It’s very promising! The game is beautiful, and the story gives a nice motivation for getting to the top.
I really liked the monologue at the start :)
Yes, that’s exactly it. The cards also get used when scoring, but I don’t think I communicated it very well xD
During scoring, cards are drawn from the deck, then put at the bottom afterwards.
Mines destroy 2 cards each.
When you click the deck you shuffle it, which was just a little extra thing I added.
I really appreciate the feedback :)
This was nice, I appreciated interacting with the dog and the goose. The knight never got me, because I always had the trusty dog by my side.
One tip: adjust the pitch ever so slightly by a random margin of sound effects that repeat often:
In GDScript, you can do this:
audio.pitch_scale = 1 + randf_range(-0.1, 0.1)
I didn’t really understand this before I read the instructions, but I got pretty hooked once I got the hang of it :D
I’m curious, why would you ever choose to skip taking points? And is there a good reason to not just pick the most numerous color?
I really liked the game :) awesome sounds and visuals, and an interesting design to boot!
Yeah, I think it was on the 3rd or 4th “wave”, because I’d thrown a few goblins and ogres(?) into the abyss.
The scales were completely clear when the next wave arrived, which was ~two skeletons. Both crumbled on one of the scales and then it froze.
I’d think it was related to the skeletons being in that state, but maybe you are getting hunches?
The writing was great, and the dialogue sequences were really the high point for me :D
In order to balance the scales I just threw all the monsters in the pit, so I think the adventurers would have an easy time in my dungeons ;) It felt a little bit too easy, like I should have been rewarded for keeping monsters alive somehow
The game froze on the 3rd dungeon, so I could not get past that
All that said, I really liked the setting and the characters. I think the setup for each level was really well done (the fact that you get to Mage Hand the new monster) before the level begins.
This was really nice :) The screenshots really drew me in, and I was not disappointed :D (However, there were no smily faces on the bubbles when I played, maybe you removed them after taking the screenshots?)
This was such an easy to grasp concept, and it just tickled my brain! The color palette switches were fantastic :D
The music, colors and effects were really pleasing, and I think going for a sphere “tank” was a great decision.
Also I didn’t realize you could tilt the tank, but I had fun nontheless :D
This was really intriguing, but I didn’t really know how to get past the match-numbers game. I think I figured out how to work it, but I also expected something to advance the story.
The numbers-matching game seemed a bit buggy, but I assumed that was part of a mystery to be solved.
Like why was there no 0 on the calculator!?!? D8
Oh man this is amazing!
I really sucked at the game, but this was really inspiring. I wish I could use the keyboard too - maybe click+drag, then delete multiple viruses at the same time (maybe being careful not to select my folder in the process?)
I wanna make a game like this now x)
Awesome work! Presentation, gameplay, everything was spot on! Though I didn’t really get to see how it connected with the theme.
My favorite game so far!
Really nice, though I could not get through level 6 :)
Maybe it required too much timing and precision.. actually, looking at the screenshots, I think I didn’t realize I could stand on this:
I’ll go back and try again!
Edit: Alright, completed it :) (thanks to the level picker!)
Really nice game, I enjoyed it :)
and you could definetly flesh this out to a bigger game if you wanted to!
Very nice!
Excellent UI and visual presentation! I really liked that there was a time to beat for the levels (dev time).
And I really, really appreciate controller support, that was such a huge plus for me!
A few nitpicks
I wish I could play the rest of the game, because it was really promising! Well done :)
I really liked this concept!
With more time, I think you could develop a really unique game experience here.
I especially liked that the game reacted to the environment - the speech bubble and the camera zoom in tight spaces were very effective.
The controls of moving through the dungeon, and the transition to combat was very satisfying as well.
Really inspiring stuff! Keep it up!
See if you can figure out the weights of all the element cubes :)
This was made with 4.1.2:
I’ll go through and try the browser-playable games here at least :D