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A member registered Jul 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Posting here until they get chance to update the jam page!

Thanks, there’s so much I didn’t get time to add or finish but so it goes. Had fun learning about Godot tilemaps for the first time anyway!

Thanks! Wish I’d had more time to put into polish but we all know how that goes. Going to keep improving it and adding more games though so you never know where it’ll end up :)

Yeah I hate doing cameras so put it off until the end of the jam and we all know how that goes… 😬

Thanks for giving it a whirl!

Well, first of all it’s in for review already so a bit late there😅

But also, interesting theory going against the grain of the typical “might as well set one up sooner rather than later” advice. In this case and with recent events it makes sense to me to do it now, but it’s definitely something that takes a bit of thinking about and everyone’s goals are different.

Might turn out to have been a terrible decision but there’s only one way to find out!

Now just to see if I can stick to it, haha. Cheers!

Thanks! Honestly I’d love to create a full game like this one day, just need to up my Blender skills first (and also all my other skills).

Maybe the creaking just got to me more with all the testing I had to do lol.

(1 edit)

Confirmed VPN fixes it for us too. Interestingly I’m also having issues loading but that works on VPN as well. Dunno if that’s just me, or if this is a widespread UK issue affecting multiple sites. Fancy giving it a click and see?

(Also we’re with Virgin Media, if anyone else wants to confirm or deny)

Edit: Yeah looks like it’s a Virgin thing

Same issue here, also unable to download games, and also in the UK. There’s definitely some funny business going on.

Ok I’ve been coming back to play this one for a few days now hoping that I’d somehow get better at it, but it’s so hard! Love the vibe, great idea, but I cannot get anywhere with it at all. That’s probably just me though! Someone give me some tips please :D

Such high praise from a Rainbow Jam powerhouse, thank you!

Multiple levels going through time was the original plan but you know how jams get, scope had to be vastly unscoped towards the end. I’m toying with the idea of continuing work on it though, so we’ll see 😄

Thank you! The yellow was a happy accident but as soon as it happened, I knew it was right 😄

Thank you so much! 🥰

Thank you! <3

I don’t know what I expected from you this year, but pro wrestler toes was not it!

Sadly I’m just as bad at this as I was at Worms, but will be back later for another round because the faces have won every time so far and that’s just not on!

Ok this was definitely interesting! I’m terrible at it, but for my first time playing a game “blind”, that’s to be expected. The options around the TTS were really thoughtful, especially changing the speed, and the only bit of information missing I would agree is the state of the core (unless I also missed that, hah).

Our old raiding team in WoW used to run with a blind healer and while this isn’t the same at all it is intriguing to get a tiny glimpse into the sort of experience he was having, so thank you for that!

Thank you! I would love to pretend focusing on one level was the idea from the start but…er…

Glad you liked it :)

Ah thank you so much for playing! I learned a ton about basic Blender things, just a shame I couldn’t include more than one little level but that’s jams for you! :)

Definitely understand never wanting to ever look at a jam game ever again after the jam finishes, haha. Great work though!

I love these kinds of games so just wanted to add one more request for more levels please! :D

Definitely needs to move a bit faster (give us the ability to skip text!) but overall it was pretty cute :)

Nice! Glad you liked it, thanks so much for playing!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed 😊

Thank you so much, sorry for my brief freakout in your stream haha, it wasn’t so embarrassing in the end :D

Oh we have a new high score in the comments here! Thank you for playing <3

That would be really cool!

Thank you so much for playing! <3

Really cool, although I was terrible at it. Would definitely be interested in a more polished version if you decide to keep it going!

This was everything I hoped it would be and I cannot wait for the inevitable third installment in the franchise.

Took me a couple of tries to get the hang of what the heck was going on but I feel like that’s just part of the insane charm :D

Couldn’t complete it because I’m terrible at games but I thoroughly enjoyed trying!

I really liked this, especially the ending screen just really got to me for some reason. Audio in general was really atmospheric despite being so simple. Great work!

Not bad, not bad! Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed. I certainly learned a lot :D

Hah, this was great! I did have some trouble figuring out what to do at first but then it was smooth sailing (see what I did there?)

At one point I went off the side of the map by accident and gave myself a horrible feeling of vertigo but that’s on me really.

Good work!

Great start! I also had the issue with text chopping off at the right but I’m sure that’s easy enough to iron out.

Really enjoyed the writing, and the combat idea is good it just took me a minute to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. Some better signposting for people who aren’t familiar with RPG Maker games might be a good shout.

Definitely enjoyed it though, I would totally play a full version of this.

This was really well done! The art is absolutely beautiful, I kept staring at all the little details in the backgrounds.

Just a minor note about the audio, I found the voices were a bit too quiet against the background music in a few places. Not exactly a dealbreaker though.

Really impressive work!

Not sure if it’s a bug, just isn’t in yet, or if it was just me, but I had no sound or music?

Nice low poly environment, controls were simple and it was very satisfying shooting into a giant horde of evil cubes! A little frustrating to get stuck on the sides of trees or mushrooms, though, and it wasn’t clear what my goal was other than to just see how long I could keep going without getting handcramp.

Overall though great job, I went back and played it twice after dying the first time and this isn’t even usually my sort of game!

Nice litte concept, the game description definitely made me want to play. I did find the gameplay a bit repetitive though, it wasn’t really clear what I was aiming towards or whether there’d be any difference between levels. Made it to level 3 and nothing seemed to have changed, I don’t know if maybe changes come in later but it might be worth putting at least one new thing in level two to tell the player “other stuff is coming”.

The atmosphere and the art are great though, good job everyone!

Haha, whoops, you’re not wrong. This is what happens when you’re sleep deprived setting things up. Nice catch, thank you!

Thank you! I really appreciate you taking time to play :)