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A member registered May 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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So I looked through and an event wasn't firing correctly for some reason so I went ahead and fixed it. Shouldn't have the freezing issue anymore!

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Hey! What web browser are you on? Others have found the game does not work right on Safari. Seems Chrome/Edge work fine. Otherwise you may need to reload the page a couple times.

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Really glad you enjoyed it! I absolutely love using RPG maker to make anything but an rpg lol. So much you can do with it. 

I had originally planned out 3 separately themed mini-worlds each with a simple level or two but got so busy with work I had way less time to make everything than expected.

I will definitely add the thing about Chrome I had never tested it on safari. It's strange how playing web browser games on various browsers always results in varying experiences. Thank you so much for the feedback! 

edit: I found the bug!! An event wasn't firing a certain part sometimes, so I went ahead and added it to a second event and it all seems to be working!

Really fun! Think I got the golden highway, made it all the way to space but the bombs stopped spawning before I could send Icarus into the sun. Adding the shop you mentioned would be a great addition. Really liked the art style!

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Really loved this game. The controls are had to master but every time I would make a mistake I felt like it was my own fault and it just made me want to get better at it. Others have mentioned the control difficulty and while maybe there could be some tweaking I felt it really fit, makes it feel like a classic arcade game. Defenders initial reception was that it was difficult to control but fun to master. Really the whole identity of the game.

I can easily see this game being a big thing  it was really loads of fun to play. The music and sound effects are all solid and really improve the experience. I really really hope you continue working on this there's a ton of potential.

(Oh and windows defender thinks this is a virus for some reason)

Glad it finally worked! Strange it happens more often. In my experience and from what others have told me it's more rare. I have no idea what causes it though so that's a shame.

I had increased the crows hitbox at the last minute but didn't get to test it as thoroughly as I would've liked to so I will definitely be fixing that. Due to the way it's implemented the up/down has to be held to move. Hoping to find a solution for that though.

Thank you for the feedback it really helps! I'll try to go through and make some fixes at a later time.

Great job on your first game! Having different 'levels' like jetpack joyride was a great idea making it seem like your progressing more. Birds using worms as money is a fun idea. Although I feel the worm counter should stay on screen while playing so you can see how many you have like your score does. Nice job!

Played in chrome and after level 9 it wouldn't load the next one. 

As I've said before, the music is awesome. Liked the soft/quiet music in the credits as well. Really interesting mechanics being able to fly over walls and using up your health to 'x-ray'.  

Feels like it needed some other mechanic or puzzle aspect to make it more engaging though as the player can just fly to the end of the level. Still, had a good time with it and hope it gets worked on more! Lot of potential.

A really fun idea! I can easily see this back in the day on coolmath or newgrounds. Feels like if Ultimate Chicken Horse was a flash game. 

It was a lot of fun to play and having your past decisions add to the puzzle makes it all the more satisfying to solve! 

I do wish the bush or some new item could delete/cover up goat heads or other objects. Made it to level 8 and had goat heads placed at the exact spot of the trampoline >_<. Definitely my own fault though but the ability to delete an object could create some interesting player decisions. 

Loved the graphics from the moment I saw Dr. Xavier. Reminds me of Little Big Planet stickers. Nice sound effects too!

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What web browser are you using (or did you download it)? Tested it in chrome and edge and refreshing the page itself solves it. Also what keys are working?

Thank you!

Thanks for playing! The movement issue is in the game.  It’s to do with the way I implemented a few things and had to use the default movement system along with it. I tried a few ways to fix it but this was the least destructive solution. I do hope to fix it if I ever remake the game.

The issue has to do with the way I had to implement a mechanic and ties in to the built in movement system. I have a few fixes for it in mind so if I ever come back to this It’s definitely top of my list to fix.

I like the concept of it and the mechanics were well done. Would love to see how it can be further expanded on but considering it was done in 24 hours it's excellent as is.

Clicked on everything and looked though the inventory but can't seem to find anything you're supposed to do to progress.

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Cool game! The character sprites are done well and the music fits perfectly. I think the camera could have been a little better if it was more in front of the player (depending on the players direction or if they're jumping) to see where you're going or see the enemies walking towards you.

Cute turtle! The background moved a little too fast for me. Really love the idea of the moon (which was also cute) affecting the tide when it was 'up' (sleeping) but would like to see how that could affect gameplay. Easy to get addicted playing and ended up playing longer than I thought I would. Good job on your first game!

Thanks! Was it that the objective wasn't made clear or the controls?

I'll start by saying I really like the sprite for the main character. The animations were also cool like using the plunger for climbing. I also really like the idea of the game and the mechanics themselves are really interesting and unique.  The music was nice too.

That said, I spent about 40 minutes before I decided that I had to take a break. The controls for the pipe jumps felt a little too frame perfect. It was fine when jumping to a safe platform but jumping to a water pipe or chaining pipe jumps together was just too difficult for me personally. 

