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A member registered Apr 09, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thank you for checking out the project! An option to use GPU instead of CPU for training is a great idea, I might look into implementing it soon. Thanks for the feedback :)

If you're having trouble loading it, it takes some time to load if you don't have a powerful PC. If that's not the case, please give me further feedback so I can fix the issue.

This is one of my favourite games, if not my favourite game of the entire jam. The game is fun, beautiful and action-packed. I especially like how the enemies move and behave differently, the awesome room generation, as well as the variety of upgrades, and the variety of sins.

In the future, you might want to adjust the difficulty by how many rooms you clear. You can start it off easy, with less enemies that does less damage, as well as slowing them a little down. Then you can make it harder and harder, the closer you get to the boss. It might also be beneficial for you to add a tutorial, as the concept might be a bit foreign for some people.
Another cool idea could be to add special events or strategies, like rooms full of bats, secret rooms (like smashing a mirror or painting to reveal a secret entrance with new upgrades | or even pressing e on a bookshelf for it to move aside and reveal a secret room).
You could also add a currency you can gain by killing enemies and finding secret rooms, and then spawn a shop to buy new weapons or upgrades

You're right - it is a nice day for fishing. The weather is nice, and there's plenty of fish in the sea. 
Originally I wanted the sound effects to sound like dredge, but after developing the game for a while, I completely forgot my initial inspiration, and just went with the flow. I haven't heard of Starfarer, but i'll check it out and try and draw some inspiration from it. I'll also check out your game :) Zelda Link's Awakening was my main inpsiration for my game, as I thought the fishing was cool in Link's Awakening.
Thanks for playing, commenting and rating my game, glad you liked it 🐡🐠🐟

I agree. An ingame tutorial would be beneficial. I gotta get to work and add that once the jam is over :)
Thanks for playing and rating my game, I'll check out yours.

Everything is wrong!!! Nice job, it's a really cool concept:)

This was actually pretty cool, and very fun to play. The controls were satisfying, and the art style was incredible imo. I love the "low resolution" feel. Good job!

This really reminded me of another submission called Walled World. And just like that submission, I absolutely loved this. I was constantly surprised with what i found whereever I'd go. And I was so confused with everything. It really fits the theme, and was very cool and a good experience overall!

This game has a really nice and well presented atmosphere. The lighting and the tv effect feels AWESOME. One thing I have to criticize is the hammer. It really wasn't as satisying as the rest of the game. You could've made it a little more smooth, and not make the character stop in his own tracks. You could also allow for dodging and the ability to hammer in all directions. Overall, you did a fantastic job!

Nice game! It lag so much in the beginning of the game, but that might just be my crappy pc. The colour scheme also doesn't match, and the perspectives of the sprites are all over the place. In my opinion, this only adds to the charm of the game. The puzzle element is fun, and the pixel art really fits the style of the game. Overall a good job :)

That felt very smooth and comfortable to play. One thing i think could've been a little better was the key bindings, they made me look down at my keyboard, which wasn't very immersive.

A cool and quick little story. I like the art. The first thing that came to my mind when i saw the main character was that he looks like kenny from south park lolSouth Park: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Kenny

That's some great feedback. I'll take a crack at redoing some of the systems when the jam is over.
Also thanks for playing my game.

Thanks for the heads-up! I'll fix it when the jam is over :)
And thanks for playing my game.

Bro I just had the weirdest dream.. I took a stroll in the forest and found this weird hut. I couldn't enter the hut, so I peaked through a hole to see what's inside, and I found myself in a hotel. This hotel had millions of rooms and they all led to crazy locations..

But seriously. This game is awesome! I love that it's not just a basic gamified game, it's more like an experience, where the reward is exploration. I love this so much.

Your game is very cool! It's awesome that you can grow stronger and customize your character. The mutations is like a fun way to change up the look and gameplay.

I would've loved to see some more juice and game feel. A highscore system would also be awesome to see. Great game, great potential. It was very fun & intuitive to play.

I didn't like the artstyle at first, but over time it grew on me and it finally clicked when i reached the monkeys. The quicksand kinda looked like Cinnamon Rolls. But other than that, I found it fun and intuitive to play, good job man!

Those shaders were trippy! Very cool effect and it was also pretty fun!

Very cool and good looking. I felt it was very intuitive to scrool to jump and slash, so good job!

I can't play it using a touchpad, cause i need to right click to aim and then shoot with left click. I wanted to continue, but I couldn't get past that point - was a good experience anyway, you did such a good job! Nice work.

What a unique idea. Good job!

Ah, I see it's a noble and horny hortest hero
Came closer...
I want to look at you

Such a juicy game! I really loved just feeling the force of the weapons and exploring all the weaponry. It's a little buggy, but still a fun respectable game. You did a good job!

I love the juice!

This game reminded me of Ghosts 'n Goblins, but a little more action-packed and fast-paced. I really loved the unique artstyle and the linearity of the levels. Im not really a platformer kinda guy, but I thought this was a nice experience. Good job!

One thing to note is that whenever i get hit by a projectile, I get hit backwards even if im not looking at the projectile. Meaning if im looking away i get thrown towards the caster of the projectile.

A really simple yet fun game! Good job!

Unfortunately, a very gamebreaking bug has been found so please be careful.. 

The game crashes when spam clicking to cast the lure. (so please be careful when you pull in a fish) 

Cleared the game in 2 minutes and 48 seconds - and I'm proud

A bit rough around the edges, but still a game worth playing. I had fun.

I love slimes! This game is really satisfying, and I love the progression!

all.. rockets.. must... die!!

Physics are a lot of fun! This is a true display of how satisfying physics can be.

Holy fuck that jump scared me! This is awesome! Frogger, but a LOT more destructive.

I love to see these flappy bird games, but this one is missing one key ingredient - the bird bobbing.

Left clicking doesn't work for me, I really want to try this, as it looks insane! Good work!

Reminds me of those puzzles where you need to navigate a ball through a wooden maze to get it into a hole. This game is hard, but still fun. And I love the words of encouragement the player gets, when they fail.

I like this a lot. From the sound effects, to the concept - this is a great submission to the jam!