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A member registered May 30, 2024 · View creator page →

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The mouse pointer flickering is a browser issue. If you download the game, you shouldn't see it!

Love how the alien looks, vines grabbing at you are terrifying. Didn't fully understand what to do, each thing could have had a description of what it does because I was a bit confused. However, its a very creative and original idea and the art looked quite good. You should be proud!!

Very original idea with quite a fun little tune in the background. The growing and shrinking felt smooth and there was no real bugs, however the screen was cut off slightly at the bottom. Amazing job for a solo developer with only 2 days and you should be very proud of yourself! 

What an excellent game! Love the art style and music, makes me feel like a real potion seller! Only complaint would be that the timed difficulty feels a little too hard, I know there is an easier one but I think the jump between stages is too high and extra time or help should be given. However, the game is excellent and even worthy of being sold online in my opinion if worked on even more! You should be proud of yourself!

This is probably the best game we have played so far on this Game Jam. Amazing art style, music and the creativity behind this is crazy. Love how fluid and polished it feels and looks. We also had a large team of people of around 9 but we could only dream of making something this amazing. Everyone on the team should be extremely proud of themselves and you should consider publishing this game to Steam, we're sure people would play it. P.S Sirmilkman is an incredible name!

Very creative! I can see the inspiration from Only Up and the fact that you have a scoreboard is a great idea as it encourages competition. The walls were buggy with collision issues however for a game jam this is incredible and you should be very proud of yourself!

Loved this game! Excellent art and music, which fits perfectly and creates a calm, relaxing atmosphere! Will definitely be playing when you introduce more levels with this frustrating but very clever green box mechanic.

Thanks for playing all the way through!
And yeah, we're really sorry that the camera transition in level 3 remained in the final build. One of us changed the camera bounds without playtesting and it got pushed to the repository :(

Hiya, thanks for playing!
The game does actually have a downloadable Windows version - scroll down on the game page!

We'll be working on checkpoints once the jam voting period ends! We didn't have enough time to implement them when we realised we needed them :(

The artstyle, music, animations and mechanics are amazing! This feels really well polished for 4 days!
Great job!

This game is truly amazing for just 4 days! Really really cool. Was fun to play.
The tutorial was really helpful too!

A fellow lizard game! This is really satisfying thanks to the animations and is quite a good take on the theme.
It was scary when a bigger lizard came charging at me!

In the case, might be a good idea to stop requests from showing up again until all requests have come up once?

Thanks a lot!
It was really nice watching you play the game! Glad you enjoyed :D

This is very cool - I enjoyed playing it a lot!
The 3D models look really nice, the music is a banger with its whimsical vibe and the puzzles are interesting to solve!
The fact you have to fix the Play button in order to play is also really clever since it acts as a good tutorial for the game :D
Really good job!

This is a really funny and enjoyable game! The art style is great too! I don't really have any complaints - only that the game would benefit from more requests by your workers, but that's not really a problem.

I really like the art style, music and sound effects. However, I'm not sure the game is working properly since I couldn't scale down my player size to complete one of the levels. Overall great job for 4 days though!

It's a good art style and seems fun, although I couldn't make it that far since one of the levels seemed bugged to me!

This is a pretty nice game! Quite enjoyable!

This is a pretty good game considering it's pretty small. The style is great and the mechanics are pretty good.
Would be great to see this expanded!

I love the art and music! It's pretty chill and fun.
You do have to be careful not to yeet things over the place though.

I love the art and music! It's pretty chill and fun.
You do have to be careful not to yeet things over the place though.

It's pretty hard to tell how to play this game, so I wasn't able to figure it out.
Hopefully you get it working after the jam!

He joined the dark side...

Thank you. I love your game's artstyle too!

This is a really cool interpretation! I love your narration, it's very thought provoking. The images were all really interesting too.

I love the artstyle and physics in this game!

This is really well executed/polished. Cute artstyle, enjoyable gameplay, great puzzles!

Thanks! And yeah, Level 3 is the most evil one - checkpoints would have REALLY helped. They'll be implemented after the jam voting!

This is an incredibly clever mechanic! What an underrated game!

This is funny as hell, great job. Love the aesthetic, having space be the thumb bugged me a bit.

This art is AMAZING and the puzzle gameplay is satisfying to play! Really well made!

Was fun watching you on stream! Thanks so much!
We'll definitely be improving things after the jam!

This is a really great concept! I loved spawning tons of myself - really fun!

This is a really cool concept and idea with amazing visuals! Really well made for 4 days.

This is a pretty good game, although it would probably benefit from some additional mechanics.

This is an extremely impressive game for 4 days!

This is an amazing game! Everything about this is so cool and feels so polished.

This game is really well polished! Fantastic work!