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A member registered Jul 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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We totally had the one dimension idea but all of the ways we thought about taking it didn't seem like good ideas. This is actually a really good take on the idea. And the execution is pretty spot on. Good job!

This game has a bunch of character and voice delivered by the simple text that shows up in each screen. Feels like a direct reply to Mark Brown and the game jam in general. I died, I laughed, I eventually one since it's not overly long. Overall enjoyable. I think my only real complaint is I would have preferred an orthographic view or maybe just to have the perspective moved up so I could see where I was standing when I get near the top half of the screen

I'm glad to hear you at least had some success in controlling the robot. Most people seem to get pretty stuck with the lack of tutorial and sufficient explanation of the controls. We had a bunch of fun once the editor was working bringing in all the graphics we had made during the first have of the jam and pasting them all over the place. It still feels like a bit of a mess in my opinion but the combination of the blue rebar and the lights surprisingly worked really well to focus the player's attention and give a clear shape to the rooms. Thanks for playing!

Yeah we originally tried to design the controls to have the hand point towards/follow your mouse but with the robot rotating so much and the fact that we didnt want the arm to rotate inside the player made that control scheme not work as well as we intended. This scheme takes a while to get used to and it isn't explained very well but it is at least consistent and with some practice you can get him to move like you want. Overall if we had more time we could have tuned the difficulty and had a much better/longer tutorial area for the player to start learning the controls in

Really polished feeling game. Trying to choose whether I should explore with my mouse or hover over a ghost is a really great game loop that takes time to learn how to balance well. It falls a bit on the easy side of the difficulty scale but overall still pretty enjoyable. Also a simple yet effective use of the theme

This is a super nice looking and feeling game. The movement can be a bit frustrating but it is totally fair. Sometime the ball collision with the walls is a bit weird but overall the particle effects and simple graphics help telegraph movement really well. Also the collision circles/shapes are perfect and I never felt like I got hit when I shouldn't have. Overall good quality

I played these. The social networking one is actually pretty fun

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We originally started with the idea of a single limbed zombie. Eventually that morphed into a robot in a factory instead. Tried using Godot during the first few hours but ran into some features lacking in the physics engine for Godot. So we switched to using our own custom OpenGL engine that I had as a backup. This meant that we had to make our own editor alongside the game but that also means that people can mess with and make their own levels if they want. In the end we ran out of time to make the game hit a nice difficulty curve without making it absolutely trivial. However, we did get to a place where you can actually get pretty good and controlling the robot if you spend enough time playing. I will try your game after work but I would love it if you try ours: https://stampede247.itch.io/orsla

First try. It's a simple little space defender game though I dont really understand the point of having to click twice to send out your little ball and then retract it. I feel like maybe I'm missing some mechanics about how the ball works?

The controls and animations speeds are bit frustrating but overall an interesting take on the theme. I didn't get very far and I feel like maybe the spawning algorithm is a bit harsh but it seems like maybe it's possible with enough luck and some weird tricks

Really polished feeling auto-scroller. I feel like I got surprisingly far for not really knowing what what happening at times. Also wasn't sure how the life system was working, thought I only had three lives but I definitely got hurt more than three times. Overall though the music and style is amazing and makes for a simple yet addictive game feel

This game is pretty hilarious. Be warned that it takes a certain amount of patience and willingness to engage and explore. Nothing is ever what it seems at first and you'll have to experiment for a while before you understand what is happening. It's a puzzle game overall so the whole point is trying to figure out what the game rules are in each scene. Overall fun game if you like puzzles

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You can check out this video to see how we ended up playing by the end of the jam. The game is always easier to play by it's creators I think and we knew it would be hard but hopefully it was fun. We might make a little explanation about how to move better somewhere on the game page in the near future. Thanks for playing though!

I was really confused at first what the point of the game was with all of the assumed context in the dialog about the chair. Overall though the music and dialog/animations make for a fun atmosphere and a really quirky take on a RPG. I also was confused about having an AP bar with moves that take no AP. Also wasn't sure how I was suppose to make decisions about which moves to use when I don't know the enemies health nor the damage/effect that any move/skill might have. I guess that's just trial and error? Overall pretty fun and interesting. Good adherence to the theme too

Love the light being tied to your arrows. Overall I tend to approach rooms by throwing my arrow in the direction I'm about to move in case there are in enemies in the way and then immediately following up and grabbing my arrow. Not sure what happened but my arrow went through a grate and then I got lost in the dark and I couldn't figure out how to reset

I love the papers please feel in space. It's like trying to be a border crossing agent when you don't know the languages or the species. Overall a fun game of memorizing names for things and trying to do some lateral thinking to rule out what new items might be called. The collision for picking up items with the mouse is a bit weird and the screen and subjects move really slowly but the laid back music kind of fits the pace. Overall a nice simple brain game

Haha I love the overall audio feel of the game. It's pretty hard to control of course but there's actually some interesting tactics you can use to move left/right. It might be nice to be a little more forgiving on the collision boxes sometimes just since it's so hard but overall it's pretty fair. It's an interesting take on the one button game idea

Thanks! We had a bunch of fun playing it. We originally were going to use Godot but had this engine as a backup. Turns out Godot's physics engine is missing a few features I would expect so we switched early on the first day to this engine. We also have an editor in the game if you want to try it out. It's quite fun to make your own levels. The editor is not super intuitive I must admit but hey, what can you do in 48 hours?

