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and to think, SAD-E only exists as a carry over from one of our other ideas after we got too attached to how cute they looked in our heads 馃ズ

Wow, thank you!  How do I pin a comment? :P Thank you so much for the glowing review!

Thanks!  We were worried about certain things not being communicated clearly but due to time constraints couldn't do much about it, so it's good to hear you found it intuitive :D

Took me forever to even be able to make the first jump, but then I started to get tha hang of things!  The sound effects were very enjoyable too :)

Finally, all my years of playing Thin Ice in Club Penguin pay off!  I enjoyed this game, wish there was a leaderboard or something as I've no idea if my score of 58 is particularly impressive or not :o

The pixel art style is cute and consistent throughout, though the gameplay was pretty simple it was still a fun experience :)

An enjoyable experience and it left me wanting more!  I found out you could pick up cubes as you jumped off them and was hoping to find a way to exploit that in later levels :P

10/10 would softlock you again >:D

Some levels in there definitely tricked me the first time!  Nice use of scale :)

Wow, that was different!  Definitely not what I expected but it was definitely a nice experience and a very unique take on the theme :)

I enjoyed the strategy of working out where to place them, but I had a lot more time to play with and work out the game - I imagine that felt pretty punishing at times for new players 馃う馃徎  I do think some of the other devs suggested moving some of the turret spots that looked like they should work for acid but didn't quite, sounds like I should've listened to them - sorry team! Thank you so much for the kind words and useful feedback :D

Do you mean the Sventy Twhu guy? 馃え

Thank you!  It wasn't our first idea, but I am so glad this is the one we took forward - I'm so proud of how it came together thanks to the team, they're all very talented!

Thank you!  Max's art always blows me away - I felt blessed being able to use it to decorate our levels.  Hopefully discovering the synergies felt rewarding, my thoughts were that we should let people discover their own synergies rather than show you the few synergies we already found 馃槉

Thank you!  I know in the later waves I found myself switching out certain weapons to save our poor lil robot - to me it felt like a nice balance where a little bit of micromanagement of the turrets helps out sometimes without it being forced on you all the time 馃槉

More reasons to scroll back down would be a great way to let you admire how big your tower is too, I know I was hesitant to suggest any ideas that encourage players to scroll away from the top of the tower as it can be a little punishing in later waves when the pressure is on - but some sort of drop from enemies for a risk/reward thing would be a great addition!

The acid tower did get a buff not long before launch - we thought it was one of the most fun towers to use so wanted it to feel good!  Guess we missed the mark a little and needed to make it a touch more powerful 馃槄

I definitely will - going to play a lot more jam games this evening after work! (which is unfortunately about 8 hours away right now, but it's something to look forward too!)

Really happy you've enjoyed it enough to come back for seconds!  Luna is scaring me - she's almost beaten the current dev high score so I might have to jump in and set the top score if she gets any better :P

I told myself and the team I had to play it a lot to "sort out the balancing", but I think secretly I was just addicted too 馃槀  Thanks for playing and for the positive feedback 馃槉

There are definitely a few ideas we still wanted in there to improve the level of polish and the player experience, but I'm glad you had fun with it 馃槉

We definitely had ideas for more, but unfortunately didn't have the time to implement and balance them.  Thank you for the kind words 馃槉

Thanks!  MaxusCorkus is responsible for most of the art, he's very talented (even if he'd never admit it) - super glad you had fun with it :D

Very enjoyable and I love the pixel style, fits the atmosphere really well! :)

I really like the concept, and I LOVE how the first few levels serve as a tutorial - the mark of a very good puzzle game :)

Wow!  Not seen anything like this before, super cool and very impressive :D

or perhaps a lot of height?... 馃え  Thank you so much though! :D

Super fun, such a unique, smart concept and really well implemented!  Absolutely loved it, will definitely come back and play more when I'm feeling less braindead :)

Thank you so much!  I spent a lot of time tinkering with the balancing and despite that would still play more of it!  I'm so glad this is the idea we took forward because seeing it come to life was such a joy :)

Such an interesting mechanic, I had so much fun playing it!  Got stuck on a few levels (didn't get to finish it) but that's just the sign of a good puzzle game, if I wasn't so sleep deprived from the jam I'd definitely put in the time to finish it today :D

Thank you!  I was so impressed by every little detail the rest of the team put in :)

Such a great concept and a few good puzzles in there!

Labels (or even icons!) on the sliders would've saved me some frustration when I accidentally resized something I'd just got right :P

Such a charming art style, a unique concept, and fun gameplay!?  And on top of that you've got a full fledged tutorial!  Absolutely amazing - glad I found this gem :)

Really enjoyable game!  I like the having to balance resource management with the need to move forwards :)

An amazing aesthetic, and I really enjoyed the gameplay!  Adding the sandbox at the end is a really nice reward to play with the mechanics :)

Such an interesting concept!  I couldn't quite get to grips with the movement unfortunately :(

Trying to get the balance to feel good early game without hurting the late game was such a hard balance to strike!  Thank you so much for the kind comments though :)

Of course, that's unfortunately the case with game jams - definitely still a super fun game to play! :D

Starting the game it seemed very simple and I wasn't sure how the difficulty was going to come in, but when it did it came in at the perfect pace and was a very pleasant surprise.  A really nice take on the theme and a very enjoyable experience :)

I was a little confused to begin with - but something about the game made me really want to play it (I think I've just always wanted to be a murderous rat?).  I did fall through the floor ending my run and was crushed - but I think that's just a testament to how much fun I was having with it!