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A member registered Jul 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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I like that a magic item is key to the entire scenario.  If my players ever make it to 6th level (which, knowing them, I doubt lol) I'll be running this.  Thanks for posting!


Rodericka is the type of NPC I like to stick in my games.  Hope to run soon!

This class will be an option at my table for sure.


Extra points for this sentence: "PC’s awaken in Frostmire after a period of carousel. Whether the PCs were there to begin with is another story. "

This is Shadowdark stuff lol.

The Wretched template is a nice idea worth developing further, in that there can be more variants outside of this document.  Looking forward to more from you!

I know at least a couple of my players would leap to try this class out.  Good stuff.

I like the idea of the Drow hunting party pursuing the 0 level PC's.  Good stuff.

I appreciate having the option of light and dark themed pdf's.  Thanks!

Good addition to the core game here.

Good for on-the-fly adventures!

Really nice!

This is done in a  style of prose that I appreciate, leaving room for each GM to fill in certain things themselves.  Good job!

This would be a hard thing to "sell" to my SD group.  That said, it's obvious how much thought, prep, and love went into the making of this wonderful little document.  I wish you all the best with it!

Yea!  More classes please!

There aren't enough one room dungeons in the world.  This is a good one.

Love that you tied this in to Cursed Scroll 2.  Thanks for this offering!

I like the mound generation method.  As long as the GM has adequate prep time, it should insure a unique experience each time the adventure is run.

This reminds me of some of the best Mork Borg has to offer.  Thanks for putting this up!

Good to see an adventure made with the GM who has little prep time in mind.

I can imagine this flat out terrifying my group!  Super monster here!

The game aide page really sets this apart, I think.  Nice!

Because punny.

The Jana ancestry gives off the right vibes.  Good stuff.

I love when an adventure has a compelling story that can be told via NPC's.  Also, seconding everything ExHalibut said.

Points for Blight dagger (but I'm very partial to magic daggers lol)

Tide mechanics and zombie sharks?  Sign me up!

Extra points from me for the graveyard map/tombstone name generator.  Really cool!

Reading this was a delightful experience.  A wonderful scenario that I would love to run or play in.

This is the easiest 5 star rating I've given out this jam.  I.  Love.  This.  Thing!!!

Thank you!

I'm biased, because I love skeletal enemies like your Undead Pit Fighters lol.  But this is really cool.

Outstanding visual presentation, with content that has a feel all its own.  Real good stuff.

Stuff like this can be easily overlooked by devs, I think, but this is one of the best submissions in the jam for sheer usefulness.  Wonderfully done!

So glad you brought up the art credit!  Thank you for the reminder, I don't know how I missed it.

And yea, having an unexpected dragon is always fun for a GM I think lol

Solid.  For sure something I'd run with my group.

I just adore this!