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A member registered Aug 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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88 is pretty good! Fun fact: I actually set up the score numbers to go all the way up to a few trillion, though I don't think I realized how impossible of a task that was lol.

Yeah like many of my solo-dev projects I was unable to add sound to this one in time, but I can imagine it would really bring the whole thing together! I plan on maybe making some adjustments and adding some more stuff in the future but I'm also going into my senior year of college so we'll have to see :p

Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :]

It's so awesome to see footage of someone playing it! I'm planning on possibly making some adjustments post jam so I'll definitely be using this as important data :p. Also that game looks awesome! It's giving me lots of ideas.

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm a huge space-head so this game was a bit of a self-indulgence but I'm glad it connected with you. :>

Thanks! Yeah this is the most complex game I've made and it took me a while so I had to pass on adding sound. I'd definitely do that if I were to make any post jam changes, and thank you for the suggestion! :> I'll also definitely consider reversing the controls of one, I also think adding asymmetry by making each have different functions may add to the difficulty and play to the strengths of the control scheme. It's definitely something I'll have to consider! Thank you for playing and for your feedback! :>

This game is awesome! The artist did so much with such a small amount of space and while the combat is pretty simple it manages to keep itself fresh with different weapons and mechanics. Very cool!

Thank you! Yeah I had trouble figuring out how to make the camera work as well, having it move with the head was a bit disorientating and jumpy considering how the camera has to move 1 pixel at a time in order to keep the pixel perfect look of the game. I'll have to check out the other games to see what solutions were come up with! 

I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the feedback! :)

Hi Gad! I'm honestly impressed you got that far! I had set the enemies to do 100 damage so that they could kill me quickly while I was testing the game over screen and forgot to change it back. However I got permission to change it to the intended amount of damage, so if you want to give it another shot it should be much easier to get past 50 points! 

Also, I generate around 700 stars in the playfield, which is why it takes a while to load. There's probably a more efficient way to generate the universe but this is my first attempt at random generation so it was a bit difficult for me lol.

Thank you for playing and for your feedback!

I'm a sucker for a good tactics game and this is so well made. The art is adorable, I love the idea of being a necromancer that brings enemies back from the dead. I also appreciate the fact that you didn't just stop at the weapon triangle and added a bunch of other weapons that interact with the weapon triangle in unique ways. Beautifully done!

I love the character designs, they're very cute! 

Wow... just wow... this was amazing. The art has so much character and style, the design of the movement feels so fluid and the curses just add onto it by asking the player to constantly adapt their playstyle. Great work!

Love the sound design, the little grumbles are so silly and fun. I love the character designs and it's surprising how quickly everything can get overwhelming, I felt like I was actually disappointing people when I didn't manage to get a task done lol. Overall great job!

This was so much fun! I love the art and the way that building works feels very intuitive and fluid, it simplifies everything else to focus purely on the mechanic of keeping the customers happy and does so very well. I think I got to day three but it all seemed to spiral out of control at that point. Awesome game! :>

This game is captivating, I literally had a hard time putting it down. The sound design is really well done and I love the crinchure and evil guys designs too. I managed to get second place on the leaderboard and so much of me wants to shirk my responsibilities and go for first. Great game!

Love the pixel art and general aesthetic! The combat system is also pretty complex, I like that way that you really have to manage your mana and make sure you don't run out, it adds a lot to the decision making process. One thing that did bother me a little is that it was hard to read how much health the enemies had left :p. But this was a really great game and I can imagine sinking hours into it! :>

Very cute! I love the bunny sprites and while at first I didn't get how this fit the "Tame the Chaos" theme, I was quickly overrun by so many bunnies that I would definitely consider this game to be chaotic at times lol. Using genetics as the framing for random generation is really unique and clever, I think it'd be cool to see a full merging game with these kinds of mechanics! Great job!

This game so well encapsulates the theme of "Taming the Chaos" from the sound design to the insane amount of keys you need to press, everything had me overwhelmed and audibly going "Woah! Woah! Woah!". I also absolutely love the little jokes on the polaroids at the end, they all made me chuckle but I particularly liked the flock of birds pretending to be a dog. Overall a great game!

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2D artist here! Thank you so much, moths are so much fun to draw. We'll have the game available to play at the showcase event so keep an eye out for us if you want the chance to play with others! :>

This game was originally made for the GMTK game jam, but I realized a few hours after the submit deadline that I had missed it. To make a long story short I read am as pm and thought I had twelve more hours than I actually did, though I didn't spend those full twelve hours, so I probably spent ~5 more than I was supposed to for the jam.

By no means am I saying this is a submission for the jam, I missed the submission window and I take full responsibility for that, I just figured it'd be a waste not to upload it. Especially considering this is likely the most finished game I've ever made.

Hi! I ran into those same problems playtesting but due to how I was in the game jam mindset I figured they would be forgivable enough. I'm really glad you liked the game though! I was really sad that I missed the submission period because I knew I wouldn't get as much feedback but I'm glad you found it! I'll consider fixing these bugs though I'm tuckered out for the time being lol 

As for the sound and music I just wasn't able to add it in time. I'm still working on getting quicker with game dev and sound is usually the first thing I cut when I'm running out of time lol

Thank you! I actually explain how it applies to the theme in the description of the game, so if you don't mind I'm just going to copy and paste that segment for you here: "My game explores the topic by making the acidic pits the safe place and the ground something that will kill you in an instant. The goal is also bottomless pit, which is another thing that is typically used as a symbol of failure. In short I approached the theme from a symbolism standpoint, making things that are typically symbols of danger or failure into the goal and safe points."

