That's very strange.
Did you unpack the .rar file & open the LightRider.exe ?
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10/10 feedback.
Regarding things that didn't work:
- The walls, obstacles etc. were pretty much placeholder blocks haphazardly placed for the jam. I am going to replace all of it with proper detailed mesh carefully deigned layout.
- There will be both breathing space & sharp turns in the final maps.
- The mesh details will allow the player to recognize & comprehend his surroundings once it gets lit by the headlights.
- There will be some objects that project light which will help orient the player ( eg: Street lights, Neon signs, dumpster fire etc.)
- There will be dynamic events ( on picking up power ups) that temporarily increase the visibility (eg: lightning, sonar bombs, snow etc.)
- I'm currently working on a quicker restart option for death screen.
I'm still trying to figure out the best way to implement the speedometer.
The issue is, if the speed meter starts immediately when you pick up the first fuel but the player speed is very slow, he'll explode really fast.This gives the wrong & negative impression about picking up the fuel & player gets confused.
I'm exploring other ways to navigate this problem like giving the player an initial velocity right from the start or Starting the meter after a few seconds of the game.
Finally, I'm new to game dev & I do it as a hobby with little experience. I hope to develop this game into a polished & enjoyable game soon. Thanks for the great feedback. Just what I needed.
Nice visuals. Some reflections over the jelly & sparkly particles inside it would be awesome. Darker background might help.
Control is too tight. The time between auto switching direction is too little. If the time difference would decrease & get faster over time starting from a easy slow switch, it would be much easier & won't even need a tutorial.
Obstacles look attractive & inviting. Make them menacing by changing color/ change shape. I'd prefer electro music without trumpets.
Good job. :)