This is a fun idea. I love all the voice acting and it matches the text and tone really well. I find the physics on the overworld hilarious just because it would probably be a lot different if given more time. The actual gameplay is like a fun brain game trying to find faster ways to determine yes or no. I found I was a lot better at it than I thought I was going to be. Good game!

Really like the one button interface though moving short spaces can result in jumping which is a bit frustrating (but hey, what are you gonna do?) I love the graphics and the heart shape at the end of the level. Pretty difficult, as most game jam games tend to be. Overall good execution and enjoyable

The interpolation between squares is a bit weird since the arrow key only works once you've come to a complete stop. Overall a nice simple puzzle game once you get past the controls and stuff. I like the feeling of the triangle sliding into place for each level. Having some sort of indication of failure when you fill the whole with the circles instead of just restarting the level like normal would be nice.

Yeah I feel that. We also went for a physics based game and man can it take some time to tune all the variables to get a good game feel

Haha thanks! It's built with C and OpenGL/GLFW. Also Box2D to do the physics. Thanks for playing! Hope you enjoyed it. It is a bit difficult but overall we felt like it was masterable with the skill set provided, (given enough time of course).

This game is simple and quite fun. It mostly turns in to a patience game I feel like waiting for and luring enemies out until I can go pick up my arrow safely. The collision is spot on and the one arrow idea is done well. The enemies are bit predictable but overall it just makes it so you can get pretty good with a little practice. I like the experience counter or whatever it is even though it doesn't do anything? Just satisfying to see the score go up. Overall, good job!

I like the smoke coming out of your burned engine and the fact that it get's in your face at times. I had problems with the mouse movement controls in the WebGL version since I could only look to the left or almost straight ahead before my mouse left the panel. Not sure what the tactic is to try and get farther? I guess just looping around left until I'm at the correct angle where I can do full gas and slowly rotate to come in line with the runway? After landing it took a bit before the window came up and I kind of clipped into a small slope. Was that intentional? I like the idea of a single engine plane but overall was not sure how to control it or get better. Not to mention that the view problems don't help much

This game is pretty cute and finished feeling. I love the prize for opening the golden heart at the end. It get's pretty hard quick but there's only line 6 or 7 levels or something so that's fine imo. I think the one key adherence to the theme was good and straightforward but nothing too special. Worth playing if you want a short puzzle platforming experience.

Quite fun and very original. I like the idea of only seeing the closest enemy. The gladiator feels pretty nice to pull and collides with the walls nicely. Overally pretty solid though I'm pretty terrible at the game it seems

That was relatively fun. I like the take on the theme with the last plant in the world. The controls for picking up stuff often didn't work and weren't explained. Sometimes it feels pretty boring since you just do the same thing over and over again but again, I did find it fun.

This game is made in a custom engine. Check the "View game page ->" link to the right of the name for installation instructions, controls, and other information.

No instructions, no idea what's happening. The name of the project is confusing. I don't know how this applies to the theme

I guess the dark/light guy can only be attacked from the back? I don't really know but he never seems to die. Is there a health bar of any sort? Seems like it doesn't matter too much if I get hit by bullets without facing into them. Overall interesting idea though and I think the skull sprite is nice.

That was refreshingly good. I really like the idea of a single burn to land your ship. I think the game is a bit difficult and most of the time is seems that the best option is to burn early with a very shallow angle so you don't go bouncing off the pad. The game looks really nice though

Yeah but it tells me to use some defensive spells at the beginning but then I don't have any. Feels annoying that I can't follow directions.

I think the puzzle feel was pretty good and the style of the graphics was pretty original. The single ka-bob is a decent idea for the theme but not my favorite. The feeling of moving around the level is a bit bad and I feel like the skewer being purple is a bit weird

I actually beat it first try! I wasn't sure how the practice mode worked because I couldn't seem to shoot anyone but I figured I would give it a shot anyway and I actually got it. So that was fun. Overall though the game is a bit small feeling and it's hard to tell if I've shot people or not in the practice mode since they drive by so fast

That was a fun little game. I think it's hard to tell whether you are going to collide with an astriod or not and the buttons often change at just the wrong time I feel like. However I think the idea is great and really fits the theme well with the single live battery!

I feel like the one stat is a nice idea but I can't say that the execution felt very fun. Do I not have any defensive spells at the beginning of the game? All i can find is Fire.