Posting here until they get chance to update the jam page!
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Well, first of all it’s in for review already so a bit late there😅
But also, interesting theory going against the grain of the typical “might as well set one up sooner rather than later” advice. In this case and with recent events it makes sense to me to do it now, but it’s definitely something that takes a bit of thinking about and everyone’s goals are different.
Might turn out to have been a terrible decision but there’s only one way to find out!
Confirmed VPN fixes it for us too. Interestingly I’m also having issues loading but that works on VPN as well. Dunno if that’s just me, or if this is a widespread UK issue affecting multiple sites. Fancy giving it a click and see?
(Also we’re with Virgin Media, if anyone else wants to confirm or deny)
Edit: Yeah looks like it’s a Virgin thing
Ok this was definitely interesting! I’m terrible at it, but for my first time playing a game “blind”, that’s to be expected. The options around the TTS were really thoughtful, especially changing the speed, and the only bit of information missing I would agree is the state of the core (unless I also missed that, hah).
Our old raiding team in WoW used to run with a blind healer and while this isn’t the same at all it is intriguing to get a tiny glimpse into the sort of experience he was having, so thank you for that!
Great start! I also had the issue with text chopping off at the right but I’m sure that’s easy enough to iron out.
Really enjoyed the writing, and the combat idea is good it just took me a minute to figure out what I was supposed to be doing. Some better signposting for people who aren’t familiar with RPG Maker games might be a good shout.
Definitely enjoyed it though, I would totally play a full version of this.
Not sure if it’s a bug, just isn’t in yet, or if it was just me, but I had no sound or music?
Nice low poly environment, controls were simple and it was very satisfying shooting into a giant horde of evil cubes! A little frustrating to get stuck on the sides of trees or mushrooms, though, and it wasn’t clear what my goal was other than to just see how long I could keep going without getting handcramp.
Overall though great job, I went back and played it twice after dying the first time and this isn’t even usually my sort of game!
Nice litte concept, the game description definitely made me want to play. I did find the gameplay a bit repetitive though, it wasn’t really clear what I was aiming towards or whether there’d be any difference between levels. Made it to level 3 and nothing seemed to have changed, I don’t know if maybe changes come in later but it might be worth putting at least one new thing in level two to tell the player “other stuff is coming”.
The atmosphere and the art are great though, good job everyone!