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Rodrigo Rocha

A member registered May 09, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing ^^

Thank you ^^

Haha, thanks ^^

I am glad you liked my storytelling, It was never my strong point
Do you think the controls are confusing or it just have a high learning curve?

Thanks for playing my game :)

It really needs balancing, but my idea was to make it chaotic indeed, but a more controllable chaos :)

Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for the kind words and for playing my game ^^

Fun fact, that specific DOT were the very last pixels I drew for this game 🤡

Yeah, there is some learning curve because you need to press so many buttons at the same time and remember to press in the correct direction at the right time. But I am glad it became easier the more you played. I need to make the initial difficult and learning more smooth. Thanks for the feedback!

" I instantly knew how to play the game" - that is great, do you feel that was somewhat intuitive ?

Thanks for the considerations, Yes I was wondering about the controls being a bit complicated, but I think I can do it, it just needs more polish and less jank, some buffering and delays. Maybe a 2-directional system would be an option, depending of how this game will evolve.

Playing with up button may interfere with aiming, but you are not the first to ask for this (well, smash bros got away with this in its first 2 entries). Maybe I will include as an option, that would be fine.

Thanks for the suggestion and for playing my game :)

Hopefully I will develop it more. Thanks for playing ^^

It was a bug indeed. Thanks for playing my game ^^

The difficulty curve really needs adjustment indeed. Thanks for playing ^^

swallowing a block and matching 3 inside the monster belly was on the plans, but ran out of time haha. thanks for playing!

Thanks ^^

I removed the death from game at the last minute. There was a bug making the player die unfairly many times. So I wont let the player die at all, but i will fix that :)

Thanks ^^

Yeah, I fixed many bugs and then introduced new ones, hahah

I think I will make the game speed/dificulty adjustable, but yes, I made the pacing fast because I was afraid people wont see much of the chaotic progression I wanted in a short play session.

Very enjoyable, cute story and well thought projectile mechanics, nice job!

Very ambitious, cute and well done!

I can see it as a full game with more polishing on platforming mechanics, you have something very cool here

Everything work pretty well together, well done!

I also never realized that I could go back and talk to the frog hahaha

I am pretty bad at this game! hahaha but was very fun

Very creative and charming

Was not expecting a Reverse-tower-defense game, very cool! With more polishing it could be a great experience!

I would definitely buy a "full version" of this. The world needs more cool math games <3

It was pretty hard to find those flowers in the dark, maybe scattering them more would help the pacing, unless it was intentional...
By the way, never found any monsters, I was prepared for a jump scare haha

One nitpick: please add resolution options the next time, I needed to turn down my desktop resolution to 720p to be able to play at a good framerate in my crappy windows machine. :(

Just great! Looking forward for a full game if keep working on this <3

Too bad there is no audio, but that doesnt detract from the task.

Nice work!

Really fun game! A bit hard to control but easier to control than katamari haha.

The cut-scenes are pretty good, Would be good if you can accelerate that holding a button, I dont want to skip them, just wish they could go faster if I wanted.

Also, found a bug (no joke haha), at the shooting trial, couldnt progress because one of the targets was not counted as destroyed and needed to restart :(
2 bugs in fact: I cant move the camera on challenge mode :(

Anyway, excellent! I hope to see more!

I can relate to this real story .

3 days to fix a bug in my game, and I was looking in the wrong place haha.

Very cute and smart, I just wish it was a bit more forgiving to prevent many unfair deaths.

Pretty good concept, throwing dice was never this fun!

I wanted to play more, but the progression feels sloooow. Anyway, pretty good gameplay and upgrades!

I love that surfing mechanics :)

Very cool rail shooter

The animation of the enemy dying takes too long. Maybe instant feedback for each bullet hit would help this.

What a masterpiece! I can definitely see myself playing more of this, good job!

Very cute game, nice story!

I find it a bit difficult to play on a keyboard and used joy2key to play with 2 analog sticks, it felt much better and easier. Maybe including a dual stick control option be a good idea.

Great spear mechanics!

Now the controls are excellent! Good job!

Pretty fun! I wish I could play more but holding spacebar all the time makes my wrist hurt :(

Good job! Unfortunately, i cant get past the big duck feet. haha