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Seamus Donohue

A member registered Nov 26, 2016

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Just before taking this screenshot, I had just added 4 Extractors to the planet on the left.  There are two issues, here, both of which I've circled in red.

1) The strategic resource count for Metal disappeared.

2) The display for the strategic resources on the planet is sticking halfway off the bottom edge of the frame.  Any further down and it would be invisible.

Error tooltip is out-of-date.  It should complain about needing a T3 building, not a T2 building.

Same game as previous two reports.  The anomalous planet returned to the Discard pile when the turn shown here was ended.

(1 edit)

Same game as the previous report.  I unlocked the Wellness bonus that let's me play my Capitol planet for free.  The planets that were played the previous turn were: the anomalous planet shown here, the Capitol planet, and one other planet.

The anomalous planet partially blocks clicking the otherwise-functioning planet behind it.

[edit] I played another turn, and the anomalous planet went into the discard pile.  The game seems to have returned to normal functionality. [/edit]

First, "Targetting" is misspelled.  It should be "Targeting".  There are 2 Ts, not 3.

Second, I played 1 Cannon and 2 Coordinated Targeting Systems.  I have the Tactical Systems technology.

I expected 9 Combat.  (1 from Cannon, 6 from the Coordinated Targeting Systems modifying the Cannon, and 2 from Tactical Systems.)  Only 3 Combat is shown.


Unrelated to this screenshot, "Quantom Lab" is misspelled.  It should be "Quantum Lab".

In the game I was playing when I wrote that comment, the "Tactical Systems" technology was a fourth-column technology.  I only had "Cannon"s to deal with the threats (no "Ammunition Factory" unlocked, yet), so I was getting hit with a significant number of extra Unwellness and Crisis Points.  I managed to win the game once I SLOWLY crawled forward on the technology tree to "Missile Systems" (I think that's the name?  Tier 3 building, 7 Combat Points when played), but it took an hour-and-a-half with a lot of very careful thinking on most turns.

Three enemies that each have 7 to 12 hitpoints and cycle their effects every 3 turns is a lot to deal with when I can, at best, manage an average of 3 Combat Points per turn.  "Tactical Systems" got this up to around 4 or 5 per turn, but it still had me in a minor panic.

Thinking back on it now that I'm calmer, I'm starting to wonder if "kill everything that isn't a Raider and just manage the unwellness" would have been an easier strategy.  :P

All three Local Threat slots are unlocked at start of game.  A slot can go from "No threat detected" to an enemy ship present in the slot in only one turn.  Shooting a Local threat does NOT delay the effects of that Local Threat.  I'm assuming that at least one of these things is a bug.

As it stands, this puts a MASSIVE amount of pressure on the player to focus on Defense to the exclusion of everything else.

Alpha 0.5.1 is now live.

Game becomes unresponsive after returning to the Main Menu and trying to start a second game.  Reproduction steps are as follows:

1) Load web page.

2) Click "Run Game".

3) Click "New Game".

4) "Terran Remnants" is already selected by default.  Click "Play".

5) Click "Menu".

6) Click "Return to Menu".

7) Click "New Game".

This brings the player to the Faction Select screen, which then fails to respond to any mouse clicks.  The only solution is to reload the web page.

My first set of suggestions since Version 0.4 went live:

1) "Space Mines", "Gives: Gives 5 Combat -1 per turn when played."

This is useful over the span of 5 turns for a total of 15 Combat, which is an average of 3 Combat per turn when played.  Tier 2 buildings that do NOT require a strategic resource give a guaranteed 3 points per turn when played and don't need to be refreshed.  This makes Space Mines underpowered compared to the Tier 2 baseline.

I suggest one of the following:

A) "Gives 9 Combat -1 per turn when played" <-- Average of 5 Combat per turn.

B) "Gives 5 Combat." <-- This brings Space Mines up to the power level of Modular Farms and Orbital Telescopes, which also require Strategic Resources.

C) "Gives 1 Combat +1 Combat per other Space Mine played this turn." <-- I think you had this right the first time in your earlier game, "Planet Crafter".  Just borrow that mechanic.  (As an aside, "Planet Crafter" has had a couple of unfixed bugs for the past few years.)


2) "Arcology", "Gives: Gives 3 Random Points to all active crises when played."

This is comparable to the Tier 2 building "Crisis Response Center" (if I remember the name correctly; I don't have the building in front of me right now) which requires a Water strategic resource to build.  "Arcology" is supposed to be a Wonder; increase the build cost to 12 and have it give 8 Random Points to all active crises when played.  (This might need further adjustment once Tier 3 buildings are introduced, but until then, this suggestion should suffice.)


3) The animation for shooting enemies with the laser is a bit slow, especially if I'm shooting the Mothership 20 times all at once.  I suggest cutting the animation time per shot in half.


4) Regarding this selection (and similar selections): make the box bigger and put the planet inside the box.  As it is now, the colored outline draws the player's eyes to the contents of the box, making it less likely that the player will look outside that box.

My first bug report since Version 0.4 went live.  (I've been on a Minecraft binge, lately.)

