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A member registered Jun 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey Rueben... Hey Rueben...

This game is pretty cool.

Pretty nice game. I'll mention though that the web version isn't really playable because crouch is bound to ctrl (and Ctrl+W will close the window)

Very cool idea! It feels nice to get those 100%s. This looks like it would be fun on a phone

This game is straight up evil and i kinda love it for that. Good job!

I like the concept, although i do think the dialogue ends up hurting the experience a lot. The dialogue is a bit too slow and stilted, and keeps interrupting the gameplay.

It's a little rough around the edges, but it's a nice take on the different sized doors idea. In some of the more cluttered rooms it never quite felt like i had "solved" the puzzle, moreso just hacked my way to a solution. I also wasnt sure what the meaning was behind the yellow-black warning textures. Other than that, i do appreciate the game.

Clever puzzle game. I appreciate adding the undo/restart hotkeys. I think level 5 to 6 was a bit of a difficulty spike but like any good puzzle it can be solved with some thought. I think you did a pretty good job teaching the mechanics in the first few levels

Cool game! I don't think i've ever seen this idea done before. I ended up getting stuck on the third level with the springs though.

Very creative mechanic! I'd love to see how far this idea could be taken

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It's a very interesting concept. Kind of reminds me of the game Mosa Lina in it's gameplay. I think it's currently held back a bit due to some bugs with selecting platforms, and a lack of variation. It'd be cool to see how far you could take this idea

Great game! It's challenging but you do start to get a feel for it eventually, which is fun! I got to 81 before i stopped. I bet this game would do excellent on mobile platforms.

Super cute game! Really like the art and the music. I liked it when they whispered "you can't eat this mountain, you can't even eat a smaller mountain". I only have small complaints about the right stick's deadzone being too big and that a lot of places were in very deep shadow, making it difficult to see. But it felt enjoyable to play despite that!

It's alright, just not really for me. I never really felt like i had any control over what happens, although i guess that is also kind of the goal of these types of games. 

Awesome! The online gallery turns this from an okay game to a great game. I like seeing all the silly drawings.

Nice and cute game. I'm not someone who knows how to read sheet music so i kinda just memorized what i had to pick up, i think it'd be cool if you could teach people sheet music with this! although right now i feel like i didn't get the intended experience. The platforming was okay

Ahh i love games like this, i've always wanted to make one but i always ran into issues with the window api. Really cool and fun!

Im guessing it's probably an issue with your antivirus, but i'm not really sure

What was the error message?

Wonderful game with fun gameplay and gorgeous visuals. One of the best games I've played in the entire jam. 

On my first try playing i felt that the game became increasingly more fun an challenging after about round 3, before that i thought the game felt a little meandering. I eventually ran out of options in round 4 4/5; or so i thought; when i realized that I had missed the rolling mechanic.

After playing a second game where i actually used the rolling mechanic, i want to conclude that: i actually had more fun in the first run. The second run got boring when i realized i could just line up dice to the same spot with every equation, completely negating the bricks. I think what made me like that first run so much more was that i could immediately feel all of my past actions piling up on eachother, until i eventually became unable to make any equations at all

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Very fine entry, i can definitely feel the Vlambeer inspiration in this (this is a good thing). Right now i feel like it's missing something important though: it needs more tension.

 If i compare this to Super Crate Box (which i assume is kind of what you were going for), it lacks the high tension of that game where you could make a single mistake and lose at a moments notice. Right now the enemies are visible from far away and unable to catch-up or ambush you. Without that tension it makes the game feel a little mindless (and when the dice spawns out of sight, i sometimes forget it even exists).

My first thought to alleviate this would be to make the game take place in tight corridors and add something like a fog-of-war effect (if you've played Nuclear Throne, think of the labs levels: dark, tight, and with lots of weak enemies). Don't take that as instructions though, i'm not a game design whiz. Think about it and try some experiments, that's best way.

I feel like i'm being too harsh on this game though, so i just want to point out that this game feels wonderfully crunchy to play. The graphics, sfx and heavy screenshake all feel really good together. I'll be sticking around for what you do next :)

Do you have an example for something that confused you? I'm not quite sure what more i can explain

Very enjoyable game, i've seen a lot of RPG-style games this jam but this is the first one i've seen that nails the gameplay enough for me to want to play. I wish it leaned a little more on the roguelike elements though, i was a little disappointed when the health-refill was a one-time thing and not an unlockable like the other options

Anyways, i'm glad to see another Yahtzee Roguelike! :)

I'd say it's because of the large differences in weight/speed the dice. So for example the blue and green dice both feel really heavy and kind of slow, while the other ones send you flying without much warning or buildup

Like this a lot, movement feels a little too wonky for me but otherwise this is a solid entry!

Would've like to see some interaction for when you hit an enemy with a die, right now i don't even know how exactly anything works (or why you can charge up your throw)

A very unique game experience with a cool theme. I find the UI a little too hard to read at a glance, adding another color to the palette to highlight things would've been nice. Music also feels a little dissonant, i understand the feeling it's trying to accentuate but it just causes me sensory overload when combined with everything else.

With a little bit of UX work i think i would actually like this game a lot, since i'm all about games that play like this one.

Lovely little game, and surprisingly hard. I find the PICO8 font getting a little in the way of quick reading, but that's the only thing i dislike. Graphics are really well done otherwise, and i love the animations. Very good work!

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You can see your lives in the top-left of the screen, you start with 3, and lose one everytime you don't meet the score requirement. Glad you still enjoyed it :)

Despite the mechanics being a bit wonky, i had a blast. The wall-jump mechanic single-handedly made this game go from just being alright, to being very great. It was fun to try and search for parts of a level that could be skipped, at one point i skipped a whole layer from gaining massive velocity, it was great

Fun game, could use some work on the visuals constantly resetting

I've seen a handful of games use this concept this jam, but i think this one executes it the best. Maybe not the most crazy original out-there idea, but that doesn't matter to me as long as the game is fun. I had a good time :)

I really like the idea of this game, but it's kind of monotonous to play. Not really enough freedom in how you can approach the enemy

Interesting game. The lack of cooldown on the engines makes you able to spin around in circles indefinitely, not sure if that was intended.

Lovely little game. The gameplay, music and visuals all blend together very nicely, great work!

I quite like the esoteric control scheme, although personally i found it more fun to not use the spacebar at all and to try and master the mouse movement

Fun game, very challenging too. I like the panels you can bounce on, if you're orbiting something and you hit them you bounce all over the place. I got softlocked on level 3 when i flew out of the map but didn't die, a bit annoying, but it's fine

Nice idea, took me quite a bit of trial and error to get to the end. A backspace feature would've been nice though

Amazing art and music, could use a checkpoint system though, the game isn't exactly the easiest

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Nice simple game with pleasing visuals and music. I was going for quite a while until my game crashed with this error 

The card-combining mechanic is really cool but i don't think it works in practice. There's no real time to strategise (or even read what each spell does), so the only thing that works is to just spam as much stuff down as fast as possible. Maybe slow down time when looking at a card or something?

The art is well done, no complaints there.

I'd love to see a more refined version of this concept, because my actual gameplay experience was pretty mixed.