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A member registered Jul 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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I really liked the concept and the art direction, the music was also very nice! I did find it quite frustrating being bounced all the way back to the beginning after dying and must admit I haven't gotten past the point where the spikes start to show up. All in all I really appreciate the gameplay concept with the characters properties changing as they age or deage. All in all fantastic effort

A really innovative take on the theme, the control scheme was a bit confusing but once you got the hang of it it was mostly fine. Extremely pleasant, especially the soundtrack.

Nice twist on an old concept!

A puzzle top down shooter? I mean it works, though I will say that the bullet curving seemed a little too loose and the bullet catching felt a little too lenient, however the game itself is pretty polished mechanically. Well done!

Short, sweet and very snappy. A very interesting concept of going through a dungeon crawl backwards and tight timer forcing you to adopt 'speedrun' strats. A very nice face paced take on a puzzle platformer, well done!

The tightest platformer that I've had the pleasure of playing yet! It is an absolute joy to play from the aesthetic to the controls. I really enjoyed the concept of the recurring level and the game was genuinely challenging while being fair at the same time! Fantastic entry and I hope you win one of the categories!

A very interesting concept although it felt very difficult to control the kite in order to fight other kites. A rethink of that may be in order but otherwise a very nice concept. The platforming felt a little rough in areas but overall very well done.

I appreciated the artstyle, the music could've used some work and the collisions felt disatisfying in that it felt somewhat unfair that you would die as soon as one pixel of the spikes showed. Otherwise good effort for 48 hours!

The bug is unfortunate but for a platformer project it's decent albeit rather bare. Some enemies or other abilities would've been nice to see. The controls weren't particularly tight or responsive either, and it seemed to have trouble dealing with slopes.

Your collisions are odd such that the character would repeatedly get stuck on walls and the such and the timings were way too tight on some of the levels, which can become frustrating especially if the player already knows where they're supposed to go.

Excellent game with a fantastically atmospheric take on the theme with interesting mechanics that give you a degree of safety yet the difficulty is balanced towards that. An overall well polished and executed entry!

A solid platformer. It's a shame that the art assets weren't better, and the fact that the rewind mechanic was more like a checkpoint system than anything else was a bit disappointing. However as a platformer, it was pretty good!

I'll be fair, it's a very interesting concept but I couldn't much work out what to do. It's a very interesting presentation however and I thought using the Thread of Life was very interesting. Also Clair de Lune is just perfect. Wish I could've played more but otherwise well done!

Interesting concept of a turn based dungeon crawling experience but in a modern day setting. Well done!

TBH I would say don't listen to the people asking for gameplay. You said it was an interactive story and boy did you deliver. That hit me a little harder than I was expecting it to, and your comedic timing is actually pretty good. Keep making more like this, it's really good!

Having the intro be text to speech was interesting but it could have also helped to have that displayed as text also. controls felt a bit weird as A and D were supported as movement but not W. A good first effort but the character control leave a lot to be desired. Keep going though, this is great for a beginner! 

Probably the closest I've seen to a flawless entry. Your main method of attack also being your doom is a very interesting concept and I could very easily see this being fleshed out into a full game. Top marks!

Simple but extremely well polished. Something you should've made clear is the ability to wall jump but otherwise this is an excellent entry!

For a game made mostly by children this is honestly excellent and way more than I could manage. The art and sfx are uniquely charming in a way that asset packs and royalty free sounds could never match. Well done and I hope these kids go on to participate in many a jam to come!

Fantastic audio with a tried and true concept that works. Slightly finicky in areas when it comes to boxes moving through portals but otherwise a good effort!

An interesting take on the theme leading to interesting and engaging puzzles. The isometric view sometimes made it hard to visualise some of the puzzles though so a feature to switch to a top down view would've been nice, but overall well done!

Real cozy vibe that made the game feel nice and casual. Robust and overall well done.

Easily the most well polished game I have seen on the jam thus far, with a unique and excellent tak on the theme and amazing art to go with it. Easily deserves to win.

While I adore the general aesthetic and the nature of the story, and the gameplay, while simple, fits the theme, I don't feel that the two gel in any meaningful way. You have a great writing style but unfortunately I feel like the game design itself doesn't do it justice. A great effort anyway and I'm glad that you've made this!

Legitimately one of the best and most unique entries I've played so far. I adore the hand drawn graphics and the vibe of running a Blockbuster style rental place is a pretty unique take on the theme. At first the gameplay seemed simple but I soon found out that juggling VHS tapes and the demands of the customers was really challenging and I was barely able to keep up. I wasn't able to make it to the end of the game but it's still really fun and deserves far more ratings than it currently has.

So visually stunning, love what you've done with the post processing and effects. The music in particular was excellent. I wasn't able to get far in the game but I enjoyed the fact that the game was played on a literal cassette that you rewind. Fantastic UI too. Altogether an extremely well polished experience.

Simple yet delightful graphics with simple but delightful gameplay. I would have loved to play more but I managed to softlock myself in the room with 3 buttons because I'm a bit small brain. Loved it anyway! Good luck for the jam.

Rewinding both the level and the character was a stroke of genius! I really appreciated the gameplay. The art is a bit odd given the gameplay but I can forgive that when the gameplay is so good! Well done and good luck!

This was delightful on another level. I recognise the music but it doesn't really matter to me because the music and art came together to make a really delightful romp. I also thought invincibility during the ability was really interesting and the rewinding allowing you to go to areas otherwise off limits would've made for some really interesting gameplay were there more levels. Overall really well done and I hope the jam goes well for you!

Unfortunately I was unable to run the game in the browser since it hung on the load screen. This is a reminder to myself to download and try it later

Hi, I tried to play your game but the enter button doesn't seem to work after you rewind the camera. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I'd like to play your game since I think it's interesting but I can't move past this point.

Fantastic, I love a good bullet hell and definitely felt like I was in danger throughout. Some audio feedback when you were hit by a bullet would've been nice though and I'm not sure that it fit the theme. Excellent music and SFX too. Overall a blast and would definitely play again.

Unfortunately like these guys it stalls at the load screen