I really like the theme. My pet was mid-evolution during a choice and so when the choice was made it was gone for the rest of the game. I want one of those pets IRL, great submission!
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I really like the amount of polish in this game. It would be cool if you had some kind of indicator when your dash is depleted.
Also the rolling doesn't continue if the key is pressed down, I'm assuming that's a bug. It also could be improved with some input buffering for the jump.
But overall I love the concept, the animations, the level design, the jump and the mechanics!
Thanks for playing! that's really good! my lowest is 24 moves, you should share your score with reddit!
I really like the animations when the level loads and the preview scores when you're about to place the building.
I was stuck at level 2 for a very long time but I think it's because I didn't realize bonuses were applied retroactively, I thought the order mattered.
Super dope game, I want more levels and I want to know how you made the game look so good