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A member registered Apr 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much! I hesitate to call a game of this size a metroidvania, but I definitely took inspirations from the genre. I'm really glad you enjoyed it!

I did all of the art in Procreate for the iPad. I wouldn't consider myself a very accomplished artist, but I can at least do simple paintings like the ones in this game. 

Fun game! The loop of petrifying slimes and using them as weapons is really fun. The art is lovely as well, it's a cute style! I agree with SoxOff that some more enemy variety would be nice, but the shield slimes are a welcome addition at the very least! I think the addition of mirrors is really interesting, but I could never quite work out how to use them properly. Once the difficulty starts ramping up, it's really hard to hit shield slimes with them, especially when towards the middle and blocked by other slimes. I think it's a cool feature nonetheless!

Thank you! I wanted to make the boss a little challenging, but easy enough to beat within a couple of tries. Honestly, I think the hardest part might be the two guards between Balor phases: I'm probably going to lower their movement speed in a future patch to make them a little easier to dodge.

Thanks for playing! The weapon upgrade is intentionally optional, but the final level is much harder with out it. For reference, the upgrade triples your damage-- kudos for beating the game regardless! Sorry to hear you had some camera bugs, I'll take a look at the code in that section to see if I can get that fixed soon. I used Godot 4.1.1!

For sure! I’m planning on doing a post-jam update after voting ends, to add at least sfx and an options menu, plus whatever else comes to mind. 

Very spooky! Fun game, though I didn't see any connection with the special feature. The ghost seems very quick: once it gets close, it was almost impossible to outrun it. Took me several attempts to get to the exit.

I happen to run linux on my laptop, I'll pull it out later to give it a go

I got to the end, but I wasn't really sure what was happening between then and the start. I picked up some rocks, killed a zombie, it played the harry potter song for two seconds at one point, and that was about it.

Very cool game! I encountered no bugs, everything felt smooth and responsive. Love the use of cryptids: definitely a modern form of folklore. The only thing that would make it better would be randomly generated levels, so you can hunt cryptids forever. 

Now what am I going to do with all these eyes?

Your file isn't configured correctly: you have to mark the game as running in the browser within the project page. As it stands, the only option is to download the web files.

Cool game! I didn't run into any bugs or anything on my playthrough, game seems pretty solid. I thought the voice acting was fun, right there between intimidating and amusing for me, which I liked. The gameplay loop is pretty simple, but is well implemented.

Cool to see a PICO-8 game here! The game runs fine, but I do think the eye mechanic is a little frustrating, since the timer is so short and you can only use it once. In my experience, the best way to pass the levels is to hope you spawn close to the exit, memorize what inputs you need to press to get there, then use the eye and get to the exit as quickly as possible. Otherwise, there's nothing you can do if there's no trap-free path.

Pretty basic, but still neat! I like the art on the cards, looks very cool. The UI was a bit bugged out for me, but that might be because I use an ultrawide monitor.

Cute little game. A couple notes:

  • The sound effects are pretty loud, it startled me a little when I first heard it.
  • The question regarding the preserver and sustainer of the universe within Hinduism is incorrect: the actual answer is Vishnu, not Brahma.

Otherwise, there really isn't that much to remark about. It's not a very deep game, but not all games have to be.

I think the core of navigating via sound is an interesting mechanic, but there's a few things that make the game fall a little short.

  • There is no clear win condition at the end of each level, which makes the player uncertain if they are doing the right thing or not. 
  • On top of this, I couldn't find any way to return to the level select menu, so I had to restart the game each time I wanted to try another one.
  • The eye timer is very long, and the player's speed means that you can just hold your eyes open and sprint to the end, defeating the point of the game. Maybe alternatively, you could see the level until you started moving, then have to use your memory + sound cues to navigate to the end.

Neat game! Here are my notes:

  • I love the art, both in the cutscene and the game!
  • The player walk speed feels very fast, almost to the point of being hard to control.
  • The lock picking section seems to be bugged: the code above the door says 1342, but the correct order was 1423.
  • I'm not sure about the connection to eyes as a special object. I noted the floating eye next to the player, but I didn't have any idea what that was or how it was important. I see here that it's meant to be the heroine's companion, but that wasn't clear at all within the game itself.
  • Music and sound effects were lovely, very fitting.
  • I noted that some of the text was in Russian, and it sounds like the developer isn't a native English speaker. I'm happy to overlook some of the grammatical errors, but there were a few cases where the text only appeared in Russian without its English translation, which was a little confusing.

Very nice, if a little short. I love the story aspect, and would be very glad to see an extended version!

Thank you! I regret not having the time to implement sound effects, I simply ran out of time. If I had a few more hours, my plan was to record sounds of pencil marks, tearing paper, etc. to use, fitting in with the "storybook" aesthetic.

Interesting game you have here! A few notes:

  • Graphics are wonderful, feels very visceral. There were a couple bugs regarding particles, but they were pretty minor. 
  • I had some framerate issues as I was playing. Nothing terrible, but just enough to be noticeable.
  • Due to the camera angle, sometimes the eyes are hidden behind walls until they start damaging you. Having a way to rotate the camera would help fix that.
  • There were points where the player seemed to get stuck on the floor, but could move if you spam clicked.
  • Procedural level generation is pretty cool for a game jam! The levels I played through were pretty well laid out, no complaints there.
  • I do think that the theme implementation is a little vague, but like, solid points on the special feature. Those sure are some eyes.

Good stuff! I would've loved to see how it the game turned out if there was a little more development time in the jam, but what you have here is very commendable!

Thank you! Art has always been a challenging part of game development for me, so I'm really glad you liked the style!