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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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I beat a monster, clicked "heal unit", then clicked a cat to heal. Their health bar went up then the error occurred.

Look at how Rebuild 2 does it: the icons show the amount of zombies, if there is food/survivors, and so on.

I haven't played any autobattler games. I have played the other kinds of games though. But I don't see the relation between those games and this game.

A lot of people play and don't rate. I got 13 browser plays and only 4 ratings. 

For example, the sentence "Items need sets equal colors min 3 to horizontal line". 

"Items need sets" and then "equal colors". The first part is already a complete sentence, so it doesn't make sense for the second part to be there. Do you mean "Items need sets of equal colors"? Then what does "min 3 to horizontal line" mean? It doesn't make sense at all.

Then the next sentence: "Equal color blocks near by vertical and horizontal will clear". You have "Equal color blocks near ____ will clear", in the blank should be a noun phrase, and "by vertical and horizontal" is not a noun phrase. 

Pressing "I'm stuck" should give you a hint on what to do next, displayed at the top, in the same place as all the other messages.

Path of Exile is similar to Diablo

I played the first two levels, the first one was easy but then the last wave of the second level really destroyed me. I like how you have to manage two resources (money and ore) but I think the difficulty curve can be lowered a little bit. Especially at the beginning when I don't have a lot of resources to use.

It's just jumping over flames. Is there anything more to this game? If not (and I didn't see anything), then the gameplay is repetitive and not unique. 

I wish there is a way to attack without being directly across from the enemy. I can move my units there but then I can't given them cards on the same turn. I know that the enemies move as well, but then the game becomes luck based as you have to hope they move to where you want them to. 

The interface is confusing and the tutorial isn't really a tutorial. I didn't understand what to do it didn't tell me much. I couldn't even kill all of the enemies in the tutorial since one of them is unreachable. 

(1 edit)

This is tagged as a horror game but it starts off a bit too slow. If there is a jumpscare or horror scene, I didn't get to it. I don't really like horror games so I didn't play too much of it. 

The game does become repetitive very fast. It's very simple and there isn't a lot of variation. You just do what the enemies on screen tell you to do. I think making it get faster over time, introduce new enemies, and add upgrades ( shoot faster, etc. think of how Temple Run does it) would make it better, or even just add coins to increase score. 

I think that since the AI doesn't upgrade their units, after you survive your early game with economy boom (and don't lose your base as a result), it's just really easy. The second unit is a bit strong since they have so much HP and the AI doesn't seem to use them.

Is the black box the player character? It keeps on moving to the top left all the time. I click on the balloons and sometimes it goes there but the balloon count doesn't go up. 

The game is a bit confusing at first. I didn't make the connection between shooting bullets and making pillars at first, since the bullets take a long time to expire. I was also confused by the "approach the terminal" part. I don't know what the terminal is or what it's supposed to look like. 

Things I liked were the art style and music. 

I like the puzzle mechanic and it's very unique. The controls a bit counter-intuitive since WASD keys are associated with movement and not casting abilities. I think it should be something like 1/2/3 to choose ability (and switch to ability using mode), then WASD to use it (or ESC to cancel ability using mode), and WASD to move if there is no ability selected. 

I like the amount of features that it has and all the different ways you can upgrade your character. The game's difficulty curve is a bit too easy at the start. For the first 5 levels it felt that I was just doing the same thing over and over again. Even the boss at level 5 is too easy. Also, the transitions between levels, and the time it takes for the enemies to spawn should both be faster to minimize the time the player spends waiting around. 

A few suggestions to improve:

  • The player should move faster, it's too slow and it's tedious to go from place to place.
  • A feature where you find survivors, build a base, etc. would be good.
  • Some kind of storyline or goal other than just "survive". Add a way to "win".

Things I liked : the music, also the collecting resources part.  

I didn't understand the game at all. There is a tutorial but it doesn't explain much. It explains how to make joints or something which doesn't mean anything if I don't know what a joint is at all. I think an interactive tutorial where it guides you through the process of making a machine and then have it fight against a small AI opponent would explain a lot. 