I can understand if that doesn't feel sufficient, when given game jam topics as abstract as this one I typically approach the topic from a visual standpoint rather than a game design standpoint (probably because I'm more of an artist than a game designer lol), which may be a weaker approach. Thank you for all the great feedback though, I'm fairly proud of this and I'm glad you enjoyed it as well.  

This is a really well done mixture of a platformer and a puzzle game. The platformer movement is very smooth and responsive. One tiny nitpick is the design of the keys, the sort of blend in with their environment and it made it a bit harder to finish one of the puzzles. Other than that this is a really interesting way to approach the the topic and an overall really solid puzzle platformer.

Nice job! The pixel art is really nice and the overall feel of this game is very polished and satisfying. I will say that the difficulty kind of spikes in the second level, so if you want to release this you may want to do a more gradual difficulty ramp up.  Other than that this is a really fast-paced, really fun game.

I was wondering what you meant by that and I realized I totally told everyone to use the arrow keys in the tutorial even though I implemented WASD and it would've been, like, 100 time's easier. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'll make sure to keep that in mind for next time lol

Yeah I saw your instructions to put it in full screen and I played the entire game in full screen, though that seems to have worked for everyone else so I'm guessing that was probably something on my end. Maybe my screen isn't wide enough lol

 Well done with this! The pixel art is nice and it's easy to pick up and play without much explanation, I can imagine this doing really well as a casual mobile game that people can compete for scores with. Overall this is really good! :)

This is extremely well done! I straight up couldn't put this game down, these puzzles are really engaging and I like how simple the mechanics are and how complex the puzzles can get. A small nitpick I have is that I didn't know that the snakes lives were in the top right hand corner at first so I got confused when the level just randomly restarted, but like I said that's really a nitpick and not the biggest deal. Overall probably the best game I've played thus far, amazing job!

Nice! I've tried doing that myself before because I'm primarily an artist but it doesn't really work out for me, I'm glad it did for you.

That's fair! To be honest I don't have much room to judge considering I wasn't even able to put music in my game lol. The music is still really nice so it's not a huge problem that it repeats, just a lil nitpick.

This is a nice game, the pixel art is cute and I like the message! I hadn't thought to go for an inspirational route with this topic but it works pretty well. This game controls pretty well but one problem is that a lot of the inspirational text seems to be off screen, I really enjoyed the stuff I was able to read so it saddens me that I wasn't able to see the rest of it. Other than that this is a pretty good game!

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This is really well done! The controls feel good and the difficulty ramps up in a satisfying way. One thing about the sound I would recommend is to make the music continuous rather than restarting every time the level starts. The way that it restarts quickly gets bothersome due to how short the levels are because you'll just hear the beginning of the song over and over lol. Other than that this is really well done, the pixel art looks excellent and I can tell you put a lot of time into polishing this game. Good job!

This is a really interesting take on the theme, definitely not something I would've thought of. This game is really well done, the art looks nice, the gameplay really knows how to get you into a flow state, and the laser is a very high skill cap move that adds a little more depth to the game. It was a little laggy at times, and whenever I paused I couldn't bring my cursor on the screen, but that can probably be attributed to the fact that I was playing it in the browser. Overall it's a really solid game with a simple and understandable premise that can still be extremely addictive.

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This game takes the idea of switching gravity and really runs with it, the puzzles are really well done and use the tools provided to the player in a really unique way. It's really cool that you stopped players from just spamming the switch gravity button as that often makes the platforming in other gravity switching games obsolete. This game also looks really nice despite the fact that only simple shapes were used (I gotta take a page out of your book next time I'm doing this lol). Overall this game is really solid and I really enjoyed it.

This is  really interesting take on the theme, definitely not something that would first come to mind for me at least.

Hi, thanks! The slow motion was meant as a bullet time in order to aim the boost, but I appreciate you telling me that because now I know that wasn't clear. I'll make sure to add an aiming animation of some sort next time. I'll make sure to add those kind of sound effects once I do. Thanks for the suggestions!

This game is really good! I love the particles it has when you land, and the sound effects are really satisfying. I do have one suggestion though, for the dropper style map, maybe make the camera lower down in relation to the player, because with it centered the only way I was able to get through it was pure luck, not reaction time. Other than that this plays really well and I really enjoyed it.

Thanks, as you could probably tell from the description, art is what I'm best at lol. What in specific is it about the movement that bothered you? I'd rather not throw the whole thing out if it just needs a few tweaks. And you're right I definitely need to add music and sound.  I appreciate you comment and I hope to see you when I take everyone's criticisms to heart and create a more polished version of this game.

Thanks for the suggestions! I realized when I was play-testing that the character would stick to walls when moving into them but I had no idea how to fix it so thanks for the suggestion, I'll also make sure to reset velocity when respawning. I'm glad you enjoyed the description and concept, and I hope I'll see you again when I release a more polished version of the game.

Thank you! I was worried that I hadn't done the art justice because this is my first game jam but it's nice to know that I was just being a little bit too self critical. I'm happy you enjoyed the game and it's art, and I wish you the best of luck with your jam game.

-Florence (Art & Animation)

As the artist for Last Courier ( If you wanna check it out) I regret not comparing the assets before creating them. I had them all in separate files and it made the game look pretty ununified stylistically and color-wise. I think I did pretty okay for my first game, and its decently fun, I'm just going to make sure I make my games more consistent in the future.

I feel as though this'd be a lot more fun if the enemy somehow changed states. I'd also enjoy better communication, it was hard to tell whether I had picked up a weapon or not. This game was pretty enjoyable though, impressive art and solid controls.

This is really good, the game and art go really well together and it was a blast to play. A small nitpick I have is I wish that the character was making some sort of noise when doing their equivalent of Yondu's whistling, though this is a game jam so I can understand why that may have been hard to implement in time.