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Shibatoast Studios

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Thank you! We were going for that high skill ceiling vibe but there's some more balancing that needs to be done for sure! 

In terms of the menus, we ran out of time to create backgrounds for them so we decided to place them at different heights in the background and have the camera woosh between them. Unfortunately the speed of the camera changes depending on your specs (resolution maybe?) so for some people it crawls along lol. Another bug to look into after this is all over!

The jeweller is accurate but I've absolutely no idea why its increasing the button cost of the tailor so much. Isn't game dev fun! Sorry about that, hopefully it's not widespread and we can track down the issue after the jam.

Absolutely gorgeous game! Love the scrapbook, vapourwave aesthetic and it really fits the underwater vibe. The music is wonderfully trance inducing. The dynamic music system is a really nice touch too and integrates well into the gameplay. I have absolutely no sense of rhythm so I was terrible at it but I can see how you could get into the flow! I would love for the mechanics to be a little better explained as I missed a lot of statues, and maybe there could be some more feedback as to how long an ability lasts for. Overall though it was a super unique game to see with some amazing art direction in it!

That is weird! The second tailor's costs should be (8, 0, 1) so not sure what happened there, we don't seem to be able to reproduce the bug either so it might be platform specific (we've had a few of those bugs). Congrats on finishing the jam though! Just checking out your game now :) hope you get some good rest!

Thank you so much for your kind words! It's just the two of us here (one artist, one programmer) so unfortunately we had to make do with the music we could find but we'd have definitely loved to find something more fitting. We agree with you that it doesn't sound very mousy!

The green outline should appear around a building when a quest pops up, and if you build it in time you'll get an extra reinforcement denoted by the speech bubble. We've had some feedback from others that it's not too clear so that's something to improve next time!

In terms of the balancing, this is the kind of game that would require endless tweaks and it could definitely be improved. In your exact situation however, the button price of the tailor increases by 0.5 every time, so for it to cost 6 buttons you'd need to have built 10. This gives you a cap of 33 thread, more than enough to afford a third jeweller. If this isn't the case, you've probably run into a bug - sorry about that!

We really appreciate the feedback!

This is such a unique and clever idea for a city builder! It could 100% be a full game with more mechanics and balancing. The gameplay loop is super tense and the slow acceleration & deceleration make it very nerve-wracking every time you stop. I'd love to see some visual indication of which resources you're in range of like the sprites getting highlighted, and the game was a little short to see all the buildings but I loved it nonetheless!

What a cute satisfying puzzle game! The visuals are perfect especially the light cone the player emits. I'd love for the ammo meter to be a bit more visible as it took me a while to find it, and maybe for shots that don't hit anything not to count as it can lead to a lot of reloads. Overall I loved the concept and thought there were some really fun puzzles! Making yourself smaller while in the air and keeping the momentum from the bigger jump was a lot of fun to discover, as was finding out I could resize the goal!

Like wet fishy tetris! The art direction is so charming and the sfx are fantastic too. Managed to get up to 20m but it would be nice if the height meter didn't have so many decimal points. 10/10 would eat all of this sushi

It's a gorgeous game to look at! Not sure what to do but that didn't stop me enjoying it. The letter prompts were all over the place, not sure if that's a bug or I'm just missing something but I had fun mashing keys and watching the vine grow regardless!

Really interesting concept with some very interesting ways to use the mechanics! I loved the design language overall and it feels like it would be a great speedrunning game. The orange platforms felt a little unfair if you didn't happen to make it in time but otherwise a great puzzle game!

