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A member registered Apr 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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The gameplay is nice, although jumping doesn't seem to serve any purpose. There's some issues though: you can buy spawn times to under 0 into negative numbers, which just wastes money and doesn't increase the spawn rate; the dying sounds of monsters and soldiers becomes really loud and annoying when a lot of them die at the same time, and when having really high spawn rates the game slows down A LOT because of so many things on screen.

Maybe you could add upgrades to the hero's walking and/or attack speed to help with the monsters piling up too much

really cool idea, the only thing i can say is that I don't understand why buying some things reduces your resource production instead of just the resource itself, maybe you could explain why that happens, besides that it's fun and I love the text between stages 

Thanks for the review! Yeah, the sampler uses godot's timer node to play and I'm aware of the problem you mentioned, I just didn't know how to work around it. The timer doesn't update until it has finished a loop, so even if you up the tempo it will wait the 6 seconds or what remains when changing from 10bpm.

The offset slider is a really cool idea, but I'm not sure how I'd implement that. When I get to work on it a bit more after the jam I'll experiment with that a bit, but I can't promise much. As for expanding it, I already have many ideas of what sounds and instruments to add. The bonuses for using specific BPMs isn't a bad idea, I'll also think about it.

(3 edits)

Honestly you could kinda describe Plague Inc. as an incremental, at the end of the day you are trying to "increase the number", in this case of infected and then dead people, and you use upgrades to do so  faster. 

I was thinking maybe the fact that the number can't increase indefinitely would mean it's not an incremental? Maybe Incremental-lite (like when differentiating roguelikes and roguelites, which arguably is a whole can of worms by itself)

Yeah I actually want to work a bit more on it after the jam, the plan was to introduce more types of sound but I spent most of the time actually learning GDScript and Godot itself since its my first game with this engine (and I haven't coded much in the past anyway). What I'm still not sure is how I would go about making the other sounds have different notes, with percussion it wasn't that important so I skipped it but for more melodic sounds like guitars or piano, using only one note would sound too repetitive. My best option for now is just playing a random note every time, but I also thought about maybe using a shop to buy patterns and such to apply to the samplers but that sounds complicated for a beginner like me lol

Thanks, honestly I picked some random samples from sample packs I have on FL studio that I thought sounded good and used them as is, I was planning to design the sounds myself but I didn't have time for it,  I'm glad you liked them though!

Another idea I had was to have you unlock better sound quality through ascension or something, starting with low bit sound gradually upgrading it, but again, no time haha so I went with the high quality ones by default

I love Bellino

Love the idea, very cool and relaxing game. Very creative use of the layered elements challenge.  After playing around for a bit, i tried using an autoclicker on the change color button for fun and got this out of it. It's only missing a way to save the images, or to hide the UI so it doesn't show on screenshots.

Honestly, I just gave a 5 star rating on everything. This is definitely my fav game on the jam, I hope it wins! Really creative way of implementing incremental mechanics, the gameplay is not confusing even without any text to explain it, the visuals aswell as the music are incredible. Amazing game all around the board.

I liked the idea for this game a lot, really cool implementation of the "layered elements" challenge.

The simple art style works really well with the theme, it reminds me of NES games, my only problem with it is the different pixel sizes between the game and the UI, besides that it's amazing. I'm missing a bit of music or sound effects though. It doesn't need anything too crazy in that department.

Gameplay wise I found a few problems, but even then the game was really fun to play. First, the mining upgrades feel kinda useless and even counterproductive, since the bottleneck is always the rock carrier and not the miners. Even spending everything on speed and carry capacity, the rock pile never stopped increasing, which is a problem given the rocks use physics simulation. That's the second problem, if the pile becomes too big, the game begins to slow down a lot. Also the carrier seems to sometimes get stuck but I saw your comment saying you found that after the deadline which is ok.

The plant grows and the lava level goes up, but that doesn't make it an incremental. Its a platformer game without any incremental game mechanics.

(1 edit)

I love the art style and the music! Really love that retro sound.

