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A member registered Oct 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Fun game. I love the visuals and there were a couple decent puzzles but would definitely love to see this idea furthered upon. Nice job.

Fantastic idea and execution. Great level design, music was unreal, pixel art beautiful. Absolutely nailed it, nice work.

I had a similar idea to use window scaling to tackle to theme but WOW, you absolutely nailed it. This was so well done, very impressive. We should talk shop sometime as I would love to hear how you decided what sort of gameplay to go with once coming across this idea. 

Love the art too.

Thank you!

Thank you so much :)

Interesting direction with the theme but would have liked to see it explored a bit more. Cute game, had a good time playing through it.

Very well rounded, nice work. 

Digging the creepy liminal space-core.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Definitely a fair point, I didn't want to make any of the levels impossible without scaling the window but maybe I should have. There are some things like enemies that will be removed if put out of the frame and the enemies stop shooting lasers if they are off screen but definitely a fair criticism. I too am happiest with how the blackhole level turned out.

Novel idea, nice job.

Not the most engaging on the gameplay front but I like the visuals, especially Boo.

Thank you :)

Really love the visuals and music!

Wow nice job, really impressive.

Nice art and concept!

Great idea and execution. The car controls are unique for sure, but I would have loved a mode with normal car controls.

Neat concept, first time turning into the car is a cool moment. Rather buggy but overall had a good time.

Love the music and art, very cute. Gameplay wise I like the concept but I felt like I never needed to use my brain, could have used a couple more well thought out puzzles. 

Kinda felt like you were going to make this game regardless of the theme... With that being said I had a good time, love the visuals and got a couple mini scares, so nice job.

Super well rounded, nice job. I think the concept is great, I just found the controls to be a little bit too finicky. Anytime I had to do a precise jump > directional beam cast was pretty rough. I'm sure it would play amazingly on a controller. Great sound and art :)

Really loved the concept here, would definitely play it again if more levels were added. 

Had a good time figuring the strategy to get the win. Took me a few tries and the winning run I got it just barely. Looks unreal too, super impressive for the timeline.

Unfortunately the camera sensitivity on mouse is a bit uncontrollable for a precision platformer.

Great concept and execution, also an impressive number of levels! Nice pixel art and music was very chill. My only gripe is a minor one and that is the moving the windows around and resizing them is quite finicky, most notably on the levels where you have to do a quick and precise window movement.

Perhaps takes too long before any challenge is presented? I like the idea though.

I love the mix of fantasy stuff like blobs and potions with some mundane and oddly structured office spaces. That last screen is HARD!! Had to redo that quite a few times.

Couldn't really wrap my head around the gameplay, but dang what a BEAUTIFUL game. Aesthetically 10/10.

Squishing the car is very satisfying, especially the squeaky sound effect. I would have liked if it was a bit quicker paced. Nice job overall!

Love the music, simple but addictive gameplay loop. Nice one!

This is super impressive given the time limit. Solid amount of content, nothing felt rushed or under baked and you even had lots of little details present such as the jump sound changing based on the characters size. Nice art sound, particularly love the mage sprite. Puzzles get just challenging enough by the end however I found maybe it was the size of the rooms or something else but it was hard to visualise the puzzles solutions, I ended up just usually brute forcing my way through. Good game feel, amazing job!! 

Love the colour palette (although the text was hard to read sometimes). Not sure if I was doing something wrong but it felt like it was taking a very long time to get my area built up, and seeing that some things cost 100's of currency felt like an unachievable goal. Really fun concept and aesthetic though. 

I enjoyed playing through this. I ended up getting stuck in what looked like the last section, the second river crossing. I couldn't seem to increase the size of the middle rock to be able to make the jump across. I also couldn't tell if changing the size of the sword did anything beyond visuals, and was it possible to change the size of the enemies? Even with those issues I still had a pleasant time playing through this. The music was very nostalgic and comforting, I would love to see this expanded with some new objects to scale and areas to explore.

Nice job, this was fun. Good creative use of the theme.

Nice visuals and general vibes. Controls feel good, would be curious to see you expand on this to see more of what the vision was :)

Really fun! Art is fantastic and the gameplay was snappy and satisfying, especially considering it's lacking sound.

Great idea and nice execution. I kept underestimating how violently the rock block would fling my planks, so I didn't do a great job getting Skale very wealthy...

Gave me a good laugh, nice job. I don't know if I really see the prompt in this game but I still had a good time playing!

Nice job, I think this idea is a fun riff on the jam prompt. 

I was rather confused as to what was going on or what the objective was but I love the vibe and aesthetic!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!