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This is really cool game! I would spend hours on it :D
It only needs a bit polishing, add leaderabord and achievements, sprinkle with some microstransaction and it will be a very successful mobile game!
Randomized tower is really cool - it makes every game quite new experience. Gameplay is simple yet satisfying.
Really great job!
Nice idea!
Graphics and music is very cool and fitting the world. One improvement I would suggest would be to on swiching direction character instantly move in that direction. Currently is one button press rotates character second button press moves character in that direction.
Overall very pleasant and cute game :)
Nice game - really good job!
Navigation and button to controll gameplay are not quite intuitive as in other games so that would be something to look into. I was constantly mistaken which button is jump and which attack.
I would love to see the tutorial in game - I was rushing into it and needed to go back to itchio page to see what I need to do.
Sorry but this music is not my favourite - maybe I don't rally like 8-bit type of music ^^
Overall really nice submission - keep working on great games ;)
I like this game :)
I only played in browser version and it got stuck on entering tower. But overall graphics and gameplay is really nice. Gameplay feels unique. At the beginning it was a bit hard for me to understand hook and mechanics but after a nimute or two I got it and it's really fun.
Keep on going ;)
This is truly a great game!
Great idea to implement theme, the resources management is really nice. Music is very pleasant. Game has really great vibe :)
I would love to see improvements in graphics and ui designs (to be more informative and intuitive). Also that valve minigame inside... It would be better to have some keyboard keys assign to them. Would be easier than moving mouse all around :)
Great job!
Cute gierka ^^
Fantastyczna animacja kota - great job! Po jakimś czasie trochę wkurzające jest miałczenie ale w sumie w prawdziwym życiu jest tak samo xD
Podoba mi się podejście do tematu pauzy - że świat cały się zatrzymuje. Z chęcią zobaczyłbym rozwinięcie historii i lepsze wykorzystanie/wpływanie (?) na element pauzy ;)
Tak trzymać!
Duch masakrator to mega fajna pozycja :D
Moja myszka chyba świruje bo w grze przesuwając myszkę o milimetr postać obraca się 4 razy xD sensitivity do wymiany xD
Grafika najlepsza jak narazie na całym jamie. Ktokolwiek wpadł na ten styl jest geniuszem!
Muzyczka i cała atmosfera na prawdę wprawiają w dobry mood.
Z pewnością widziałbym dodatkowo trochę lepsze pokazanie tego co gracz może zrobić i jaki ma to efekt. Czułem też że kontrola postaci (chodzenie, skakanie) jest trochę ciężkie.
Świetna robota i z chęcią zagrałbym w bardziej dopracowaną i pełniejszą gierkę :)
Good job i róbcie dalej gry bo macie ogromy potencjał :)