This was incredible! I loved the poems somehow never quite touching, the longing conveyed through shape and form as well as in text.
KA Tan
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I really liked the atmosphere of the game, and actually felt that it worked really well being so abstract, rather than bogged down in world-building details. Focusing on the sensation of things, rather than why the narrator is here in the first place heightened the spooky factor in my opinion. Interesting interpretation of the songs too!
Super glad I persevered with refreshing the online mac system and got this to work! I loved the in-depth world you've created & the graphics really complimented the vibes. I was a bit surprised when it ended so abruptly but am very much looking forward to trying the full game in the future & maybe getting to stare at the sun ?!
I was saving this to play as a treat after rating nearly all the games because I had such high hopes & I was not disappointed at all!!! Loved the interweaving stories, the character voices, the innovative way of mixing the different stories... I can't imagine how much work must have gone into this but the premise & the execution is incredible!
Hey! Thank you very much for your kind words & I'm glad you enjoyed the story :)
Believe it or not, this was actually supposed to be a Twine-in-Decker game vs. a faux Decker aesthetic in Twine... but I was running short on time and the learning curve on using Twine in Decker was too steep :( maybe next time, as I love the hypercard look!
Interactivity is a fair point and also another thing that suffered due to time constraints - thank you for the notes and I will keep it in mind, as that's definitely one of my weaker points!