Having to stay perfectly still to use the water pipes was really frustrating as I had to pause for a second and then a split second later time a pipe jump. Often times the water took me too far or not far enough to even reach the jump having me repeat the same jump or often times get thrown back down to repeat a previous jump.

After returning from my break I came back refreshed and actually got a better hang of the pipe jumps. That said it still felt I needed to be near frame perfect and the water jumps were still a big luck based hurdle but I was able to finish the rest in about 10 minutes.

Despite the issues I really do hope the game get's further polished after the jam as despite the problems I really enjoyed the challenge and would love to play more!

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Didn't know what was going to happen so got a little jumpscare lol. Really loved it the story was great! Really liked how the gameplay was telling the story. What a legend it was...

I really like the direction of the game! The opening and closing messages went by a little too fast. Maybe have the player scroll through the page or some way of letting the player read at their own pace. I noticed the text bubbles in game, if they were near the edge, would go off screen and couldn't be read. (Maybe that's only in the web version?) It would also be nice to have a button to have the text complete typing as I had a hard time reading it while it was typing and continuing to expand the bubble.

I really liked the enemy designs and how they were the same creature but like different stages of it.  Really, all of the designs/sprites were great.

The jellyfish enemies were really tough  when there were two eggs spawning them. The one you're not attacking spawns a lot, which all attack at the same time, and it felt a little unfair even with having max upgrades. Definitely appreciate being able to respawn with backtracking being the only consequence.  Maybe being able to shoot their projectiles would be a good addition. 

Music is 10/10 loved every piece!

It was really well done and polished especially considering the time spent. Overall I really enjoyed it and hope it gets to be expanded on in the future!

Thanks! I really tried to make it more of a relaxed game with the music glad it worked! I unfortunately didn't have the time to add secrets but if I decide to polish things after the jam I definitely have some ideas...

Glad you enjoyed it!

As I was playing I literally thought 'this is a really cool idea, but I wonder if it would be better if the player had a  ____' and then hardmode answered my prayers.

Love the atmosphere both modes go for (and the music!) but enjoyed the faster pacing and extra features of hardmode. Also loved the extra feature of asteroids and debris interacting with each other. That was a really nice touch. One thing I noticed, the trajectory should maybe change to negatives when going one way off course and positives the other way to differentiate.

I'm gonna need a bigger boot

This game is pretty fun and addictive. With a little tweaking this could be the new snake.

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Cool game! The puzzles were pretty enjoyable and the music and background were really nice. Not sure if I just didn't understand the puzzle but at one point there seemed to be red herrings. I liked solving that part but executing it was a little frustrating due to having to restart the whole section when a box I brought from across the map gets stuck in a corner. Personally I didn't like the grid based movement it just felt slow leading to me just spamming the move keys to go faster. I feel the grid movement would work better with some kind of undo or rewind feature similar to Baba Is You but limited use maybe. That's just my thought though. Really enjoyed this and hope to see more!

Thanks for playing!

I really loved playing Dememorize so I'm glad it helped!

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Glad you liked it! I actually did a survey in the week leading up to the jam and the majority say the most scared they've ever been in a video game was because they we're afraid of losing a character they cared about whether its the main character or an npc. A lot of the real life experiences of fear they brought out all had to do with emotional attachments as well. It might not get the same screams but it certainly gets a more personal and memorable reaction from the player, especially if they actually risk losing something.

Thanks for playing!

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A fun little experience. Well made! Short and simple. Maybe the skeletons could have moved around a bit or talked just to add something extra to it. Also, spamming the space bar over and over you can just get to the end since there's a chance of the skeleton not hitting you or dealing a small amount of damage. Nice job for your first game!

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I hate this game. It's VERY SCARY. So mission accomplished haha. There seems to be an issue with the ai though like they stay still until the player gets close and than when the player runs far enough away and they stop chasing THEN they start moving around and pathfinding. There were a few moments where for example a gooby (goober? goobie?) was in front of the artifact (collectable) and I was unable to go past it and the only option was to get close and hope it didn't kill you. I managed to do this for the first 3 sections after several attempts but at the maze it just got too difficult for me. Plus by then I was pretty spooked haha. Very scary! Great job! Giving the player little info on the gooby people and making them look harmless,  giving the player a very dark fov (but not quite too dark), and adding the 'creepy' (but insanely necessary and helpful) hand drawn map, all greatly enhance the scares and gameplay.

I really like this game. The day time is all just normal farming fun and then night is just you alone in the dark with who knows what lurking nearby.  I hope you keep working on this!

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Thanks! I actually submitted just the games page so it would be ready to go and then worked on the game. This was my first game so I did actually use a lot of the time and submitted the game itself 3 hours prior to the limit. Really glad you enjoyed it though!

Very scary! Really liked the ending!

Pretty creepy. I really hate when shows show surgery and stuff so this was very uncomfortable to me. So great job! Would have liked a bit of story or something but the game works for what it is. Nice job!

Glad you liked it!


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