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A member registered Jan 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Well designed in despite being difficult, it still keeps the player interesting in giving it another try, because when you lose you don't go back too far. 

 Also, it is appreciated that when you activate a bridge, it keeps activated if you lose before reaching it

My favourite one in the Jam so far.

I have many games to try yet, but this is the first one I give perfect score in all categories

 Pretty clever in that even though you cannot really get to use the main mechanics that much, the "Demo ends here" screen allows you to do some stuff and get a great idea of what would be to come.

Even before playing you can see the visuals are a stand out


After some trial and error, and some help from other comments here, could finish it. Feels quite complete.

Engaging music, and my favorite aspect is that the characters are quite expressive. Love being sucked by the vacuumers, and seeing their happy face afterwards :D

 Thanks for the video. It taught me that people with the vacuums won't chase you if you stay still when being an object. I needed to know that to progress in a part I was stuck

 I Like the music :)

 It is fun to try to get the cards from the bottom of the lake (which I asseme are more powerful for the battles), and challenging as well. The randomized positions give it variety

 With some difficulty (but also fun) Got to the third fight, the Honodragon, with a Shrimpistol. Think I beat it, but it kind of softlocked. Still hear a sound when using the arrows, like the sound when changing option, but the cursor is not seen, no music and nothing can be chosen.

 Maybe it's the antivirus as suggested in your page, as when I close it Avast says it's been safelisted or something like that, but not sure if the softlock has to do with that. Might give it another try later.

Love the color choice. Music fits the atmosphere

 Only move for now. They didn't make it in time to add more stuff. They'll continue after the Jam. That's in the game's page's description :)

 I Like the chosen colors,

 Wish the arrow keys would be available for moving as well, but these will do.

 I think it would benefit from giving options of where to start after losing, but I was still intrigued to keep playing a little more. I understand it might be because of the time limit to make the game.

 The increaingly louder step sounds are a great touch!

 Memory loss can be creepy!

 Very fitting atmoshphere

 Interesting that you get a specific comment when losing

 I like clearing the memory as kind of putting the pieces of a puzzle together, forming the final image

 Showing the most crucial part of the image last is neat, but I think still a lot was revealed before that one. Still very neat final reveal in the text.


 The audible speaking from the ghost is cool!

 Doing the house tasks while knowing there's a ghost around makes me feel very productive! Multitasking, ha ha!

An effective use of the dash button for me, was when approaching a wall at a fast speed and it would seem can't avoit hitting it, aim to the opposite direction and tap the dash button once. It works like a nice break to stop the speed

 Nice particle effect while absorbing the enemies holding B button (X on the keyboard), and I think it can be replicated on an actual gameboy.

 The 4 selected colors fit the mood very well.

 The giant eye monster in the background that opens and closes the eyelid is a very interesting and impressive effect.

 Note to other players: if you walk all the way to the right, you'll find a cliff. avoid falling into it, as you'll have to wait until your health deploys until losing and being able to play again. There's a cliff to the left after walking a while too. Didn't try jumping into it but I guess the same would happen.

You can download the rom here:

Remember to choose the desired option with the X key. If you use Z key, it automatically picks the lower option regardles of the cursor position

 Ok. The game has been updated to display the amount of carrots left. Thanks for the feedback :)

 Thank you :)


Considero al juego completo, pero siempre puede ser actualizado. De hecho, acabo de actualizarlo: ya no está el fallo en el primer nivel de Smoke Trouble luego de completar Beach Follies. También, modifiqué la escena de inflar a Félix para que sea más fluída. 


 We could consider this a final version, but it can be updated any time. In fact, I've just updated it: the glitch in the first level of Smoke Trouble after completing Beach Follies is fixed. Also, The pumping Felix stages have been modified so they are faster and with less slowdown (at the cost of removing some details when no buttons are touched, like blinking eyes or slowly deflating)

 Can we use these in commercial games? I mean in a game I would intend to make some money off from

Hidden powerup:

If you've played through the game once, you may have noticed that near the end of the game there is a tank that Marta can use to fill herself like a balloon and go unnoticed by the last guard.

Well, there's another one hidden in the early stages. You can do the same with this one, and this way you can go through most of the game guards without being spotted.

Have you found it?

Have fun!

 El rom lo puedes descargar aquí:

 That happened with my "GB studio" made game too. Solved already.
 That must be sorted out by the person that uploaded the game from configuration.Game creator should change Viewport size to 480px x 432px. That would make the game compatible with cell phones.

 That happened with my "GB studio" made game too. Solved already.
 That must be sorted out by the person that uploaded the game from configuration.Game creator should change Viewport size to 480px x 432px. That would make the game compatible with cell phones.

 That happened with my "GB studio" made game too. Solved already.
 That must be sorted out by the person that uploaded the game from configuration.Game creator should change Viewport size to 480px x 432px. That would make the game compatible with cell phones.