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A member registered Mar 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you!

Thank you very much for your feedback!

(1 edit)

Hi, another person had the same problem a few months ago.
I'm not sure what the problem could be, I think it depends on the fps. When I made this game I probably didn't even know how to manage movement and camera based on fps.

This was a one-week project, so I don't think I'll fix it, but I'd like to create other games with this combat system in the future so I appreciate immensely the feedback. This is absolutely a thing I have to look at for the next games. Thank you very much!

This is a "one-week project" I made years ago. Now I'm not thinking of making it on mac, sorry. I don't have a mac to build it in any case.

In the future, I hope to make other games with this combat system, and with more effort. So they could be on mac.

Thank you! :D


The game itself is nice, and I liked art and sound, but I think it needs some sort of feedback and tutorial. In the beginning I didn't understand what to do. I found the txt inside the zip with all written, but I think would be better to have it in game

I loved the surrealism of this man rolling around saving animals lol

I liked the game, rolling was so satisfying that sometimes I preferred to move around instead of saving the animals xD 

As other comments said, the movement is a bit stiff, but the game is nice.

I liked the art style and the grapple mechanic, also if it wasn't so clear where it's possible to grapple at the beginning.

The game is funny and interesting, but I think it needs some sort of tutorial, because at the beginning I hadn't understood what I was supposed to do. And a bit of polish on the text too.

For me it was a lot hard to understand if I was really doing something or not. I think it needs some feedback on the button (for example, the item you select starts to follow the mouse) and some feedback on the plant too, to understand if you clicked correctly on it.

Apart from that, the game is really interesting. Peacefully and visually pleasing, nice job!

Really nice game! I found really hard to beat the spar guy, instead the final boss was so funny lol

One of the best entries in this jam!

I tried it, now it's really more difficult, maybe too much xD

Anyway nice job

I think there's something wrong with trying to use the direction of the input, instead of pressing to rotate continuously in a direction. For me it was really hard to play, I lose after two or three enemies

It was really hard to drive, but the idea is really funny.

And the ramp to jump is fantastic xD

The game is nice, but I didn't understand why there is that powerup that makes you fly. It makes you win too easy

This is a really nice game! As others said, stats were hard to understand at first

Ah ok, I thought you didn't use Unity because it wasn't written on the itch page xD

Anyway, my thinking hasn't changed. We are all here to get better and show what we can do

Yes. I don't know, maybe it's my English that is not so good and I didn't catch something important, but I think that it misses something to understand what I should choose

Yeah, make me know if there are updates.

I can't even imagine how hard is to make it works, I always use engines like unity or unreal, so the game is already working, I have only to make the gameplay. But I found the idea really brilliant. I saw something similar used in platform games, but never in a shooter, and it really surprised me. 

I found the idea really interesting, but the gameplay doesn't make it shine. Just with 2 characters the game is already easy and I found it more fun to die until reaches a large number of characters to use.

Obviously you made it alone and in one week, and I think that what you did is already fantastic. Probably with a bit of balancing it will be a lot better

Really nice game! I think I have broken it after the second day, because the guy is gone but nothing happens. But I found really fun to play, and brilliant the idea to use the theme like "every life is necessary to summon the demon"!

Sometimes it seems like I have to choose randomly, but the game itself is really nice. The ending is brilliant

I don't know if it's my computer or not, but I don't see images on this page or on the itch page.

The idea is funny. I think it needs a bit of polish and love, and maybe a little tutorial before starting a level, because in my first run I lost all the time understanding what to do

The game is pretty simple and I liked the models.

At first I found strange when the WebGL didn't start, then I read below xD

This is snake with a mechanic where you protect the chicken, funny! XD

I think would be better to have instructions in game too. I had few problems at the beginning, because I didn't understand what to do and why I was losing after 5 seconds xD

Thank you very much!

Good game, nice use of theme.
I won just using the fire wizard and spamming attack. Maybe need a bit of randomize on enemies or other types of wizards, but the game itself is really funny

Wow, good job in only four hours. Very funny!

Simple but funny.  For mobile this could be one of those games that make me play for hours.

Good idea, the game could be fun, but as othes said there are a few problems to resolve.

Very good job! I loved it! At first time i didn't notice that my death body remains in the scene, but it's brilliant!

Nice game for a solo dev! The figtht need a bit of polish, but the graphics is fantastic

Good game. Nice use of theme and i loved graphics.

Nice! One of the best use of the theme.

Good game! The wolf scared me the first time, I did not expected this xD

Nice idea and art. As others said there are a few problems, but maybe you can fix them in the days of polishing 

The idea is not bad: kill, super jump, take gems. But I think it needed a smaller world and a bit more polish 

One of my favorite entries! The knight is a bit buggy I think, sometimes the sword doesn't hit an enemy in front of me. Apart from this, is really nice and funny, just add a few varieties in enemies and rooms and it is perfect. 

It reminded me of geometry dash. I am too noob to even finish the first level, but it was really funny to replay and get a little further each time