Thanks for playing ^^
Rodrigo Rocha
Creator of
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" I instantly knew how to play the game" - that is great, do you feel that was somewhat intuitive ?
Thanks for the considerations, Yes I was wondering about the controls being a bit complicated, but I think I can do it, it just needs more polish and less jank, some buffering and delays. Maybe a 2-directional system would be an option, depending of how this game will evolve.
It was pretty hard to find those flowers in the dark, maybe scattering them more would help the pacing, unless it was intentional...
By the way, never found any monsters, I was prepared for a jump scare haha
One nitpick: please add resolution options the next time, I needed to turn down my desktop resolution to 720p to be able to play at a good framerate in my crappy windows machine. :(
Really fun game! A bit hard to control but easier to control than katamari haha.
The cut-scenes are pretty good, Would be good if you can accelerate that holding a button, I dont want to skip them, just wish they could go faster if I wanted.
Also, found a bug (no joke haha), at the shooting trial, couldnt progress because one of the targets was not counted as destroyed and needed to restart :(
2 bugs in fact: I cant move the camera on challenge mode :(
Anyway, excellent! I hope to see more!