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A member registered May 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great job! I really liked the art and sound effects. I was able to make it to room 12. There was a lot more polish than I expected at first glance. Keep up the good work!

Very well done, I loved the pixel art crossed with super smooth movement and particle effects. The music was super soothing, definitely helped me maintain my cool when I was getting stuck on a tough puzzle lol. I like this interpretation of the theme. I think this game has the potential to get a little more polish and levels and could easily sell. Great job, keep up the good work!

I wasn't able to win, but the sound and art were nice. If I didn't play in full screen the sticky notes were covering up what was in the door. Well done, keep up the good work.

The monsters stripped me naked a couple times, but I ended up winning. I like the idea of peeking to a room to see if it's safe to enter, especially with the cool effect to see a sliver of the room. But I couldn't tell when a room was safe to enter or not. Great job creating everything from scratch! I think with some more time this could turn into a super cool game. 

I love games that have a timer and a score, I always want to go back and beat my score. I was able to get up to 27. Great job boiling this down to something so simple and fun. The extra polish of being able to move the arm around adds a touch of something I can't put my finger on, but it feels good. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the feedback, maybe seven rooms is too many. It gets especially hard to remember what path to take when you start fighting the ninjas. I even started to forget the right path lol

Thank you! I should have changed the 'A' above the frog to 'Spacebar' it was meant to be 'A' for action, but that was a bit confusing. Great job brute forcing the puzzle lol. 

Thank you, I spent most of my time learning how to use the asset pack, I'll have go back and add more mazes and guns.

I really appreciate how quirky your game is, everything was so silly. I can't get over how cool the Claymation looks, I don't know why we don't see it in videogames more. Did you use Claymation for the tiles that were walls? I thought it all looked awesome. The voice lines were funny, and the sound effects were good. The music was very nice, it fit the theme of the game and didn't feel repetitive. Great job, keep up the good work!

I really enjoyed this. A lot more than I expected too. I thought all the intros for the characters were cute, but it felt like I kind of a road bump to get to the gameplay. I think it would be better if they were introduced as they came out to the field. I was able to get to door 17. I was surprised how emotionally connected I got to my little warriors when they started going down lol. Great art and music as well, keep up the good work! P.S. I did find a little "hidden feature" where I could grab one of my adventurers as they were running into the next door, but when I put him back down he just trotted along to catch up to his friends. 

I love the music and art. The guitar was super nice to listen to. I wish there was a way of telling which buildings I had already been inside of. And maybe a tracker for who I collected debt from and who I got in a shoot out with. I think the gameplay got a little repetitive, but overall I had a good time and played the game all the way through. Great job, keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Wow, this game belongs on Steam by the end of the Jam! The fast paced character movement and the way you glide across the screen feels so good. the generous early fire rate makes you feel like you're already in the action without having to grind powerups, and the different enemy types causing all kinds of havoc makes me feel like I'm in the "end game" on wave 0. The music is incredible, super suspenseful but fun at the same time. Only feedback I have would be to find a way to make the laser feel more powerful, Maybe it does more damage to enemies, some kind of post processing glowing effect. I think it would look really cool if when you used the laser, the rest of the room dimmed and the laser got super bright. I would easily pay money to play this game, me and some buddies are already trying to see who can keep the blast "door" open the longest and make it to the highest wave!

I had a lot of fun! I like all the different mini games and Wipeout meets medieval castle lol. The character movement felt a little slippery, but I think it added to the fun of the obstacle courses. Only complaint I have is when you get teleported up the arrow dodging game the super zoom in on the character was a bit jarring.  Great job, keep up the good work!

It took me a minute to figure out how to start building doors. I wish I would have discovered the pause menu lol. The music is really nice. I was able to get a score of 7000, I think a scoreboard will be really nice. My buddy is playing it right now, hopefully I do better than him. The character control and being able to throw items was super nice. Especially when you can throw stuff into the machines to start the process. Keep up the great work!

Great job, These were some seriously tough puzzles out the gate. I think a few puzzles that baby stepped you into it, or maybe I'm just bad lol. I really loved the art, and the cat pictures after each level was cute. Keep up the good work!

Thanks for giving it a shot. I appreciate the feedback. I only got two mazes done. I had a lot of other ideas, but didn't get them implemented. I used the Top Down Engine and a lot of time went to learning how to use the asset. I would really like to recreate this myself so I can better understand the code. 

Wow, great job all around. So many fun puzzles and everyone had dialogue. Very charming game, the art is super cool and the music is great. I really like how you handled teaching the player how to play the game without a crude tutorial. This is the level of craftsmanship I aspire to reach. Keep up the good work you guys!

Wow, great job all around. So many fun puzzles and everyone had dialogue. Very charming game, the art is super cool and the music is great. I really like how you handled teaching the player how to play the game without a crude tutorial. This is the level of craftsmanship I aspire to reach. Keep up the good work you guys!

(1 edit)

I was able to get a score of 1121 on my first completed run, I plan on getting my friends to try and beat my score lol. Great job, it's always amazing to see such a simple idea turned into something super fun and addicting. I was super proud of myself when I sent the little wolf to his mom the first time it came around. The music and art is fantastic. And I want to say amazing job to whoever designed the UI, it looks so clean. Keep up the great work!

Good job, I had a lot of fun. I got nervous a couple times when I got surrounded and couldn't move, but I was able to blast my way out! You did a great job with the path finding, I was surprised how smooth the enemies followed the player character. Being able to spam the attack made it a little to easy. Maybe adding a mana system that needed to recharge. Or doing something like Vampire survivor so you always attack the closest enemy or auto attack in different patterns. I like the idea of having to kill the enemies to go to the next level instead of just trying to survive as long as possible. Keep up the great work!

I was waiting for a jump scare at the end lol. Ending 3 had me kind of spooked. I really liked the SCP lore in sitting on the table. really fun touch. I had a hard time figuring out how to get Ending 1. Once i got it, I felt silly. Great job, keep up the good work!

Good job, I was stuck on two levels, the projectile level, and then the last level. But it felt rewarding when I won. Some cute music would have been nice to have, but create job writing all the code and making all the assets within the jam! The final level was a little frustrating, I had a really hard time getting lucky enough that the other slimes didn't stomp me into the spikes lol. Keep up the great work!

I had a fun time playing your game, the music really added to the suspense of getting caught lol. I like how you added some "parkour" to sneak around and see inside the houses. I feel like this is a really original idea that could be taken even further. It reminds me of the VR Break In game. Great job finding a way to make the theme fun. Keep up the good work. 

The first couple tries were tough, but once I got the hang of it, I really wanted to beat my highscore. I ended up getting 190, and plan on breaking 200 lol. I wish the doors were a darker color than the rest of the walls, I really think it would help them stand out at first glace. And I would really like some sound effects and music. Maybe some "Eww gross" when you deliver the wrong order, and some "Chomp chomp chomp" when it's the right order. Great job writing all the code and making the assets during the jam! keep up the good work!

Great job, I was a little confused at first, but once I realized I had to put the bears in the bins it all clicked. I have never been so nervous to miss a basketball shot lol. I like the scary theme, but I think you could have went further and added a jump scare instead of the "beep-boop" of the hammer. Also if the bins were more recognizable. I like that you have to find the bear, but if the bin already has a yellow hazard sign above it, why not have it stand out more. the dark bin against the dark walls was hard to distinguish. Keep up the good work!

Thank you, I love Enter the Gungeon. I was trying to do a mix between Enter the Gungeon and The Legend of Zelda, Lost Woods puzzles. We have more ideas for puzzles, but had busy work weeks and didn't put in as much time as we wanted to. I really appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for giving it a try, I was trying to make it so you had to kill the ninja before you moved the next room. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it working but forgot to re-enable to doors in the second maze. Thanks for finding the bug. I uploaded an updated Windows build if you wanted to try the second maze again. There are currently only two mazes. Also thanks for the feedback on the bloom!

Sorry about that. I was doing all my testing in the editor. Lesson learned. I've spent a couple hours this morning figuring out how to fix this issue. I can't get the WebGL version to work, but there is a Windows build that is playable now. Hope you're willing to give it another shot. 

I'm probably missing something, but I don't understand how to play. I see a lot of blue moving across the screen, and when I press A and D I hear a smack sound and there's a small bit of movement in the bottom blue blob. Great use of the requirement, I really like the color gradient and how smooth the image moves across the screen. The music is also very nice.

Thank you, glad we made someone laugh lol!  After we decided that Da Vinci should talk, and I realized my animation skills are awful, the fly trap mouth was the only way to go.

Thanks for playing, it makes me happy to know you enjoyed it. I appreciate everyone's feedback. After the grading period, I plan on going back and fixing the scene transition, so the game is playable after you die the first time. As of right now, I don't think anything works when you respawn. Having to refresh the page is a lame excuse. Also I want to fix the resolution. I had a super hard time figuring out what resolution to publish the game at. The Da Vinci and Cogs (hearts) would end up being other objects when I tried a normal resolution. Check back in a week or two, and I'll make sure it's less of a buggy mess!

Thanks I appreciate the feedback. I ran into that bug as well. I'm not sure why it happens. I need to dig into it. I kept trying to get more features into the game because I didn't think it would be fun enough, but then I ended up with a lot of bugs. lesson learned: Play test and fix along the way.

I found that if I refreshed the page it would normally fix the "not being able to fly up" issue

Thanks, I had the idea before the remote control requirement was posted but I was imagining it more serious. Once I saw the requirement I decided it would be funny if he was controlling the flying machine remotely. And if I was trying to be funny, might as well lean into it. Arcade style is a good way of putting it. I wasn't sure what kind of game this was when Itch asked me for a genre lol!

Thanks for playing! Sorry about the game breaking bugs. I need to fix something in the scene management. It doesn't restart the game properly when you click try again. I need to figure out how to wipe the scene clean and start it again. My favorite part is the Canadian Da Vinci too lol!

I thought your idea was unique, I don't know if I've seen that idea in a platformer before. I wish the controls were a little cleaner, and I kept getting caught on walls. Great job making as many levels as you did, I would have liked to have seen more mechanics or puzzle variation, but I had a good time playing your game. Keep up the good work!

So far I've had the most fun playing your game jam submission. I love the art in the background. It tells a story, it makes me want more. Where did these monsters come from, what happened on top of the mountain in the background. I struggled at first to notice the build troop buttons, but once I found it I was on a roll. I was able to kill 109 monsters. I remember playing age of war in computer class. It was one of my favorite flash games. With more enemies, troops, and some sound effects you have a super fun game. Great job!

I love the art and music. The pixelated renaissance art work is super cool, and it fits really well with the 8bit music. The controls are a little weird. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to match the direction with the way the section is moving with the key, but I was able to spam WASD and get it eventually. I did find that if I just held down all WASD keys it would complete without me having to time it, sorry for cheesing it. Maybe you can add some logic that makes sure you're not just holding a key down and that you actually timed it. I'll definitely come back to check this game out after it gets more artwork and songs! Great job, keep up the good work.

I liked the art and animations. I found the controls on your game's page after I hit every button on my keyboard to try and jump lol. I don't see the theme or requirement used, but I still thought it had potential. I would like the camera to back away from the player some so I can see more of what's around me, and some way of jumping. I liked the slippery movement. Maybe you could make it so the shotgun can propel you up in the air if you shot towards the ground. Good job, and keep on learning!

Very fun, I picked up on how to play pretty quick. the UI reminded me of hearthstone. I only had time to play the Dog level, but I plan on coming back tomorrow to try and beat them all. Great job. Awesome art and music, keep up the good work!

Super fun game, at first I was bummed it was another turn based puzzle, but once I got to  Sticko Mode it all made sense, I did have a hard time figuring out the angled dash, but once I had that the levels made a lot more sense. Great job,