I had a really fun time voicing the prisoner and adding the fancy lil vocal effects for Joy😄
It was great working with you and I'd love to again if you ever need me😎
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Did it just happen one time or was it consistently killing you in lockers with the flashlight off?
(Also just checking that you're 100% sure it was off and that the light of it didn't just blend into one of the celling lights or like you mis clicked one of the walking keys and got out of the locker?)
Sorry if I'm nagging a bunch about that I am just very perplexed on how that could have possibly happened🤣
I really appreciate the feedback and I'm glad you still had fun😁
You're all good, I actually was mostly using this jam as a learning experience to test procedural walking and ragdolls for the first time since I've never done it before lol😄
I think if I had more time I could've smoothed it out a bit but sadly I'll have to wait until after the jam to make a more polished full version😅
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it😁
Sorry to hear about your encounter with the monster, usually it shouldn't camp and if it gets stuck it shouldn't be for very long. As for the locker I'm not sure since it is quite literally impossible code wise for it to kill you while you're in a locker with your flashlight off...
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it😁
Sadly the creature camping is a bug that needs to be fixed, most of the time it should just run past. However it tends to get stuck a lil bit😅
(Lore Spoiler)
The name on the tombstone is the player's brother. This connection can be made through some of the notes throughout the asylum. Most notably the one in the medical wing where it contains a note with info on the player😄👍