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Talk Like a Beluga

A member registered Apr 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just 100%ed it on Steam.
Liked the unique setting and great atmosphere.
I'm also very impressed by the scale, complexity, and polish. Amazing piece of art!

Decided on someone else. Thanks anyway!

Hi Nadia, thanks for the answer! I already found someone, forgot to update the thread.

Thanks, I'll think about it and come back to you!

Thanks for the answer! Your art style is not what I'm looking for unfortunately.

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Hey everybody!
I am looking for a couple of animated characters for my little MetroidVania. I have a budget of €500.
This is the current state of the game:

I made the pixel art for this myself and it is going to change a bit. Another pixel artist is currently helping with the tiles and items and it is going into a slightly less cartoonish direction. There is also a CRT filter effect on top, which I disabled for the WebGL build.
Here is a WIP screenshot:

The animations I am looking for are:

- idle, running, jumping (and maybe hurt?) for the player, a silhouette-like robot
- idle, patrolling (maybe dedicated attacking and hurt animations as well) for the enemies, all robots (the artist has creative freedom over the look of the enemies)
- two human characters, idle and running with various facial expressions
- three bosses with a couple of attack (and maybe hurt?) animations (again, the artist can decide on the looks)

Hit me up if you're interested :)

Update: Found someone.

I will finish my current 3 projects (fingers crossed) as soon as possible and decide afterwards.
I hope I will get them done within the next 6 months. Maybe until then, Unity is somewhat back on track with a rewind and a new CEO/management, but I doubt it.

So I think I will look into Godot. I played around with it a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. It's nowhere near Unity in terms of capabilities, but there will be a huge influx of intelligence into the community now and limitations never hurt the creative process.

Also I always wanted to learn C++ and contribute to an open source project. And as soon as I'm comfortable with C++ I will probably look into Unreal as well, but I will need a beefier computer then. :D

I hesitate trying other options like Flax, Stride, Unigine and the likes because of the small communities.

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Thank you for the feedback and for hosting the jam! :)

You should have seen the game before anyone playtested it. No one even remotely knew what to do, haha.
I kinda expected that though, since I'm more of an artist and less of a game designer.
But I learned a lot. Next time I will try to come up with compelling gameplay before making everything look and sound pretty and see how that turns out.


Merci !
Haha... it looked kinda naked and too clean without that overlay. :P

Thank you! :)))

Thanks, man!
I wanted to make a FPS first, but ran out of time as soon as I started implementing the audio stuff. :P

Thanks :)

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I don't have access to a Windows PC at the moment, but I watched a video of the gameplay on YouTube and it has a really nice and polished presentation as well as what looks like a fun challenge. :)

Hey, thanks for making this video! I really enjoyed watching it. :)
You pretty much figured everything out.
The mask is more of an extra to make the maze feel more alive, have a bit of a creepy surprise element and to be able to shoot something.
It will just show up in random places and watch you. When shot it will re-materialise somewhere else. At first I wanted it to be able to kill the player and have a whole health and ammo system and whatnot, but since this was done for a game jam in a limited time period I decided to scrap this idea.
I might come back to this project after a while and expand upon it though.
There is one thing you missed. When looking out the window in the room with the checkered floor you can see a whale flying by at times. It doesn't do anything other than being eye candy and an additional hint for the ocean sound though.

Thanks! :)
The mask is more of an extra to make the maze feel more alive, have a bit of a surprise element and to be able to shoot something.
It will just show up in random places and watch you. When shot it will re-materialise somewhere else. At first I wanted it to be able to kill you and have a whole health and ammo system and whatnot. But you know... overscoping and stuff. :D

Nice little synth. I also really liked the booting sequence. :)

I like how the music is epic and goofy at the same time.

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Nice use of adaptive/advancing music. Also very cool Anime/Vaporwave-like feel. And I really liked the truck chaos towards the end. :)

Sound implementation seemed a bit memory-intensive and caused the music to stutter/crackle on my computer the more elements were added.

Thanks! Happy you enjoyed it =)


Haha, thanks! :)
The only adaptive part is the flute that triggers once the map and the eye become visible.

Thanks, man! Glad you're enjoying it.

Hm, a hint... let's say: the mask is a deceiver.

Hey! Unfortunately not. But I will probably come back to this project and expand upon it once I have the time. I'll add saving to the feature list.

Thanks. :)
Yeah, my game- and level-design skills need the most work. Will implement a map and a more elaborate world in a future version.

Thanks for the kind words! Means a lot. :)

The skull is hidden in the room you're standing in.
Jump up until you reach the third segment of the large waterfall. There is a cave you can only access with the bouncer. The skull is placed inside the wall.

Thanks! Yeah, movement is definitely one of the harder parts and something that needs to be refined in the future.

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Hey, if you press Escape you can see the keyboard keys. Shooting bullets is Return for example.

Wow, that was quick! Thanks 8)

Thanks, man! Glad you finished it. :)