Hello! Thank you for playing my submission last year. I was reviewing some old code and found the bug that was causing the stuttering issue you described. I have uploaded a fix, thank you for your feedback and happy jamming!
Shawn McGee
Creator of
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Thank you so much for the feedback, I totally agree about the chiptune music. I experimented with several different sound profiles and many of them were very grating. Ultimately the sound effects were done with BFXR, while not quite the same sound profile as GB hardware, it was close enough to feel like it and I was much happier with the results. Unfortunately I ran out of time to keep experimenting with the sound, but c'est la vie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Interesting concept, if I might note just a couple things.
1. The audio can be painfully loud at times and too quiet at other times. There is no shame in aggregating sound effects from across the web, but I would recommend learning a little about audio processing and using something like Audacity to help balance your audio clips across the board.
2. It looks like you have some really interesting lore for your game that you are excited to share! However, I would avoid adding things like an un-skippable text crawl to the beginning of your game, and I would focus more on some of the environmental storytelling aspects. The best way to get other people to care about your lore is to let them experience it as they explore the game!
I don't intend to come off as harsh, I can see the excitement and energy behind this project and that is invaluable. Keep coming back to this, and KEEP publishing. Receiving feedback can be difficult, but it is so important to your growth as a developer. Take the criticism with a grain of salt. Something that I have learned is that people are usually correct about WHAT is wrong with your game, but they aren't always correct as to WHY it is wrong or HOW to fix it.
Anyway, good job. I look forward to seeing this project grow.
I am a sucker for this visual style because I really love isometric art and I love your palette. Choosing an isometric perspective for this jam was very brave and I applaud you for that alone. I think the game is somewhat hard to learn, but given the jam restrictions that is understandable. Great work!