How the heck did you make this much game in that little time?! I struggled finding my workplace (or maybe that was psychological) and using the menu wasn't always that clear but I managed. I have no complaints; creepy old lady, cat, carrot, scarecrows. Great job!
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I killed my team in their second quest because I didn't form healing plants fast enough. I really like this idea of making a pure supporter a full-time job! It's kind of like the "meanwhile, elswhere" setins in old-timey series, and we get to see what teh alchemist had to pull off until a hero in the field can just uncork a flask and presto - healed. But I got too caught up in watering my plants to pay attention to my heroes.
With a bit of watching I found out that tomatoes are fire rate and gourds the shield thingy, but I am unclear where the danger was, because it seeemed like enemy triangles didn't do me any harm? It was satisfying to watch enemies be taken out in droves, but more of a goal would have been nice. I do love the sketchy art style!
What previous poster said. Additionally, as an artist myself I can say/underline:
• Please be specific. Either hand out exact data - file format, size, colour space, file NAMING. Or live with what they give you. Don't change midway.
• Ask for a sensible amount of revisions. It must fulfil your requirements, and you don't have to take rubbish should you get it, but pixel-f&%$ing is seldomly appreciated.
• The less experienced your artist, the more guidance will be good for them.
• Be sensible about what you can get for your money. Many projects wish for pro quality but pay pocketmoney.
• Do not underestimate the power of free art. I barely do my own icons for my games, because the internet is full of free options that would eat my time otherwise (this is where your adjustment skills be come in handy).
Perhaps my two biggest artist issues when joining a team:
• Be aware that you get an artist because they have skills you do not, as well as knowledge. If you have your heart set on artstyle A, and they have five different options, look at them earnestly.
• Artists are sometimes presumed to be dreamers without pragmatism. Some may need guidance but dismissing them for not knowing programming, wishing for a more modern style than the project planner's childhood memories, or knowing better about colour palettes, will sour the teamwork experience.
About recruitment: Go to the artists' sites like deviantArt, Artstation, Reddit, ... Job offer posts today are often swamped with answers, so do take time to research your options and talk to artists directly.
Why do I join a team as an artist? If I am promised freedom BUT within a box. I personally do not enjoy the "total freedom, we don't have a plan" kind of project because it means tons of work for naught. I enjoy being either the sole artist, or if there are colleagues, for work to be split sensibly (if I do the backgrounds, someone else does the sprites, etc. There will always be overlap but being able to plan improves my experience). And I absolutely need that the rest of the team takes my work seriosuly as well - all too often some programmer art is left in the "final". If the end result looks like nobody knew what they were doing, artistically, I will be ashamed of it, not join again, and deny having worked on the project.
I get this message when itry to run it:
Apologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting.
Error: no valid storage adapters found.
Stack Trace: