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A member registered Dec 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey there, laying low for the moment until I have some more concrete stuff to show but expect something out on Steam by this year :)

Hi, unfortunately this is a known glitch that happens when you place turrets too close to each other or the shop. There are currently plans to polish up this title and expand upon it, but no current plans to update the jam version. The current version is... very far ahead of the jam version but simultaneously incomplete. Hopefully even with the glitch you were able to enjoy your time with it!

I'll look into this, thank you

Hey there, sorry you weren't able to play the game. This is the first I've heard of this issue. If you are comfortable with it, do you mind sharing your system specs? My current guess is there might be some incompatibility with graphics drivers or loading issues.


Think I know the culprit to that problem, thank you!

(1 edit)

Aware of an issue where having too many projectiles on screen causes severe FPS drops but haven't heard of the aim being messed up, is it possible for you to outline how to replicate the issue? Was thinking about polishing up the title for a full release and think this would be good to address, thanks for bringing it up! (if not thats ok too thanks for playing)

Super cool gameplay concept with the phasing, has a ton of potential for all sorts of physics and speedrun-type shenanigans. There's a lot of potential for skips since you can phase through geometry and boost on any platform. Once you learn that you can hold jump right before leaving platform on a phase boost to gain extra height, there's even more parts you can skip through (probably a glitch? but great either way). I imagine if I was better I feel like I could chain boosts together to fly through the levels. Either way the potential has me pretty excited.

General feedback, I do think Bobby feels very floaty in the air as of now, there's not a lot of air control. This can be particularly punishing with the current level design as boost trajectories can be unpredictable and death makes you restart from the start. Having a trajectory arrow for boosts could also help with that. To my understanding the trajectory is mainly influenced by the player's position relative to the wall; making trajectory changes based off of what direction the player is holding may also add increased sense of control for the phase boosts.

Mechanics have a ton of potential though, would love to see a full release.

ps keep the jump phase boost glitch its a lot of fun lol

Visuals and sound (played the updated version on the game page) were great, lots of nice game juice/game feel touches like the hit stop on the player and the hit animations on Dairy Queen. Theming was also great (even if it is very reminiscent of a certain indie RPG 😉).

Gameplay wise I really enjoyed the bullet hell stuff; in particular I love it when games make use of graze as a mechanic, it's a criminally underused mechanic. I don't usually like acceleration for movement in these types of games but here it's just subtle enough that it helps smooth out player movement moreso than make it floaty. Great job with controller/rigidbody tuning.

I think my only gripe is the circles in shoot mode are really small: my suggestion would be to make them a little bigger, alternatively increase the circle indicator (the larger circle that closes in on the main one) to be bigger so it can be seen with peripheral vision.

overall great job

This game took me back to my Quake Live days in the best way possible. Love the movement system and just how fast you can get. Really high potential to be a solid speedrun game once you get to grips with the movement system.

The boss was a bit tricky. After spending like 10 minutes on the boss I reset for a better time, got to the boss in about 1:30 and then spent about twice that amount firing bullets into the boss only to find out he has a third stage. Never managed to beat it. On top of having a ton of HP the movement system is kind of a blessing and a curse in the way you have to actively fight it to deal damage to the boss.

Overall though fun game with a ton of potential. Would definitely play a full release if it focused more on platforming and speed.

Awesome concept with the portals and level shifting. The visuals and sound was also great, set a fun atmosphere. Levels all had distinct visual identities and were a joy to look at. Really loved the vaporwave type aesthetic in the first level in particular. Also was fond of that touch that let you shift the channels on the radio around. 

Some feedback when it comes to car physics:

  • Handling definitely feels better on controller than it does PC. Might be a good idea to give a heads up to people (a "we recommend using controller!" type pop up)
  • Acceleration and deceleration could be a bit faster overall, this is probably one of the bigger culprits to the "floaty" feel people have brought up
  • It seems that drifting can occur even without the hand break. Potential friction shenanigans? If this was intentional, totally fine since the car was driveable even without handbreaks. If not could be worth looking into

Love me some racing games and I feel like I rarely seem em in jams. Good to see one here, good job

when you miss the t spin and say "nah fam block gon catch these hands today"

itch doesnt have spoiler tags so read the rest at your own peril



Great concept, love the interconnection between block puzzle and shooter. Being able to use spare ammo to fix block layouts after wrecking havoc on corrupted blocks is honestly genius. Corrupting blocks also change stacking dynamics since you can reliably have some areas always filled until you pew pew them away, at the peril of having too many corrupted blocks stack up and mess up your stacking. There's a ton you can think about at any given moment. Super fun.

A few notes of feedback I'd give: giving an ammo a cap would probably help a lot. Near the 2.5x speed phases I'm realizing I have 150+ bullets stocked up even after the block boss and that I can stack until I get around 200+ bullets, use 30 on the boss, and hard drop spam after I get 200+ again to retrigger the boss. The game's definitely the most fun when you are forced to use ammo to help with your puzzle clearing, so discouraging players from reaching a game over state on the block puzzle would be best.



but yeah this one's a whole lotta fun. good job 👍

Visuals and polish were on point. Love all the little animations and effects you guys fit in. Projectiles and hazards had good readability. UI work in particular was great. I was very appreciative of the controls being laid out very clearly. Sometimes jam titles lack that and it can be a bit harder to get to grips with the game because of that. Getting extra game juice in on stuff like health bars is a small detail but it can really go a long way, happy to see it in a jam title.

If I did have critique it would be that I didn't really feel any incentive to use Ionian (Melee) mode at all; Dorian (ranged) was essentially the same as Ionian with the caveat of slightly reduced damage but offered similar damage with far less risk. Combined with the gravity well effect, kiting enemies becomes pretty trivial, and the dash doesn't have to get used much either. Depending on your design goals there are many ways to address this problem (if it even is a problem) so I'll leave it to your discretion.

All in all it's a solid entry with a lot of potential for a full release.  In particular I'd love to see more modes implemented and find ways to move players to switch modes more frequently. 

good job yall

Nice sound and visual presentation, although it probably could have gone with sound that fades as you gain distance from an object instead of it having it play globally. UI felt a little awkward to use but once I got used to it then it was fine. Eventually though I got to the point where both sides were overwhelmed with archers and that any enemies that spawned would instantly die. This might be because of a glitch where allied units collide with each other, causing the enemies to clip through each other and slow each other down. I can't really say whether the game's strategy aspects are designed well or not because of this bug. It's hard to tell if the game is ramping up in difficulty if the enemies are just cluttered and clipping through each other into one corner while my 50+ archers wail at them from a safe distance (all while going back for an occasional water break).  With a bit more polish you'll have a great starting point for a fun strategy game!

(1 edit)

Good stuff. The environments and visuals looked pretty good, but gameplay feels weird. Not in the sense of controls, but in it's sense of difficulty and pacing. I'd say the biggest culprit is the MP system, since it encourages one thing no matter what: waiting. If you use up your MP, you can restore it but then you have to wait again afterward. If you space out your shots, you ultimately still have to wait since the cooldown length of the MP restore along with slow recharge rates pretty much means you can only shoot 2-3 bullets a second. Enemy layouts seemed to perpetuate this problem as the only thing that really determined difficulty was the number of enemies, so the game only got easier after enemies spawned until more came in. That sense of waiting sucks because it creates a sense of artificial difficulty in the sense that it takes more of your time than your skills.

If you wanted to go the bullet hell direction with this game, enemy bullets should have been slower and do more damage as that encourages much more intentional movement rather than running in circles in order to get into range. Players shouldn't have a resource gate on their bullets unless you do something interesting with it (spells that use HP as a resource that give you MP vice versa, current HP and MP values can be swapped, etc). If you wanted to go more of a spellslinging mage type direction, have spells be simple but interact with each other somehow (maybe have a fireball and an blizzard AoE type thing create a smoke screen that gives players invulnerability when they combine). Take queues from other games that use a similar potion system and have the cooldowns of the restores go down if you are in combat to encourage more aggressive play.

Even with all of that being said, environments are nice, and the musical texture sets up tension nicely. Keep at it!

Nice game! The core game loop is interesting and the blackhole catching up to the player definitely creates tension and has potential for things like scoring systems based off of completion speed. A few things to improve should you expand upon the game would probably it's performance (I was only able to get about 20FPS average) and maybe a block indicator that lets you know where exactly the block you are going to place would go.  One interesting quirk in the game's design I found is that since you can place and regain blocks immediately, you can jump, remove the block under you, and then place a block under you afterward. You could either remove this mechanic or use it as a factor in future levels, which I think the latter would help create an "easy to learn hard to master" type of game.

Hi, and thanks for the feedback! One of my laments with the early stage (which was supposed to act as a tutorial of sorts) is that I didn't explain the fact that you don't need to hold the mouse button down after using the grapple very well. This means that you can stay in place after firing the grapple. This is actually a pretty crucial mechanic in advancing the game, so it's actually kind of bad that I never really explained it that well.  What you were supposed to do with that jump since you can't latch on to anything ahead of you is to latch on to the platform behind you, but not hold the button, and you should have enough distance to make that jump.