great atmosphere unfortunately the game crashes when I press scram
Something will go wrong :D
it reminded me of covid and among us i really enjoyed it
Cool idea and visual. I hope you finish it latter
Killing zombies never get old
Love it. Finish it on first try but with half a point of life
Love the audio!
Cool game.. in one later level pause button block the finish otherwise gameplay was so fun
Great game.. love the boss :D but at some point its just RNG because you can repair all parts at stay in budget
Nice game only thing i would change is controls
It was pretty hard i didnt get the electric box, but visual and music was great.
95k but higher speeds broke the sound
Yes, the game was supposed to have more levels, but I couldn't implement it in time in a form that I would have liked.
great audio effect XD
Fun game but it would be nice to make fewer packages
The only thing that bothered me was that there wasn't enough space between the lines, otherwise it was a cult experience
Cool game.. i name my guy Elon XD
Cool alchemist game
I got block behinde rock in top right corne but otherwise fun game and great art style
Love the art style
At first glance I thought it was Hotline Miami style, but it turned out to be a very fun puzzle game
Cool micromanagment game.
I really enjoyed it. How did you add the fishing bar? I wanted to put it in my game, but I didn't know how. I work in Godot
Killing flies has never been more fun
Thanks! Yeah, it should have the sound of breathing in water :D
I played it on a touchpad and I still enjoyed it. Great game
Great idea and the best implementation of the gamejam theme so far
It took me back to my childhood when I shot chickens in Chichen Shooter.
Great idea. It would be a great mobile game. I hope you develop it
I'm just a sucker for racing games and I tried to get every tenth
It's like riding a bike, you turn the handlebars to the left but you go to the right... but fun
when I go back through the first door, the game throws me all the way to the left, even though I should be standing on the right. But otherwise, an interesting concept
If you had waited longer, something might have gone wrong. :D
Yeah, I should have given it less time :D
It took me a while to get used to the movement, but otherwise great atmosphere and art style
great idea and execution.. great fun causing chaos
I played too long :D
Mega soundtrack and fun gameplay
Level was too big for me but love the art style