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A member registered Mar 02, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!!! That jump scare actually got ME once while I was playtesting it so no shame haha, I really appreciate the feedback and you taking the time to play this!

Thank you so much for the feedback! If I decide to update it in the future I'll definitely take that into consideration!

I'll have to look into the resolution, sorry that happened, but thank you so much for playing!

Yeahh you're exactly right. That's what happens when you get a C in high school physics I suppose... Thank you so much for playing!

Really fun game, the visual of all the frogs jumping in unison cracked me up haha

Haha a very clever idea, good writing too!

A very interesting idea! I think the jumping mechanics worked well, but I wish the enemies had had some more interesting targeting tactics, as it is its very easy to dodge their attacks. For only 72 hours though really good job!

The frog design is adorable, and the falling sound is hilarious! Very challenging game!

A nice concept and definitely challenging! As others have mentioned, I think my biggest suggestion would be to have the frog target what you're clicking on and not what's closest to it.

Really fun game! I think this concept has a ton of potential. I also loved the frog noises, they reminded me a ton of "Frogger 2". One thing that might make this game better is rewarding players for adding a certain number of pieces to your base rather than only awarding points through stars. Just an idea, really good job though!

Really fun mechanic! Getting up a good speed was really challenging but felt incredibly satisfying when you finally accomplished it! Just a heads up, the restart is bugged and just resets the timer and doesn't actually restart the level

A fun well-made top down shooter! The controls were nice and I liked the design!

Really fun game! The combo system is incredibly satisfying and addictive, well done!

Really cool well-made game, loved the sound effects! One recommendation I'd say is maybe add a goalie or something? It feels very difficult to play any kind of defense all of the time. Overall though really good job!

Adorable game! I actually the 2 player mode could be made into a pretty fun 1 player mode, just trying to balance both frogs fly catching

Spent way longer than I'd like to admit trying to catch a fly before realizing it was the cursor... overall though really cool idea and game! It was really interesting trying to juuuuust beat my time so I would be able to beat my next clone

Glad to hear it, thank you for playing!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah you can lose control pretty fast haha, thank you so much for your feedback! I'll be sure to check out your game! I'm making my way through them all ;)

Thank you so much for playing! I appreciate the feedback!

Incredibly charming and funny, my favorite game I've played thus far, great work!

Really fun, chill game, and the challenge ramps up nicely! I got to the winged-frog stage, not sure if that's the final form... 

To anyone else who's going to play this, make sure you visit the game page to understand the rules!

Absolutely bizarre and incredibly fun, I loved it!  

This was a really cute and fun game! I loved the tongue animation on the frog! In terms of feedback I'd say the hit detection on the tongue could use some work, but great job overall!

Thank you!

Sorry about that, project was set to draft!