Simple and fun :) I thought it was cool the way you shoot off a neat arc attack when you eat another fish. I did struggle with the controls a bit (I think the fish moves a little fast maybe?), but overall it was neat! Nice entry :D

- Kit

Neat and cool! I'm not very good, but I found it pretty fun :) I occasionally lost sight of the bullet charging meter and was unable to shoot for a bit, and the map suddenly changing (and having enemies spawn on top of me) was a bit jarring, but otherwise the vibes were nice and the art was neat! Thanks for the experience! :)

- Kit

(1 edit)

Ahh, this was lovely. Wonderful music and sound design; I really loved that the soundtrack changes when you scroll in and out! I feel like I could lose myself in this for hours... :) It was cool how the buildings changed shape every now and then (such as gardens having a different-shaped 'tree' variant) so you have to think about how to fit it in. I'm bad at Tetris, so I wasn't the best at this, but being able to take it one step at a time helped a lot! 

Gorgeous all around! As others have said, the UI is a little lacking and probably could have been made to fit the game's theming better, but for a game jam there's only so much you can do, so it's understandable :) Save files would be great, too!

- Kit

Wow, wow! Really beautiful game - I especially loved the room with all the hanging lights. The ambience was on-point and I felt both calm and vaguely uncomfortable, somehow. I especially like the clinking sounds of the cubes when they hit objects. Lovely work!

Improvements-wise, I would say that the physics system made platforming very difficult at times. I also unfortunately got a little bit motion sick (the high FOV I think? Or maybe it's just me hahah). 

The saddest part is that I couldn't find all the cubes, so I couldn't finish(?) the game - however, I highly enjoyed what I did play! Thanks for the experience!

- Kit

Thanks for the feedback, we're glad you enjoyed it! We'll be sure to make that aspect a little clearer if we come back to the game.

The music is divisive! It's certainly something to put more thought into after the jam, would love to have something just as frantic that fit the theme a bit better. Thank you for your kind words though!

Oh wow I hate this it's amazing. I love how each popup has a unique way of closing it, I feel like there's so much scope for more popups with this idea! The vfx are fantastic as well and the sound effects are perfectly jarring. The dvd logos are a little impossible to get rid of though and tend to lag the game. I was laughing the whole time I played this 10/10!

Absolutely love this game! It combines the thrill of incremental progress with frantic position-based management. It feels great to play too with all the vfx work that's gone into it. It would be nice if each level of star had a unique sprite but the minimalist look also suits it really well. Very stressful and satisfying!

Love the main concept, the game flows super well and the navigation is challenging but satisfying when you get it right! The art is also very charming, especially Barry's expressions as he inflates. Might just be me but I had a bug where sometimes tapping right mouse button would cause him to inflate constantly until he was full. Overall a very solid concept and well executed game!

:o no I didn't get big enough! I couldn't find anything to eat past the buildings

Thank you for the feedback, we're glad you enjoyed the game! We did originally intend to have a playable tutorial but ran out of time :( definitely something to add at a later date!

Having to decide what spells you can take based on their physical size is a fun idea! Maybe they could have buffs based on adjacency with other spells?

Wow I'm a terrible archer but this is a fun lil archery game! I think it would be nice to have a numerical display of the power and angle of your shot so that you can remember and adjust for next time, I don't know how many arrows I wasted on level 3!

Pretty addictive and surprisingly calming lol. The art direction is beautiful and I love the stippling for the bits of you underground! It slows down a lot at the end and I wish the music stayed but otherwise it was amazing! Also there was a giant shark.

Gorgeous art and music! The puzzle mechanic has a lot of promise too with more polish and player aid. I'd love to be able to see a preview the path the seeds will take before I put them down.

Noted! We got very attached to the music early on and were dancing to it the whole time but in hindsight it probably is a bit much!

Wonderful skill curve and very satisfying! The moment I realised I could slingshot myself was great. There was a slight input issue using right click where the release didn't grab on but that might just be me.

Gorgeous game! Polish and game feel are amazing. Some cards like chemo and invert seemed to hurt more than help tho lol

Thank you!

Love the clever introduction of more and more ways to use the mechanic! Played it all the way through, puzzles got super tough sometimes! Would love to see some indication of which objects were scalable without having to flip through them.