects fit perfectly. I also love the status bar at the bottom—it really screams Gameboy. One thing I liked less was the anti-aliasing on the text next to objects, as it made it a bit hard to read. Overall, a nice game!

Creative puzzle game with beautiful sprites and sounds. It feels very polished. Unfortunately, it’s not very challenging yet, but a few handcrafted levels could easily fix that. Overall, it’s a nice game!

This game looks cute, but it's brutal—in a good way. Definitely inspired by Getting Over It! I like the sprites and music, and the controls work well. Unfortunately, I'm not skilled enough to get very far. Maybe it would help if there was a progression where the first jumps require using the dash and jump, but not perfectly, to make it clear that it's possible.

This is a fun and visually appealing tower defense game with a twist: you can still scare the kids on their way out, causing them to drop their candy. It makes group scares even more interesting! A group of kids is about to escape, and then one gets scared, making them all run and drop their candy—so satisfying 😈. The game matches the theme perfectly. The controls took a little time to learn, but you get used to them quickly. I loved watching it come together on your Twitch stream, and I’m excited for your next game jam project!

This is a very cool game. It looks beautiful, sounds great, and plays smoothly. I love the scary-but-cute aesthetic, and even though I lost the game, I didn’t mind running into the monsters because they’re all unique and very well designed. When I actually tried to reach my quota, the light dilemma became clear—lamp oil is scarce, and you have to make a tough choice. Very interesting! Overall, I enjoyed playing this game a lot.

Wait, you're supposed to *hold* the button? That does make sense but I've been mashing the button like crazy too.

This is a well-polished little platformer. I really like the sprites and animations. Using the skull as both 'health' and a weapon is an interesting mechanic. The ability to catch your skull for increased damage adds a lot of potential for skilled players. The sound effects and music are also nice and fit the theme perfectly. My only feedback—though this might just be a skill issue on my part—is that the game feels quite hard and unforgiving. The checkpoint helped, but I still found it very difficult to progress.

Kudos for submitting an unfinished game. Even if you didn't complete everything you wanted to, there's still so much you accomplished. I really like what you submitted—the graphics look great, and the sound effects match the spooky vibe perfectly. The light beam is a fantastic touch; it adds to the atmosphere. However, the sharp 90-degree angles felt a bit too abrupt. An animation with a bit of delay might make that more pleasing. Keep it up!

Great submission! Beautiful sprites, nice music, and very cool gameplay. I love the mechanics. Very well polished too.

In classic runner style, I died so many times I lost count. But each time, I made it a little further, and that felt rewarding. In some areas (like the first thirteen coins), the flow was excellent. I also enjoyed the creative ways the game tripped me up. If you're used to going over the trees, the next one has spikes on top. The vertical tunnels give the beast a chance to catch up, adding extra tension. It's a pity you don't get a score when you die. I worked hard to collect coins, but in the end, it didn’t seem to matter. Still, I had fun playing this game. Keep it up!

Beautiful game. The graphics and music are very well done. I also love the use of dithering (and shaders?). I almost gave up when I couldn't find the violin, but I'm glad I didn't, as I wouldn't have wanted to miss the ending.