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A member registered Mar 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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If I had the time to make several stages, it would be great to ramp up the difficulty as you progressed through the game! Unfortunately time got the better of me, but thanks for playing either way Paris! :) I quite liked your game, it was definitely one of the more creative ones.

It would definitely me nice to have more options during gameplay. I wish I had time to add more, but we'll see if ill polish it some after the voting ends.

Creative idea! Love the background song. I wish the game had a more clear goal and that I felt more like I was actually playing the planet, but of course I understand theres limits to how expansive the gameplay can be when its made in less than 48 hours. Great presentation too!

Great concept, the game is a bit jank in its current state though :)

I had plans of implementing something like that, but time got the better of me!

Great idea! I quite like the visuals, however the game became too easy once I realised that hugging the edge made me invincible :D not sure if thats intended, probably not!

The visuals are great. The controls feel weird, it feels like im constantly getting steered to the left for some reason.

I was trying to add more to the mechanics in the final hours, but encountered some bugs and in the end I just couldnt make it work! :( Unfortunate, but thats how it is sometimes with such a short time limit!

In the first build I actually did not allow for that, but it just made the game less fun although it doesnt make a whole lot of sense to allow it, so I removed it!

All good! Its hard to do everything in 48h!

Pretty top notch as far as 48h games go. It looks good, it plays pretty well and its just fun! It fits the theme quite well too and overall I can't complain too much. 4/5 very good!

Its good, albeit a bit easy perhaps as far as puzzle games go. The visuals are great and the music fits too. Overall solid game

The presentation is really good. I had to play just from seeing the cute cat with the big hat. The game is very polished too, although I find the aiming to be a bit finnicky. Wish I could aim with the mouse.

It works well and looks good. Creatively its nothing special tbh, but I clicked because of sexy vampire lady.

The art is very cute. I love the cat and the trainer, they are both charming. The gameplay is decent, although it infuriates me when she gives the worst kind of orders!

Cute characters

Very strong entry. Everything works, it looks good and it plays fairly well. Its a contender for best game of the jam for sure! 

Great concept. I struggled to get the hang of the timing, but it was fun to drag humans into the sea all the same :)

The idea is great, could make a full sized game with this premise. Its pretty janky in its current form though, but props for trying to make something like this in 48h!

It looks pretty good, love the swagger of the boss character. The combat is... well, not even functional tbh. Too bad, because I like everything except the gameplay!

It really nails the theme perfectly, and it is quite satisfying to play! Its just overall a really solid entry, only held back by the camera not following the player, which would have made it perfect imo! Good job.

Its not bad, but I am unsure how it fits the theme really. I see what you wrote, but I don't feel it nails the theme. That said, I actually had some fun traversing the landscapes and exploring the game.

Love the idea, but the execution leaves something to be desired. Hard to create much in 48h though!

The premise is pretty interesting despite the fact that I am not sure how well it really nails the theme of the jam. Overall solid effort though, id love to play a full scale game with of this concept.

Clever idea, its really funny. I don't like the backgrounds D: the characters look good, but the backgrounds have a completely different style to them.

Thanks a lot, ill try out your game too!

The idea is great, very clever. However, practically its not that fun D: I feel sorry for the poor interfaces around the world with these jobs!

Art is.. wow! Great job.

Its very cute, the little builder character has a lot of charm!

Glad you enjoyed it! :D

Its quite satisfying! The gameplay is polished and feels good.

The goblin looks awfully smug lol! I like the concept, but the knight AI is really prone to getting stuck and the controls are a bit jank.

Neat idea, not bad for 48 hours! I like it

Its very cute! Neat idea and overall solid game. I like it.

Thanks! I spent way too long on sculpting, retopology, rigging and finally animating the wrestlers! D:

I didnt know this was a horror game until the first hunter shot me. D:

Lots of good things here. I only wish the ball would stop faster! Nice idea though.

Its funny, I feel like this game in many ways should not be that much fun. The gameplay is very simple, but still I cannot stop smiling! Its just too precious. 

Its very funny, although I am not sure if what im doing is what im supposed to be doing, but that might be intentional! Its just overall hilarious, derpy and fun.

Nice concept, but the gameplay feels a bit jank unfortunately! Its hard to tell if moving is working as intended or if you are getting hit or not.