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A member registered Dec 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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(´。• ◡ •。`) ♡

I love this so much hahahahah

La cancion es preciosa y el juego lindisimo!

thxx :)

Thaaaanks!~ DAMN I really appreciate that it reminds you to Realm of the Mad God, that a legendary game Also thanks for the critics, the enemy spawn system and the moving camera were my main weak points of the game and I really want to fix them

Thanks for playing!

OMG I’M SO DUMB!!! Of course that’s Jevil and it’s there on purpose hahahahahah The funny thing is that it’s still an involuntary reference, cause I found the sprite on instagram and without knowing where it came from I used it for a game I made a while ago… then I played Deltarune and my mind was blown away cause I realized it came from there! And I LOOOOVE Toby Fox and Undertale, so I decided to keep it as a silly little reference hehe SOO you are actually the first person ever that has noticed this!! Thanks for existing! :_)

hahahahhahah nice! glad you had fun ^^ i dont know if I know the reference, but i sure love involuntary references :3 I really appreciated the feedback. The fixed camera is a great move actually, I might do it that way Thanks for playing!

hahahaha glad you could fix it!

So coooool I love this game !! It’s super fun I love the concept

Cool game! Really liked the patterns and the boss. Although I wish you could move diagonally ><

That intro was amazing hahahahah Really liked the art, reminded me of the flash era

I love this game! Just seeing the art I can tell it’s your game, I really like your art style, is super unique and recognizable. The gameplay was great, super cool patterns, it felt difficult at first but then you really get used to it and I found it well balanced and had me really tense by the end of the map, the deer had me dying hahahaha The boss rush is a really smart addition as it makes possible to see all the endings, which are pretty fun as well. And damn there where some bangers. Overall a wonderful experience. You really outdid yourself with this one, I can see the growth since last year ^^

Thanks a lot! Your feedback is great ^^ It was my first time doing a wave kind of thing and I invested quite the time detailing on that, so I literally cried when you said you found the difficulty perfect hahahahaha thanks a lot! A downloadable version is a really nice idea, it would have compensated the lack of time to polish the performance >< but I went for the silliness instead hahahah

Thanks a lot!


Breaking My Bro Ken

Shine of cardboard box community · Created a new topic Wow

This game is amazing!! Great and sharp platforming and my god that ending with that music… keep the great work going!

I bow before your gaming skills, thanks for playing! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ I absolutely loved your game btw ^^

Thanks a lot <3

Nice! Share it when you upload it :3

Very fun game! I loved the part when the colors are restricted, it looked super cool. Also great music choice. The mouse controls are perfect for the bullet shower in this game, and the progression is on point. I just missed some health feedback as others said, but overall the experience was great, good job!

Really cool idea for the theme! It really makes you go hard on the enemies and that makes it more challenging and fun. Great job!

Thanks a lot! <3

Really fun game! I felt like the random bullets were sometimes very unfair and I had to pray RNGesus too much, but I really love the idea and how that fits the theme, it’s a pretty neat mechanic and is funny how it can mess everything up so quickly. Also the visuals and sounds are really cool, great job!

Thanks a lot! The rope definitely needs some work >< but I’m glad you liked it overall

I completely agree on the random patterns. To be honest, I wanted to make this to test if I could make a platformer bullet hell that really felt like both genres (idk if that makes sense), so I had pretty much no idea of what I was doing in terms of game design (like the level layout, abilities cd, enemy patterns). But I’m actually learning a lot from the feedback, and the randomness is really something I should work out. The rope also needs its work, but I’m glad you figured out the trick to make it work better hahahahah I was starting to think that I was the only one that used it like that since no one mentioned it. I’m very happy you liked it! Thanks a lot for playing <3

I laughed so hard when I reached the end and it just looped again HAHAHAH I had to check your other games and this one is really cool and smart, I’m now trying to get a deathless run :D Is also nice to see the humbling origin of goldiblox infinite, you make really cool games ^^

Very cool boss fight, I really like the idea and it was very fun to play. I really like the art and the story intro, it really sets up the mood and also makes the boss fight way more epic, even more with that great drop at beggining of the song, it made me want to restart just to hear it again hahahaha Probably the only thing I missed is that it was faster and longer, and also that the music was louder. But in any case, great job and I hope I get to see more from this story in the future!

I completed it with 101 points. It’s a fun concept, I like the rythm of the stages and the bullet patterns. I found the first death square a very funny memory checkpoint, and the final rectangle of superdeath super hilarious. You could make more points if you hit the box with all the bullets, don’t know if that’s intentional, but I think it was cool. Good work!

Very fun game! I love the possession mechanic and the monster designs. And damn, the sound effects work amazingly well, great job! I beat it after three attempts, and then with only two captures :3 Also, I don’t know if the music glitching is on purpose, but I really really like it. The audio work is truly magnificent

(1 edit)

Really cool and fun game! Great work, it really got me hooked up. I like that you heal when reloading, and the SFX are on point. I lost a pretty good run because I didn’t notice I had the caps active, so it detected my inputs as wrong and I was freaking out until I realized how dumb I was >< but that should be easy to fix :3 In any case, great game, you made me hate the letter X

It’s cool, you can remove the scores, I want to get over 7k anyway ^^

This game is the perfect arcade addictive experience, I love it! This is the perfect execution of a simple idea that quickly scalates into tons of chaos and fun. You’ve done an amazing job, I really can’t express how much I enjoy your game and I could write an essay about the balance between the mechanics, really great stuff. Btw, if you use a very long name in the leaderboard, it stops showing the names that are below and in the same column, so maybe limiting the char ammount would be a nice idea :D (I’m really sorry for breaking it, I tried to fix it but ended up screwing it more to the point where I was considering getting the 20 best scores to cover it, but realised I would need a lot of ip changing so I’m just sorry, hope you can forgive me, I love your game very much)

Damn, this game has so much potential. I completed it twice and got 44 hits and 8:29 (my first try was like 120 hits and 20 mins :3). I mainly wanted to play it again cause I felt something was missing, as it was really hard to control, and I discovered the focus so I wanted to give it another try, but it didn’t feel like it changed much. Anyway, thanks to playing again I got better and more used to the controls, so I managed to snail some pretty cool hits on Brook and that felt really nice hehe I think that the controls need some tweaking, I believe some sort of visualization of your grapple would improve things a lot, and maybe if the outside square was a circle instead, it would be easier to control the direction, idk The game is still great, the bullet patterns are pretty cool and the idea is awesome, I can really see how much work you’ve put into this, and I would really love to see how this evolves, so I hope you keep up the good work! Also, I soo much LOVE the character designs, they are mega cute ^^

Thanks a lotttt!! <3

Well it took me like 60 deaths the first time, so I’m confident that’s pretty good hahahaha I totally agree with the way the rope works, and it really needs a lot of tweaking (like a cooldown indicator and less cooldown). And it has no attenuation system of any sort (it’s all instantaneous), but that is actually a brilliant idea, I will definitely try to implement it for the next version Thank you very much for the feedback, I really appreciate it, and I’m glad you had fun playing my game ♡( ◡‿◡ )

I definitely should have lowered the rope cooldown and added an indicator of some sort. I also thought on making the dash go a bit upwards for those moments you barely miss the platform. Sadly I didn’t have the time during the jam, but will definitely add that for the next version. Thanks a lot for the feedback, it really helps <3

Muchas gracias! ^^