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A member registered Jan 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much, Miniature Giants. Yes, the screen issue is a problem. I realized halfway through the design that I did not set up my assets for full screen. If You switch to full screen the parallax and background breaks... I will make sure to get that in place next time. 

That's a good point about the deaths. Maybe a life system would be better? It definitely fits the last stand theme, but you make a good point. 

Thanks for your comments! It really helps to hear both your likes and dislikes.

Thank you so much! I appreciate it. Thanks for playing, Kanonz!

Limiting the pirates might be a good way to tune difficulty. And the targeting camera you mentioned might also help. If there was a way to scale the pirates more over time where for the first several minutes you were fighting just one or two. Then once you've figured it out the difficulty ramps up? Something like that?

Incredible art! Loved the idea for the towers and the story! Very fun to play! My need some difficulty balancing. I had some bad turret placement at first and then figured out what I was doing but still managed to win without taking any damage.

It was hard to see the enemies sometimes, but I enjoyed the mechanics of this game and had a lot of fun dodging and sniping enemies. Had lots of close shaves with death. Very fun!

Great! Thanks for the tip! I will try that out. I am actually in the process of learning Godot. I forced myself to use it for this Game Jam to try to learn the basics, and I really enjoyed it. 

Thanks for the feedback, Melon Fresh Games! That's a great idea! I will keep that in mind.

It was hard for me to make progress. I was having trouble knowing when to block and when to strike. Plus I was getting confused with the rotation when getting attacked from multiple directions. That said, it is the start of something special. I think there is a lot of cool potential here.

Very cool! Definitely addicting. Good upgrades. Good combination of options for players. I was always trying to find the best move to make and had to weigh several options. Great job!

Nice art! Very strong mechanics. I like where this is headed.

I had trouble finding everything, but it is a very interesting change in this genre. I loved the idea of fighting to save knowledge!

This made me smile! Thanks for the humorous take on this genre, lol.

Sweet art! I also enjoyed swinging the blade around. 

Good movement mechanics. Felt easy to grasp and solid. Fit the story. I LOVE the flashlight. That was way cool! I tried to build a zombie game like this a couple years ago and couldn't get the movement right. Your game captured the feel I was trying to go for, but couldn't grasp. Can't wait to try it out in a future game. Thanks for the inspiration!

It was a tough game but really interesting combination of mechanics!

This was a challenging game, but it was fun. Good strategic decisions, and it definitely made me feel like a part of that moment in history.

Wow! I am really impressed. The puzzle mechanic was interesting. I was not expecting that, but I found it to be refreshing and fun.

It's interesting you say that, I have only encountered one platformer in this jam so far (I think it was called "The Last Lampstand" or something like that. Really fun and cute (but hard).  I got inspired last year with so many cool ones I thought I would try it out. Hopefully, I'll find another cool one.

Thanks for the feedback! And thanks for playing!

Thanks, brampster! You're right, a larger scale would be much better. I will keep that in mind for next time. 

What do you think about the difficulty? Is it too difficult or just right? I wasn't sure when I was tuning it. 

Thanks for the feedback, StarlightLacuna! That's definitely a big problem with this one. I will keep that in mind for next time. I appreciate it.

Very interesting mechanic. I have never seen this before, and it was very compelling. Nicely done!

This was fun and very cleverly designed. So simple yet lots of player choices and interesting to play. Well done!

Thanks! Good point, lol. They are pretty huge. I guess I liked how it made you feel like you had to get over insurmountable odds, but they probably are a little too big.

Lol! Yep. That pic could be a horror game in and of itself. Maybe for next year's jam...

Wow! This was very very cool! I didn't make it very far, but I love the art, the dialogue, the world building, and the mechanics. Felt unique and fun!

Wow! This was an INTENSE last stand experience! Thanks for that. My heart got a workout, lol. Very nice job!

Cool assets. I feel like you put them together well in a strong level design. Good mechanics too!

A lamp! I love it! What a fun take on the theme! Difficult controls, but I found that to be fun. I felt like this is what it would be like for a lamp in a platformer. Well done!

Music was great and the art had a cool vibe. I had a tough time with the game, but it was a great experience!

Nice! This was a LOT of fun, and I really enjoyed playing another AI-themed game. The battling-with-art idea was really inspiring. I was not expecting a TD game after that intro, but then I was like "Awesome!" and felt so powerful whipping up paintings from that single canvas to take the fight to the AIs. Well done!

I just played your game! I do love how we both used AI-generated art in somewhat AI doomsday games, lol!

(1 edit)

Cool! I'll check your game out. I've seen a couple food stand themes, so that is fun. ;-)

Yeah, I realized halfway through building the game that I didn't build it to scale with screen resolution and ran out of time. If you were to resize it, it would look really funky. I'll have to remember that for the next game though... (slaps forehead)

Thanks for the feedback!

Very strong story. Thought provoking and interesting.

Oh my gosh! I love it! This made me very happy. Not only does it fit the theme in a fun way, but it is a great simulator game with a lot of depth, conflict. Plus the story scenes at the beginning really brought me into the story and sold the narrative. Great job!!

A hot dog stand simulator! Cool! I did a burger stand, but it's a cyberpunk platformer where you deliver a burger to a customer.

Thanks! It took me awhile to beat it myself. Fine tuning that difficulty for platformers was tough for me. I'm not sure if I got it dialed in or not, but it was fun to tinker with, and I learned a lot.

Thanks for your feedback!

lol! Glad to hear it. 


Good point about the drawing styles and pixel sizes. I will keep that in mind for next time. Thanks for the feedback.

And glad to hear the difficulty was correct for you. I wasn't sure about that, so it is nice to hear.

That is such an awesome idea! Thanks!

Definitely addicting! Very fun to play. Really cool leaderboard!