I got the bad ending, then I chose the other option and the game switched to Thai. I stopped playing after that since I don't speak Thai and therefore couldn't understand the game. 

I didn't really understand this game. I was clicking random options and hoping for the best. I was just trying to make as much money as possible so I just recommend every procedure. If there is a negative consequence to that, it should say so.  

I should be able to use the arrow keys to move. Also, I touched a key and nothing happened. If this is intentional, it should say something to the user. 

Does this game not have music?

I like the strategy part, that you have to choose when to stop making walls. You want there to be a lot of walls for a high score but not too many walls that the level is impossible.

One suggestion is that if the level becomes impossible (you used all your bombs and can't reach the exit), the game should tell you that. 

Another suggestion is to tell the player something like "press any key to stop generating walls", otherwise they wouldn't know what to do at the start. 

It's really simple but I think that's in a good way. I like the art style and sound effects. I don't think it has much replay value though. After a minute or two I already know everything about what this game is about.

I like the tutorial. The difficulty is a bit too high though. I would make 2 suggestions:

Show what each item and map object does without having to hover over them. For example, if you'll lose all gold on a map cell, then there should be some kind of icon indicating that (for example, a bag of gold with a red X). This way I don't have to hover over everything.

Also, there should be an undo button (if there already is one, I don't think the tutorial covered it) 

I don't really understand the game. I would definitely need a tutorial of some kind to understand it. The grammatical errors in the instructions make it very difficult to understand. 

I like the music and it's fun to run away from the fish. The problem is that some coins go behind the grass/tentacles and I can't see them. I think coins should emit some kind of particle effect so I know they're there.

I like the music and art style. The gameplay itself is a bit basic though. If there are more enemies that get stronger over time (for example, a boss spawns every once in a while), and also the player had some upgrades (extra lives, create platforms, etc.) it would be better. For example, the enemies can drop coins that you can collect to buy upgrades. 

The instructions are quite unclear. I was collecting the gray balls when I touched an enemy and I was losing health so I thought it was bad. Also, when touching a power thing, I was randomly gaining and losing health and power because I wasn't sure what I was doing. Also, the ball collecting minigames take a bit too much time. It should be faster. Finally, there doesn't seem to be any goal of any kind. Add a storyline or something so the player has something to strive for. 

The instructions are quite unclear. I think the valves are supposed to make/destroy walls, but in the first level I can "ride" one up so they're not exactly walls. Also, some of them made balls instead of walls which I don't think does anything. Also, things that kill you if you touch them should be labelled clearly as such. 

I want to use latex in my posts like this: $\int x dx = \frac{x^2}{2} + c$. Is there a way to get it to work? 

How many endings does this game have?

It's a great idea but the UI needs work. Dragging the cargo bar to to the bottom doesn't set it to 0% for some reason. Same issue with the heading. Also, I think there should be a way to speed up launches. 

This doesn't feel like a complete game. It feels like a game that you might create as part of a tutorial on game programming. It's very simple and doesn't have a lot of features to it.  There is no progression, all enemies die in one hit, etc. 

I think there is an issue with the sound, it keeps on echoing in a weird way. It seems like the sound is being played multiple times at once. 

The interface is not intuitive. I think it should start with a guided tutorial (tells you exactly where to click and what each button does). 

Also, I think the best strategy is to just add as many guns as you can. I think that you can even go in debt to buy more guns (I had -200 dollars at one point), so the money part is kinda pointless.

Firstly, the font is very small and it's hard to read. 

It's very simple. There are 3 types of resources but I only used one. There is also only one combat unit. I didn't feel like there was much strategy. I felt like I was just spamming buttons as fast as possible at the end. 

I played the first 6 levels. The only frustrating thing is that this game seems to be designed for 2 players. It's hard to control both birds at once. Also, I think that both birds are required to be on screen at the same time, that should be explained. One of the levels (the one with two "floors" with one bird on each floor, and they have to both move to the right) is frustrating until I figured out that constraint. 

To make it more attractive, pick a certain aesthetic and stick to it. It looks realistic but the rigid pattern of blocks all stacked neatly on top of each other to form the walls looks unrealistic. Make it more cartoonish and I think it would be better.