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A member registered Jan 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing the movement speed is way to quick for that least puzzle.


Thanks for playing I'm glad you enjoyed.

Thanks for playing after playing it so many time while playing I didn't even realize the players are moving to quick also to rest you just press R i forgot to say it description of the game.

Thanks glad you enjoyed.

Really cool concept and really fun puzzles good job.

Really fun game great artwork really good job also the last section where you can just mess around was great because the controls are so much fun.

Really cool game a lot of fun and a very creative mechanic the game also black out on the final screen but still really good job.

A lot of fun nice and relaxing to play too overall good job.

Really cool game really like the art only problem is it was pretty easy to end up glitched in the wall and the only way to fix it was full restart overall good job.

Really cool idea but I don't know if the invisible platforms are intentional but it made it very difficult to try and play still really cool game good job.

Really fun puzzle game looked really great the electric buzz could get a bit annoying but was a nice addition still the lights flashing though made it really difficult to see the section and just made it so you had to wait a few seconds to be able to see again really good job.

Really fun game didn't realize you could move left and right at first and waited on the first level trying to wait for them to push apart far enough but thats also on me for not looking at the controls in the description really good job.

Really cool idea and a lot of fun i also really like the art for it good job.

cool game really like the puzzles thy were not to hard but took a second to figure out for some of them good job.

A lot of fun really cool mechanics for the characters really good job.

Really cool idea but the controls are really hard to do with how slippery it is still fun though good job.

Really cool idea the sounds effects were a bit loud and the controls were kinda weird but it was fun good job.

This game is a lot of fun i really like the idea for it i had a similar one originally but couldn't get the rope to work really good job it was a lot of fun.

Nice game a lot of fun but really difficult to control I also fully realize thats the point of the game I also really like connection to the theme of the jam, really good job.

Thank for the feedback I probably should have added a little bit of explanation in the first level and I'm not really sure how to fix some of the control issues and the art there are definitely a few sprites that i don't really care for such as the jump animation and buttons but but the rest are just kinda how I personally like to draw for games because I'm not really much of a artist.

thanks for playing you should be able to click in the bottom left side of the veiwport to go full screen and that should fix the issue

Thanks for playing my game I'll definitely check out your game

Thanks for playing glad you liked it.I had noticed the corner thing before uploading it but couldn't think of a good way to fix it without messing with overall feel i figured not to many people would notice.

Thanks  for playing i glad you enjoyed my friends going to be happy about the music complement. I probably should have explained the button thing i had did it cause it was the easiest way to have it work with controller and keyboard with out a bunch of extra work.

Really cool idea but it is kinda difficult to try and get to the batteries especially if they spawn on the other side of the screen but still really cool idea good job.

Thanks for playing I had originally planned to add some screenshake when you get hit but ended up forgetting until reading this comment.

Thanks for playing i think personal I'm just going to wait and upload the fixed version after the jam is over because I'm not the biggest fan of messaging people and and the game can still be played even with it and the red zone staying in the same spot was something i though about changing but decide to add the shop and money to give some reason to not stay only at the top of the screen.

Thanks for playing for how to use the money if you go into the shop and click trough the arrows the same way all the others work and go over the skin you can select it and buy it and the health is a issue that i uploaded the wrong version that i had been using to test some of the later levels.

Thanks for the info i think I'm going to wait until after the jam to stay on the safe side I think most people realize looking in the comments what happened.

Thanks for playing I did consider having the zone change after x number of levels but decided against it because I wasn't sure if it would feel as nice when trying to be implemented during the time of the jam.

Thanks for playing I'm glad you like it i wanted to make sure there was some reason to not just sit at the top of the screen.

Thanks for playing I didn't know about a spot in the top right I knew about another spot but i was so small and didn't always work he only way i could think of to have gotten rid of it would have messed up some other things.

Really fun game. I really like how you upgrade the enemy it is a bit difficult to see what options are what while trying to dodge but its a really fun game good job.

(1 edit)

Extremely great all the different game mode and the story is great and funny this game is awesome great job.

Cool game I definitely get the title my game was very close to just being called filler tittle I spent the last day of the jam just trying to think of a tittle for it. Really good job on the game the music is really cool and its not shump with a bad title its a shump with a great one.

Cool game does suffer a little from the lack of audio but getting good audio can take a lot of time especially in a team of one overall good job fun game.

Cool game at first I didn't check the menu so I was thinking it was pretty boring wondering when it was going to go to the next level then say the stuff in the menu and it was a lot of fun only thing is you can abuse the git rid of 80% to continue because it allows you to even with zero so you can just spam the level up and go right to the boss, overall though good job.

Cool game I'm not sure if I've played a 3d bullet hell game before it's pretty cool would have been nice to be able to go fullscreen but overall good job.

Cool game but only being able to shoot in one way feels really restrictive overall though good job.