From the patch notes: "When Space Mines are fully depleted they are now automatically replaced with a depleted building. This allows directly replacing them with a new Space Mines building."

Not implemented correctly.  See planet in bottom right.

Wellness bonus "On turns where an enemy ship has been destroyed no crisis points are generated at the end of the turn."

I am currently facing against the Mothership.  I destroyed a Local Threat, but gained 1 Crisis point at the end of the turn; 0 Crisis points were expected.

If this is intended behavior, then the description is wrong and should instead read "On turns where an enemy ship has been destroyed no crisis points are generated BECAUSE OF the end of the turn."  I would also add "Crisis points from other sources still apply.", but this may make the tooltip a bit large.

This appears about a second or two after the explanation on Crises, so the player doesn't have enough time to read the explanation on Crises.

I recommend either...
1) ...combining both explanations into one panel (you have screen space for it on browser, not sure on mobile), or...

2) ...delaying the combat/defense threats by one turn, or...

3) ...queuing tutorial panels like this so that the next one appears after the previous is dismissed.

Wonder "Planetary Shield" read, in part "Does 1 Combat to each ship".  Has no apparent effect on "Blockade" boss.  Is this intentional?

If intentional, then the description should be changed to "Does 1 Combat to each Local Threat (but not Major Threats)."

First Wellness milestone sometimes presents the following two options:

"Cooperative Endeavors": Gains 3 Science when completing a missions and gain 3 Exploration when completing a Technology.

"Surplus": Gain 3 random points each turn.

Completing missions and/or technologies doesn't happen every turn.  The player ALWAYS gets more points in the long run by choosing "Surplus".  I suggest increasing "Cooperative Endeavors" to at least 8.

A 7-slot planet (with 1 inherent Wellness on that planet) was just added to my empire by a Wellness milestone.  While reviewing the Discard pile, I noticed that the planet was not being rendered correctly.  (Look in-between the center and right planets in this screenshot.)

(1 edit)

The preview of the planet is missing.  Is this intentional?

[edit] Technology completed.  No planet was added to empire. [/edit]

Alpha 0.3.1

I just now built "Galactic Network"; it has no apparent effect.

Arcology gives nothing, apparently.

Wellness bonus "Tier 2 buildings cost 1 less production" is not working.  Bonus requires 3 Wellness in order to be active; I have 5 Wellness.

Alpha 0.3 is now live.

Crisis "Disunion" has no effect.

Wishlist button overlaps the victory text.

Note the Exploration panel in this screenshot.

In this turn, I played two Biomass planets that each had 3 Orbital Telescopes and a little bit of Science, resulting in 30 Exploration points.  This was so many Exploration points that it should have made two additional Missions available simultaneously, but it only gave me one additional mission, with Next Mission Progress being 24/19.

The mouseover tooltip is hard to read, here.  It might be better to just make this panel bigger and fit the description directly into the button.

(By the way, be advised that I've added a profile image to my account, recently.  I mention this only so that you'll still recognize me from me earlier posts.)

"Can't replace a building with the same building."

While this makes sense in the general case, Space Mines need to be refreshed and thus should be exempt from this rule.

Either that, or just rework Space Mines completely.  The mechanic from your older game, "Planet Crafter" will suffice: 1 Combat plus 1 Combat for each other Space Mine played on the same turn.

The two options, here, highlighted when I moused over them.  However, the explanatory tooltips didn't appear and neither option responded to being clicked.

The workaround was to click "Menu" in the upper left, then resume the game.  Then I clicked "Subsidies (T2)" and the game continued normally.

In case it's relevant, the "Apply Tech" that's mostly obscured is in regards to "Tactical Systems", add 2 Combat when planets are already producing Combat.

Having played Cardalaxy a couple dozen times, now, I've noticed something about the current Wellness mechanic.

Once the player has reached the first Wellness milestone, the Wellness decay mechanic pressures the player into investing heavily into Wellness to stay ahead of the decay.  Unlocking Health Tracking Centers and/or Modular Farms becomes a major survival priority for the player, as a result.  However, once either of those are unlocked, it becomes much easier to overshoot the Wellness decay and jump straight to victory.

I therefore suggest two changes:

1) Currently, the rate of decay is a function of the highest Wellness the player has ever reached.  Change this to instead be a function of the player's current Wellness; as Wellness drops, Wellness decay should also drop.

2A) Double the Wellness amounts required for all milestones OR...

2B) ...add more Wellness milestones such that Victory is still the last milestone, but requires 100 Wellness.

1) On the Refugee event, the buttons "Some" and "All" are not clickable.  I suspect it's because I don't have enough free slots for the refugee camps, but I don't know for sure.  Only "None" was clickable.

2) Images are not parsing correctly, as per the last bug report.

3) This event may need to be redesigned entirely.  I usually build Assemblers into free slots extremely soon after I get new planets.

Bug appears to be fixed!

Two issues, here:

First, the icons aren't parsing correctly, for some reason.

