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A member registered Mar 11, 2017 · View creator page →

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We’re happy to hear and glad you’ve enjoyed it!

Thank you! It was definitely fun to try to match sounds with the effects at play. Glad you enjoyed the game :)

Thanks for playing! The music clipping is a good note, next time we’ll pay better attention there :)

Glad you enjoyed it! The game could have definitely used some better hinting, but this is what we ended up during the jam. Thanks for checking the game out!

(2 edits)

Finally, some actual tank controls!

The game feels fun to play, and the idea with the selective shooting is a pretty interesting one. Few basic feedback points I’d have:

  • Difficulty feels a bit rough at the start - perhaps making the shrooms start slow, then increase the speed as the time goes on (most of the challenge comes from avoiding them!)
  • If shrooms were to disappear upon contact (fade out or explode) it would also make things easier. The shrooms that latch on the tank and slow it down could be an another enemy!
  • Add some intermediary goals to the stage - perhaps a healing item that can be picked up?
  • It’s hard to tell where is the front and back of the tank located. Perhaps a little bit of a guidance in form of a subtle direction marker could help?

That said, fantastic job for the whole family! It takes a team to make something as cool as this, not to mention release it. :)

Thanks for playing! It’s great to hear it’s been a good time <3

Thanks a lot, that’s very generous of you :)

Super glad you made it! Thanks for checking out our game :)

This is super generous of you, thank you so much!

We’re glad you liked it! Thanks for checking out our game :)

Thank you! You did not miss out on too much at least - the game did not end up have too many levels done in the end :D

Thanks for checking out our game!

Thank you! Working on these has been fun as well :)

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Thank you for playing and the kind words!

Glad you enjoyed it! We totally ran out of time to make the difficulty curve more gradual and add more levels, but there’s always next time :)

Thanks for playing! We’re glad you enjoyed it :)

Cute idea! I liked the mechanic, I just wish the pacing was a bit slower at the start! Bags bouncing so hard was a bit unpredictable too, which did cost me a few extra lives, but I did have fun!

Well done!

This has been the most frustrating Tetris experience I might have had, and I still enjoyed it. Very creative and fun take, nice job!

This could be my favourite first-person puzzler I’ve seen this far. Big Portal vibes, and with solid mechanic and interesting puzzles to the boot. Great work!

Quite fun and adorable to look at. The use of acronym was a fun touch, especially considering each duckling has a different ability. Well done!

Honestly one of the games from this jam that made me laugh the most so far! The gameplay is quite chaotic and tough to understand at first, but it felt fun to play all the way!

Super adorable! I remember being super impressed by some of the in-development footage posted in the GMTK discord, and it’s been quite fun to see it in action now!

The only thing I was not a fan of was the camera following character direction, but I got used to it pretty quick.

Incredibly adorable and a lot of fun! All of the art just meshes so nicely together, and the mix of 2D and 3D was a really cool touch!

Lovely presentation! Makes me really wish there was an actual tutorial explaining the concept a bit more. Hope you guys continue to go at it post-jam!

Pretty creative take on the platforming genre, if not too difficult. I definitely appreciated the checkpoints, and all of the lovely pixel art made for the game!

A very fun entry, and a pretty creative one too! The game was pretty simple to understand, although I wish it was possible to haggle or simply see the proposed scale price at different traders.

(1 edit)

We kind of wanted to go for a more freeform idea, but it’s a tight rope to walk… We ended up not really having enough time for the later puzzles as we decided to focus on onboarding first, but that’s the nature of the jam!

Thanks for checking out our game!

Thanks! Definitely agree, we ran out of time right before the finish!

Some of the most boopin’ music I’ve heard so far this jam!

The collision mechanics are a bit unreliable, and I feel like some target highlighting would go a long way. Fun concept though!

Please toggle the “This file will be played in the browser” checkbox in your game’s uploads! Right now no one is able to effectively play the game.

It’s always fun to see a text game. The overall concept is sound, but balancing and readability was a bit rough!

Fun idea, nice to see the magic never disappeared!

Pretty fun platforming experience! Having a pretty competent boss fight in was a nice surprise :)

One of my favourite takes on the survivors-likes so far!

I adore how simple it is to understand, and how quickly it becomes enjoyable. The ship-building mechanic adds just enough movement-based problem solving to instantly have the game stand out.

The game balance could definitely be improved, but it’s a fantastic start!

Interesting take on the climbing idea! The mood and the jump scare was a bit of a surprise.

Balance-wise I’d definitely consider making it easier to find batteries if running low, but otherwise the idea nicely executed!

Great job, even if you haven’t managed to finish the game in time. A playable demo is still impressive!

The controls felt nice, and being able to grapple and wall jump was a nice touch. My only honest gripe with the prototype was lack of explaination of controls - you might want to add them to the game page at least!