Gameplay wise it could be improved, as other comments  said, the upgrade pricing seems to jump too fast, and some idle progression would be nice and interesting to implement with the theme of the game.

Also I found a "bug",  if you don't purchase your upgrades in order you may get stuck with a low upgrade for a while until you can get a better one  (I bought the golden shovel first and then the silver one, and I had to dig with the silver one until I was able to upgrade again.) Maybe making the upgrades additive instead of enabling the last tool you purchased or something would fix that.

Also, I need to know the name of the dude, he seems really cool. He looks like a close relative of Barry Steakfries (From Jetpack Joyride)

Edit: wtf the coment was sent 3 times, I deleted the other 2

oh ok, the icon on the image that shows the controls seemed to imply you had to scroll

Really cute game, I would totally have given it a good rating if you didn't forget to submit xD

I will give you a review anyway. I love the narrative focus on the game, it kinda reminds me of the game Underhand in some way.  The story really hooked me, i wanna keep digging to see what happens xD. Also I love the kinda smug face of the digger, specially when I'm choosing options that go against the despot.

A few things that could be improved: The dig button is in the same place where the option buttons appear, i haven't clicked anything by accident yet but looks like it could happen anytime. Also I'm not sure what the I and the K stand for, i know the A is for artifacts because I have spent some to appease a dragon and to make friends with the academy.

That's not an incremental or clicker in any way

That's kinda my bad for not being able to get the HTML version working, sorry that you had problems running it, but thanks for trying it!

I like how simple the game is, and the art style really fits.

The scroll wheel to select plants doesn't seem to be working, and also I would suggest making it so you can plant by just clicking and dragging just as when you harvest. Maybe add an option next to the plants with a scythe or a shovel to harvest so it doesn't give you problems with dragging the mouse trying to plant and harvest at the same time?

Happy to see another musical game in the jam! I love the idea and it could be expanded easily adding new places to perform and obviously more instruments and such.

Gameplay wise, I like how you implemented the instruments and being able to enable and disable them is cool, but I suggest also adding a way to change the volume of each instrument, by the time i had the saxophone it became a bit too strident with everything playing at the same volume. When mixing or producing music, as you add more sounds they boost each other's frequencies so it ends up sounding way too loud if you don't control the volume. Also, being able to close the store and instruments by clicking outside the window would be a huge QOL change, alongside being able to open one menu while the other one is open (either opening both or switching to the one you click without having to close the other first). Also it would be better if clicking didn't have a sound effect, specially being a game about music.

The art is cute  but it's inconsistent. I would suggest trying to maintain the same pixel size for all the sprites, menus and background, that would help a lot in making it look better. 

A little review:

Gameplay wise, there's a lot of things to do and it took me a while to understand the game loop, specially because of the different types of "clicking" (Holding, double click, click ten times).  Also the timer for the end of the day is a bit too short at the start for how expensive the upgrade is IMO. I like the cat having to move through the stations to work on them.

The artstyle is really charming and I personally I love it, maybe a bit more animation on the stations would make it better but time is gold in game jams so that's ok. But the music though, it gets annoying really fast, it's too simple and too short to have it looping all the time.  Something calmer and/or more  atmospheric  would work way better, the actual music sounds like it would fit some kind of arcade game with more action.

(1 edit)

Yeah, i tried to make the HTML work but had no luck, I read somewhere that godot 4 has been known to be problematic with HTML exports so yeah, sadly no web player for this one.

As for the music related explanations I didn't really think about that but it's definitely a good idea.  I was focused on getting it working since its the first game I've coded all by myself and because of my job I didn't have all the time I wanted for the game. Still happy that I could get it to a point that was worth submitting, even though I didn't playtest it much so I'm not sure how long does it take to unlock everything. Literally just added random numbers and used an autoclicker to make sure nothing crashed lol.

Oh and forgot to mention for anyone who is into synths and such, the buttons and sliders are inspired by the DeepMind 6 synthesizer, and the panels are inspired on guitar pedals, specifically the GAMMA guitar effects pedals line which have Greek mythology names.