Second, Exploration missions require a lot of points to accumulate.  This paltry payout is, objectively and factually, a waste of the effort: I get fewer points back from this event than I put into launching the mission, even if I were to accept the penalty of 5 Crisis Points.  It is only slightly better than if an Exploration event said "You found nothing at all and came back empty-handed."  It MIGHT be justifiable if it were giving me 12 points of storable Production because of how Production works.

I gained a point of Exploration from playing planets this turn, but I cannot spend that point on the current Crisis.  Only Exploration points that were available at the start of turn can be used to resolve the crisis.

(1 edit)

Alpha 0.2.1

First boss name is "Enemy Name" instead of "Scout Squadron".

Be aware that I just withdrew Issue #2.  Feel free to take a closer look at it, anyway, but it's possible that my initial report was wrong.

(1 edit)

Version Alpha 0.2.1

There are two issues, here.

1) Obviously, the graphical glitch.  "Wishlist Now!" overlaps the victory text.

2) One of the wonders seems to be unlocked by earning 50 Wellness.  I assume that this is supposed to be a total gross gain of 50 Wellness (not counting the 1 to 5 Wellness decay per turn), but the Wonder is only unlocking at 50 net Wellness accumulated.  This makes whichever Wonder it is completely pointless because by the time the player unlocks it, the player has already won the game.

I withdraw issue #2.  I just unlocked the Arcology in a different playthrough.

Confirmed fixed!

Just to confirm what we already suspected: this bug also seems to affect 2 Automated Systems on the same planet.  (Gives 2 bonus for each type not produced by planets.)

Note that this screenshot is annotated.  The issue is with the leftmost planet.  For clarity, when I say "strategic resource", I mean "Water, Biomass, or Metal" (what I previously guessed in a previous bug report as being "Ice Cubes, Marijuana, or Corinthium").  I say this to specifically distinguish them from the common resources: Production, Combat, Wellness, Science, and Exploration.

I wasn't taking careful notes during my game (I never do), but what I THINK happened is that a strategic resource got added to this planet by an Exploration event, and THEN I added an Extractor to this planet, and THEN a Technology added Biomass to a different planet, and THEN I noticed that this planet had an Extractor, but no strategic resource.

I can't be 100% certain of that sequence of events.  What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that I did NOT build an Extractor on a planet that lacked a strategic resource at the time of the Extractor's construction.  A strategic resource was there when I built the Extractor, and now it's gone.


As a side note, I am enjoying the game, despite the growing pains.  8P

No, I didn't skip over intermediate technology.  I researched the intermediate technology (the middle red arrow in this case), got the planet, researched later technologies, and then at some later point that "get another planet" technology became available for researching again.

It wasn't the only case in that game, either.  Do you see that magnifying glass in the third column?  "Get an extra slot on a planet"?  In-between Mental Scheduling and Genetic Labs?  I researched that twice in total.  That is, I researched it once, then researched later technologies, and then the magnifying glass became available again, so I researched it a second time.

(1 edit)

"Galactic Network" - "Add 2 water, biomass, and metal to the planet."

Only seems to add 2 Metal.  The alleged extra water and biomass don't appear on either the planet or the Production panel.

[edit] In case it's relevant: the planet in question only had metal to begin with, not water or biomass.

I, somehow (and I do NOT know how) unlearned earlier steps in the technology tree.  In this screenshot, pay close attention to the white bar animation for technologies that I can select to research next.  I've added red arrows to the earlier technologies that I can now research next, and I've added green arrows to the later technologies that I've already researched.  Notice the lack of the animated white bar on Launch Facility and the technology below it.  I have several planets with Launch Facilities, already.

Before I report this next bug, I'm going to create a new type of notation for brevity.  If I say "1!2/3/4/5/6", then I mean "1 random point, 2 Production, 3 Combat, 4 Wellness, 5 Science, and 6 Exploration".  I might omit the first number and the exclamation point if there are no random points, but the other 5 numbers and 4 slashes will always be present.  I might replace 0 with an underscore for easier readability.

So, "0/4/0/2/3" and "_/4/_/2/3" both mean "4 Combat, 2 Science, and 3 Exploration".

This is adapted from Starsector(*) notation, which frequently has to state bonuses that are hullsize-dependent: Frigate/Destroyer/Cruiser/Capital.

(*) ...made by Alexander Mosolov and others at Fractal Softworks....

(I admit that defining this new notation is absolutely overkill for this one bug report, but I get the feeling that it will come in useful, later.)


"Mental Scheduling" - "Gives 1 bonus point for each type earned from planets."

I have a planet with 2 Mental Scheduling buildings and inherent 1 Production.  I also have a planet with total output of 3/2/3/_/1.  I also have Tactical Systems which gives 2 Combat if Combat is being made by selected planets.  I selected both planets, expecting 6/6/5/_/3.  I got 5/5/4/_/2.

In other words, multiple Mental Scheduling buildings are not stacking their effects; only the first Mental Scheduling on a given planet seems to do anything.

If this is intentional, then the description is missing one of the following two sentences:

"Does not stack with other copies of itself on the same planet."  (In this case, consider preventing the player from building a second Mental Scheduling on a planet if a Mental Scheduling already exists on that planet.)

"Does not stack with other copies of itself played on the same turn."